/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2011, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> * Fanzhou Zhao <fanzhou@gmail.com> 2006-08-22 (Bugfix 2357-2358) * * * switch_stun.c STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP over NAT) * */ #include <switch.h> #include <switch_stun.h> struct value_mapping { const uint32_t value; const char *name; }; static const struct value_mapping PACKET_TYPES[] = { {SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_REQUEST, "BINDING_REQUEST"}, {SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE, "BINDING_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE, "BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST, "SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST"}, {SWITCH_STUN_SHARED_SECRET_RESPONSE, "SHARED_SECRET_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_SHARED_SECRET_ERROR_RESPONSE, "SHARED_SECRET_ERROR_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST, "ALLOCATE_REQUEST"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ALLOCATE_RESPONSE, "ALLOCATE_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ALLOCATE_ERROR_RESPONSE, "ALLOCATE_ERROR_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_SEND_REQUEST, "SEND_REQUEST"}, {SWITCH_STUN_SEND_RESPONSE, "SEND_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE, "SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_DATA_INDICATION, "DATA_INDICATION"}, {0, 0} }; static const struct value_mapping ATTR_TYPES[] = { {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, "MAPPED_ADDRESS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_RESPONSE_ADDRESS, "RESPONSE_ADDRESS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_CHANGE_REQUEST, "CHANGE_REQUEST"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS, "SOURCE_ADDRESS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_CHANGED_ADDRESS, "CHANGED_ADDRESS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, "USERNAME"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_PASSWORD, "PASSWORD"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY, "MESSAGE_INTEGRITY"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE, "ERROR_CODE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES, "UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_REFLECTED_FROM, "REFLECTED_FROM"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCES, "TRANSPORT_PREFERENCES"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME, "LIFETIME"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER, "ALTERNATE_SERVER"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE, "MAGIC_COOKIE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_BANDWIDTH, "BANDWIDTH"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_DESTINATION_ADDRESS, "DESTINATION_ADDRESS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS2, "SOURCE_ADDRESS2"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_DATA, "DATA"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS, "OPTIONS"}, {0, 0} }; static const struct value_mapping ERROR_TYPES[] = { {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "BAD_REQUEST"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED, "UNAUTHORIZED"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, "UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_STALE_CREDENTIALS, "STALE_CREDENTIALS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILURE, "INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILURE"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_MISSING_USERNAME, "MISSING_USERNAME"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_USE_TLS, "USE_TLS"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR, "SERVER_ERROR"}, {SWITCH_STUN_ERROR_GLOBAL_FAILURE, "GLOBAL_FAILURE"}, {0, 0} }; SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_stun_random_string(char *buf, uint16_t len, char *set) { char chars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; int max; uint16_t x; if (!set) { set = chars; } max = (int) strlen(set); srand((unsigned int) switch_micro_time_now()); for (x = 0; x < len; x++) { int j = (int) (max * 1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); buf[x] = set[j]; } } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_stun_packet_t *) switch_stun_packet_parse(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { switch_stun_packet_t *packet; switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *attr; uint32_t bytes_left = len; void *end_buf = buf + len; if (len < SWITCH_STUN_PACKET_MIN_LEN) { return NULL; } packet = (switch_stun_packet_t *) buf; packet->header.type = ntohs(packet->header.type); packet->header.length = ntohs(packet->header.length); bytes_left -= packet->header.length + 20; /* * Check packet type (RFC3489(bis?) values) */ switch (packet->header.type) { case SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_REQUEST: case SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST: case SWITCH_STUN_SHARED_SECRET_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_SHARED_SECRET_ERROR_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_ALLOCATE_REQUEST: case SWITCH_STUN_ALLOCATE_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_ALLOCATE_ERROR_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_SEND_REQUEST: case SWITCH_STUN_SEND_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_SEND_ERROR_RESPONSE: case SWITCH_STUN_DATA_INDICATION: /* Valid */ break; default: /* Invalid value */ return NULL; } /* * Check for length overflow */ if (bytes_left <= 0) { /* Invalid */ return NULL; } /* * No payload? */ if (packet->header.length == 