BUILD REQUIREMENTS ================== UniMRCP depends on a number of third party tools and libraries, which must be installed prior to UniMRCP build. 1. Apache Portable Runtime [>=1.2.x] ( Whenever you want to build any part of UniMRCP, you need the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and the APR Utility (APR-util) libraries. 2. Sofia-SIP [>=1.12.6] ( Sofia-SIP library is used to implement MRCPv2 specification compliant SIP signaling. Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. Use the link below to download one of known to work and ready to use packages of APR and Sofia-SIP libraries. GNU BUILD =================== Additional requirements - autoconf 2.57 or newer - automake - libtool 1.4 or newer - gcc - pkg-config Build procedure $ ./bootstrap $ ./configure $ make $ make install Installed directory layout bin - binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient) conf - configuration files include - header files libs - shared (convenient) libraries plugins - run-time loadable modules There are a couple of options to "./configure". To specify where to look for the APR and APR-util libraries use the "--with-apr=" and "--with-apr-util=" options. For example $ ./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr \ --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr To specify where to look for the Sofia-SIP library use the "--with-sofia-sip=" option. For example $ ./configure --with-sofia-sip=/usr/local/sofia-sip To install the default configuration use $ make def-conf To generate doxygen documentation from the sources use $ make dox To build distribution tarball use $ make dist WINDOWS BUILD ====================== Additional requirements - Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 One-time pre-build preparation You may need to adjust the paths for 3-rd party libraries in appropriate property sheets to match your local installation, while below are the defaults (build/vsprops). apr.vsprops <UserMacro Name="AprDir" Value="$(SolutionDir)libs\apr" /> <UserMacro Name="AprUtilDir" Value="$(SolutionDir)libs\apr-util" /> sofiasip.vsprops <UserMacro Name="SofiaDir" Value="$(SolutionDir)libs\sofia-sip" /> Build procedure Open unimrcp.sln solution file and build the solution (Build -> Build Solution). One-time pre-run output directory preparation Build prepare.vcproj utility project (right click on tools -> prebuild in Solution Explorer and select Build from context menu). This is a one-time output directory preparation. It copies all the required APR and SofiaSIP libraries and the default configuration to the output directory. Output directory layout bin - binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient) and all the required dlls conf - configuration files plugins - run-time loadable modules