dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. -*-m4-*- AC_INIT(libspeex/speex.c) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) SPEEX_MAJOR_VERSION=1 SPEEX_MINOR_VERSION=1 SPEEX_MICRO_VERSION=16 SPEEX_EXTRA_VERSION= #SPEEX_VERSION= #SPEEX_VERSION=$SPEEX_MAJOR_VERSION.$SPEEX_MINOR_VERSION.$SPEEX_MICRO_VERSION$SPEEX_EXTRA_VERSION SPEEX_VERSION="1.2rc1" SPEEX_LT_CURRENT=6 SPEEX_LT_REVISION=0 SPEEX_LT_AGE=5 AC_SUBST(SPEEX_LT_CURRENT) AC_SUBST(SPEEX_LT_REVISION) AC_SUBST(SPEEX_LT_AGE) # For automake. VERSION=$SPEEX_VERSION PACKAGE=speex AC_SUBST(SPEEX_VERSION) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE($PACKAGE, $VERSION, no-define) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL AM_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_C_BIGENDIAN AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_C_RESTRICT AX_COMPILER_VENDOR AC_MSG_CHECKING(for C99 variable-size arrays) AC_TRY_COMPILE( , [ int foo; foo = 10; int array[foo]; ], [has_var_arrays=yes;AC_DEFINE([VAR_ARRAYS], [], [Use C99 variable-size arrays]) ], has_var_arrays=no ) AC_MSG_RESULT($has_var_arrays) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([alloca.h getopt.h]) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for alloca) AC_TRY_COMPILE( [ #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include <alloca.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> ], [ int foo=10; int *array = alloca(foo); ], [ has_alloca=yes; if test x$has_var_arrays = "xno" ; then AC_DEFINE([USE_ALLOCA], [], [Make use of alloca]) fi ], has_alloca=no ) AC_MSG_RESULT($has_alloca) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for SSE in current arch/CFLAGS) AC_LINK_IFELSE([ AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #include <xmmintrin.h> __m128 testfunc(float *a, float *b) { return _mm_add_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(a), _mm_loadu_ps(b)); } ]])], [ has_sse=yes ], [ has_sse=no ] ) AC_MSG_RESULT($has_sse) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ELF visibility) case "$ax_cv_c_compiler_vendor" in gnu) SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fvisibility=hidden" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([ AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden) __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int var=10; ]])], [ has_visibility=yes AC_DEFINE([EXPORT], [__attribute__((visibility("default")))], [Symbol visibility prefix]) ], [ has_visibility=no AC_DEFINE([EXPORT], [], [Symbol visibility prefix]) CFLAGS="$SAVE_CFLAGS" ] ) ;; #sun) # SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" # CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -xldscope=hidden" # AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([ # AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ # __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # int var=10; # ]])], # [ # has_visibility=yes # AC_DEFINE([EXPORT], [__attribute__((visibility("default")))], [Symbol visibility prefix]) # ], # [ # has_visibility=no # AC_DEFINE([EXPORT], [], [Symbol visibility prefix]) # CFLAGS="$SAVE_CFLAGS" # ] # ) # ;; *) has_visibility=no AC_DEFINE([EXPORT], [], [Symbol visibility prefix]) ;; esac AC_MSG_RESULT($has_visibility) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/soundcard.h sys/audioio.h) XIPH_PATH_OGG([src="src"], [src=""]) AC_SUBST(src) AC_CHECK_LIB(m, sin) # Check for getopt_long; if not found, use included source. AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getopt_long],, [# FreeBSD has a gnugetopt library. AC_CHECK_LIB([gnugetopt],[getopt_long], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GETOPT_LONG])], [# Use the GNU replacement. AC_LIBOBJ(getopt) AC_LIBOBJ(getopt1)])]) AC_CHECK_LIB(winmm, main) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SPEEX_VERSION, "${SPEEX_VERSION}", [Complete version string]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SPEEX_MAJOR_VERSION, ${SPEEX_MAJOR_VERSION}, [Version major]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SPEEX_MINOR_VERSION, ${SPEEX_MINOR_VERSION}, [Version minor]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SPEEX_MICRO_VERSION, ${SPEEX_MICRO_VERSION}, [Version micro]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SPEEX_EXTRA_VERSION, "${SPEEX_EXTRA_VERSION}", [Version extra]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(valgrind, [ --enable-valgrind Enable valgrind extra checks], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_VALGRIND], , [Enable valgrind extra checks]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sse, [ --enable-sse Enable SSE support], [ if