0) { /* Invalid?! */ return NULL; } /* check if we have enough bytes left for an attribute */ if (bytes_left < SWITCH_STUN_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_LEN) { return NULL; } switch_stun_packet_first_attribute(packet, attr); do { attr->length = ntohs(attr->length); attr->type = ntohs(attr->type); bytes_left -= 4; /* attribute header consumed */ if (!attr->length || switch_stun_attribute_padded_length(attr) > bytes_left) { /* * Note we simply don't "break" here out of the loop anymore because * we don't want the upper layers to have to deal with attributes without a value * (or worse: invalid length) */ return NULL; } /* * Handle STUN attributes */ switch (attr->type) { case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS: /* Address, we only care about this one, but parse the others too */ case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_RESPONSE_ADDRESS: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_CHANGED_ADDRESS: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_REFLECTED_FROM: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_DESTINATION_ADDRESS: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_SOURCE_ADDRESS2: { switch_stun_ip_t *ip; uint32_t addr_length = 0; ip = (switch_stun_ip_t *) attr->value; switch (ip->family) { case 0x01: /* IPv4 */ addr_length = 4; break; case 0x02: /* IPv6 */ addr_length = 16; break; default: /* Invalid */ return NULL; } /* attribute payload length must be == address length + size of other payload fields (family...) */ if (attr->length != addr_length + 4) { /* Invalid */ return NULL; } ip->port = ntohs(ip->port); } break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_CHANGE_REQUEST: /* UInt32 */ case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_LIFETIME: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_BANDWIDTH: case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_OPTIONS: { uint32_t *val = (uint32_t *) attr->value; if (attr->length != sizeof(uint32_t)) { /* Invalid */ return NULL; } *val = ntohl(*val); /* should we do this here? */ } break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_USERNAME: /* ByteString, multiple of 4 bytes */ case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_PASSWORD: /* ByteString, multiple of 4 bytes */ if (attr->length % 4 != 0) { /* Invalid */ return NULL; } break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_DATA: /* ByteString */ case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE: /* ErrorCode */ case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCES: /* TransportPrefs */ /* * No length checking here, since we already checked against the padded length * before */ break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY: /* ByteString, 20 bytes */ if (attr->length != 20) { /* Invalid */ return NULL; } break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MAGIC_COOKIE: /* ByteString, 4 bytes */ if (attr->length != 4) { /* Invalid */ return NULL; } break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES: /* UInt16List (= multiple of 2 bytes) */ if (attr->length % 2 != 0) { return NULL; } break; default: /* Mandatory attribute range? => invalid */ if (attr->type <= 0x7FFF) { return NULL; } break; } bytes_left -= switch_stun_attribute_padded_length(attr); /* attribute value consumed, substract padded length */ } while (bytes_left >= SWITCH_STUN_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_LEN && switch_stun_packet_next_attribute(attr, end_buf)); if ((uint32_t) (packet->header.length + 20) > (uint32_t) (len - bytes_left)) { /* * the packet length is longer than the length of all attributes? * for now simply decrease the packet size */ packet->header.length = (uint16_t) ((len - bytes_left) - 20); } return packet; } SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_stun_value_to_name(int32_t type, uint32_t value) { uint32_t x = 0; const struct value_mapping *map = NULL; switch (type) { case SWITCH_STUN_TYPE_PACKET_TYPE: map = PACKET_TYPES; break; case SWITCH_STUN_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: map = ATTR_TYPES; break; case SWITCH_STUN_TYPE_ERROR: map = ERROR_TYPES; break; default: map = NULL; break; } if (map) { for (x = 0; map[x].value; x++) { if (map[x].value == value) { return map[x].name; } } } return "INVALID"; } SWITCH_DECLARE(uint8_t) switch_stun_packet_attribute_get_mapped_address(switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *attribute, char *ipstr, uint16_t *port) { switch_stun_ip_t *ip; uint8_t x, *i; char *p = ipstr; ip = (switch_stun_ip_t *) attribute->value; i = (uint8_t *) & ip->address; *ipstr = 0; for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { sprintf(p, "%u%s", i[x], x == 3 ? "" : "."); p = ipstr + strlen(ipstr); } *port = ip->port; return 1; } SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_stun_packet_attribute_get_username(switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *attribute, char *username, uint16_t len) { uint16_t cpylen; cpylen = attribute->length < len ? attribute->length : len; return memcpy(username, attribute->value, cpylen); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_stun_packet_t *) switch_stun_packet_build_header(switch_stun_message_t type, char *id, uint8_t *buf) { switch_stun_packet_header_t *header; header = (switch_stun_packet_header_t *) buf; header->type = htons(type); header->length = 0; if (id) { memcpy(header->id, id, 16); } else { switch_stun_random_string(header->id, 16, NULL); } return (switch_stun_packet_t *) buf; } SWITCH_DECLARE(uint8_t) switch_stun_packet_attribute_add_binded_address(switch_stun_packet_t *packet, char *ipstr, uint16_t port) { switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *attribute; switch_stun_ip_t *ip; uint8_t *i, x; char *p = ipstr; attribute = (switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *) ((uint8_t *) & packet->first_attribute + ntohs(packet->header.length)); attribute->type = htons(SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS); attribute->length = htons(8); ip = (switch_stun_ip_t *) attribute->value; ip->port = htons(port); ip->family = 1; i = (uint8_t *) & ip->address; for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { i[x] = (uint8_t) atoi(p); if ((p = strchr(p, '.'))) { p++; } else { break; } } packet->header.length += htons(sizeof(switch_stun_packet_attribute_t)) + attribute->length; return 1; } SWITCH_DECLARE(uint8_t) switch_stun_packet_attribute_add_username(switch_stun_packet_t *packet, char *username, uint16_t ulen) { switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *attribute; if (ulen % 4 != 0) { return 0; } attribute = (switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *) ((uint8_t *) & packet->first_attribute + ntohs(packet->header.length)); attribute->type = htons(SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); attribute->length = htons(ulen); if (username) { memcpy(attribute->value, username, ulen); } else { switch_stun_random_string(attribute->value, ulen, NULL); } packet->header.length += htons(sizeof(switch_stun_packet_attribute_t)) + attribute->length; return 1; } SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_stun_host_lookup(const char *host, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { switch_sockaddr_t *addr = NULL; char buf[30]; switch_sockaddr_info_get(&addr, host, SWITCH_UNSPEC, 0, 0, pool); return switch_core_strdup(pool, switch_str_nil(switch_get_addr(buf, sizeof(buf), addr))); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_stun_lookup(char **ip, switch_port_t *port, char *stunip, switch_port_t stunport, char **err, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { switch_sockaddr_t *local_addr = NULL, *remote_addr = NULL, *from_addr = NULL; switch_socket_t *sock = NULL; uint8_t buf[260] = { 0 }; uint8_t *start = buf; void *end_buf; switch_stun_packet_t *packet; switch_stun_packet_attribute_t *attr; switch_size_t bytes = 0; char username[33] = { 0 }; char rip[16] = { 0 }; uint16_t rport = 0; switch_time_t started = 0; unsigned int elapsed = 0; int funny = 0; int size = sizeof(buf); switch_assert(err); if (*err && !strcmp(*err, "funny")) { funny = 1; } *err = "Success"; switch_sockaddr_info_get(&from_addr, NULL, SWITCH_UNSPEC, 0, 0, pool); if (switch_sockaddr_info_get(&local_addr, *ip, SWITCH_UNSPEC, *port, 0, pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *err = "Local Address Error!"; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (switch_sockaddr_info_get(&remote_addr, stunip, SWITCH_UNSPEC, stunport, 0, pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *err = "Remote Address Error!"; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (switch_socket_create(&sock, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *err = "Socket Error!"; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (switch_socket_bind(sock, local_addr) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *err = "Bind Error!"; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (funny) { *start++ = 0; *start++ = 0; *start++ = 0x22; *start++ = 0x22; } switch_socket_opt_set(sock, SWITCH_SO_NONBLOCK, TRUE); packet = switch_stun_packet_build_header(SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_REQUEST, NULL, start); switch_stun_random_string(username, 32, NULL); switch_stun_packet_attribute_add_username(packet, username, 32); bytes = switch_stun_packet_length(packet); if (funny) { packet = (switch_stun_packet_t *) buf; bytes += 4; buf[bytes++] = 0; buf[bytes++] = 0; buf[bytes++] = 0; buf[bytes++] = 0; } switch_socket_sendto(sock, remote_addr, 0, (void *) packet, &bytes); started = switch_micro_time_now(); *ip = NULL; *port = 0; for (;;) { bytes = sizeof(buf); if (switch_socket_recvfrom(from_addr, sock, 0, (char *) &buf, &bytes) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && bytes > 0) { break; } if ((elapsed = (unsigned int) ((switch_micro_time_now() - started) / 1000)) > 5000) { *err = "Timeout"; switch_socket_shutdown(sock, SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_READWRITE); switch_socket_close(sock); return SWITCH_STATUS_TIMEOUT; } switch_cond_next(); } switch_socket_close(sock); if (funny) { size -= 4; } packet = switch_stun_packet_parse(start, size); if (!packet) { *err = "Invalid STUN/ICE packet"; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } end_buf = buf + ((sizeof(buf) > packet->header.length) ? packet->header.length : sizeof(buf)); switch_stun_packet_first_attribute(packet, attr); do { switch (attr->type) { case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS: if (attr->type) { if (funny) { switch_stun_ip_t *tmp = (switch_stun_ip_t *) attr->value; tmp->address ^= ntohl(0xabcdabcd); } switch_stun_packet_attribute_get_mapped_address(attr, rip, &rport); } break; case SWITCH_STUN_ATTR_USERNAME: if (attr->type) { switch_stun_packet_attribute_get_username(attr, username, 32); } break; } } while (switch_stun_packet_next_attribute(attr, end_buf)); if (packet->header.type == SWITCH_STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE) { *ip = switch_core_strdup(pool, rip); *port = rport; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { *err = "Invalid Reply"; } return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: */