test "x$enableval" != xno; then has_sse=yes CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 -msse" else has_sse=no fi ]) FFT=smallft AC_ARG_ENABLE(fixed-point, [ --enable-fixed-point Compile as fixed-point], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then FFT=kiss has_sse=no AC_DEFINE([FIXED_POINT], , [Compile as fixed-point]) else AC_DEFINE([FLOATING_POINT], , [Compile as floating-point]) fi], AC_DEFINE([FLOATING_POINT], , [Compile as floating-point])) if test "$has_sse" = yes; then AC_DEFINE([_USE_SSE], , [Enable SSE support]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(float-api, [ --disable-float-api Disable the floating-point API], [if test "$enableval" = no; then AC_DEFINE([DISABLE_FLOAT_API], , [Disable all parts of the API that are using floats]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(vbr, [ --disable-vbr Disable VBR and VAD from the codec], [if test "$enableval" = no; then AC_DEFINE([DISABLE_VBR], , [Disable VBR and VAD from the codec]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(arm4-asm, [ --enable-arm4-asm Make use of ARM4 assembly optimizations], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then AC_DEFINE([ARM4_ASM], , [Make use of ARM4 assembly optimizations]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(arm5e-asm, [ --enable-arm5e-asm Make use of ARM5E assembly optimizations], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then AC_DEFINE([ARM5E_ASM], , [Make use of ARM5E assembly optimizations]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(blackfin-asm, [ --enable-blackfin-asm Make use of Blackfin assembly optimizations], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then AC_DEFINE([BFIN_ASM], , [Make use of Blackfin assembly optimizations]) LDFLAGS="-Wl,-elf2flt=-s100000" fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fixed-point-debug, [ --enable-fixed-point-debug Debug fixed-point implementation], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then AC_DEFINE([FIXED_DEBUG], , [Debug fixed-point implementation]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ti-c55x, [ --enable-ti-c55x Enable support for TI C55X DSP], [if test "$enableval" = yes; then has_char16=yes; AC_DEFINE([TI_C55X], , [Enable support for TI C55X DSP]) fi]) AC_ARG_WITH([fft], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-fft=choice],[use an alternate FFT implementation. The available choices are kiss (default fixed point), smallft (default floating point), gpl-fftw3 and proprietary-intel-mkl])], [FFT=$withval] ) FFT_PKGCONFIG= case $FFT in kiss) AC_DEFINE([USE_KISS_FFT], [], [Use KISS Fast Fourier Transform]) ;; smallft) AC_DEFINE([USE_SMALLFT], [], [Use FFT from OggVorbis]) ;; *) AC_MSG_FAILURE([Unknown FFT $FFT specified for --with-fft]) ;; esac AC_SUBST(FFT_LIBS) AC_SUBST(FFT_CFLAGS) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_KISS_FFT, [test "$FFT" = "kiss"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SMALLFT, [test "$FFT" = "smallft"]) AC_SUBST(FFT_PKGCONFIG) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(short) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long) if test x$has_char16 = "xyes" ; then case 1 in $ac_cv_sizeof_short) SIZE16="short";; $ac_cv_sizeof_int) SIZE16="int";; esac else case 2 in $ac_cv_sizeof_short) SIZE16="short";; $ac_cv_sizeof_int) SIZE16="int";; esac fi if test x$has_char16 = "xyes" ; then case 2 in $ac_cv_sizeof_int) SIZE32="int";; $ac_cv_sizeof_long) SIZE32="long";; $ac_cv_sizeof_short) SIZE32="short";; esac else case 4 in $ac_cv_sizeof_int) SIZE32="int";; $ac_cv_sizeof_long) SIZE32="long";; $ac_cv_sizeof_short) SIZE32="short";; esac fi AC_SUBST(SIZE16) AC_SUBST(SIZE32) AC_OUTPUT([Makefile libspeex/Makefile src/Makefile Speex.spec include/Makefile include/speex/Makefile speex.pc speexdsp.pc win32/Makefile win32/libspeex/Makefile win32/speexenc/Makefile win32/speexdec/Makefile symbian/Makefile win32/VS2003/Makefile win32/VS2003/tests/Makefile win32/VS2003/libspeex/Makefile win32/VS2003/libspeexdsp/Makefile win32/VS2003/speexdec/Makefile win32/VS2003/speexenc/Makefile win32/VS2005/Makefile win32/VS2005/libspeex/Makefile win32/VS2005/speexdec/Makefile win32/VS2005/speexenc/Makefile win32/VS2005/libspeexdsp/Makefile win32/VS2005/tests/Makefile win32/VS2008/libspeexdsp/Makefile win32/VS2008/Makefile win32/VS2008/speexdec/Makefile win32/VS2008/tests/Makefile win32/VS2008/libspeex/Makefile win32/VS2008/speexenc/Makefile include/speex/speex_config_types.h ti/Makefile ti/speex_C54_test/Makefile ti/speex_C55_test/Makefile ti/speex_C64_test/Makefile ]) echo "Type \"make; make install\" to compile and install Speex";