/* * mod_rayo for FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2013, Grasshopper * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is mod_rayo for FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Grasshopper * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Chris Rienzo * * rayo_components.c -- Rayo component interface * */ #include "rayo_components.h" #include #include "mod_rayo.h" #include "iks_helpers.h" /** * Get access to Rayo component data. * @param id the component internal ID * @return the component or NULL. Call rayo_component_unlock() when done with component pointer. */ struct rayo_component *rayo_component_locate(const char *id, const char *file, int line) { struct rayo_actor *actor = rayo_actor_locate_by_id(id, file, line); if (actor && (actor->type == RAT_MIXER_COMPONENT || actor->type == RAT_CALL_COMPONENT)) { return RAYO_COMPONENT(actor); } else if (actor) { RAYO_UNLOCK(actor); } return NULL; } /** * Send component start reply * @param component the component * @param iq the start request */ void rayo_component_send_start(struct rayo_component *component, iks *iq) { iks *response = iks_new_iq_result(iq); iks *ref = iks_insert(response, "ref"); iks_insert_attrib(ref, "xmlns", RAYO_NS); iks_insert_attrib(ref, "id", component->ref); iks_insert_attrib_printf(ref, "uri", "xmpp:%s", RAYO_JID(component)); RAYO_SEND_BY_JID(component, iks_find_attrib(response, "to"), rayo_message_create(response)); } /** * Create component complete event * @param component the component * @param reason_str the completion reason * @param reason_namespace the completion reason namespace * @param meta metadata to add as child * @param child_of_complete if true metadata is child of complete instead of reason * @return the event */ iks *rayo_component_create_complete_event_with_metadata(struct rayo_component *component, const char *reason_str, const char *reason_namespace, iks *meta, int child_of_complete) { iks *response = iks_new("presence"); iks *complete; iks *reason; iks_insert_attrib(response, "from", RAYO_JID(component)); iks_insert_attrib(response, "to", component->client_jid); iks_insert_attrib(response, "type", "unavailable"); complete = iks_insert(response, "complete"); iks_insert_attrib(complete, "xmlns", RAYO_EXT_NS); reason = iks_insert(complete, reason_str); iks_insert_attrib(reason, "xmlns", reason_namespace); if (meta) { meta = iks_copy_within(meta, iks_stack(response)); if (child_of_complete) { iks_insert_node(complete, meta); } else { iks_insert_node(reason, meta); } } return response; } /** * Create component complete event * @param component the component * @param reason the completion reason * @param reason_namespace the completion reason namespace * @return the event */ iks *rayo_component_create_complete_event(struct rayo_component *component, const char *reason, const char *reason_namespace) { return rayo_component_create_complete_event_with_metadata(component, reason, reason_namespace, NULL, 0); } /** * Send rayo component complete event */ void rayo_component_send_complete_event(struct rayo_component *component, iks *response) { RAYO_SEND_BY_JID(component, iks_find_attrib(response, "to"), rayo_message_create(response)); RAYO_UNLOCK(component); RAYO_DESTROY(component); } /** * Send rayo complete */ void rayo_component_send_complete(struct rayo_component *component, const char *reason, const char *reason_namespace) { rayo_component_send_complete_event(component, rayo_component_create_complete_event(component, reason, reason_namespace)); } /** * Send rayo complete */ void rayo_component_send_complete_with_metadata(struct rayo_component *component, const char *reason, const char *reason_namespace, iks *meta, int child_of_complete) { rayo_component_send_complete_event(component, rayo_component_create_complete_event_with_metadata(component, reason, reason_namespace, meta, child_of_complete)); } /** * Send rayo complete */ void rayo_component_send_complete_with_metadata_string(struct rayo_component *component, const char *reason, const char *reason_namespace, const char *meta, int child_of_complete) { iks *meta_xml = NULL; iksparser *p = iks_dom_new(&meta_xml); if (iks_parse(p, meta, 0, 1) != IKS_OK) { /* unexpected ... */ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "%s Failed to parse metadata for complete event: %s\n", RAYO_JID(component), meta); /* send without... */ rayo_component_send_complete(component, reason, reason_namespace); } else { rayo_component_send_complete_with_metadata(component, reason, reason_namespace, meta_xml, child_of_complete); } if (meta_xml) { iks_delete(meta_xml); } iks_parser_delete(p); } /** * Background API data */ struct component_bg_api_cmd { const char *cmd; const char *args; switch_memory_pool_t *pool; struct rayo_component *component; }; /** * Thread that outputs to component * @param thread this thread * @param obj the Rayo mixer context * @return NULL */ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC component_bg_api_thread(switch_thread_t *thread, void *obj) { struct component_bg_api_cmd *cmd = (struct component_bg_api_cmd *)obj; switch_stream_handle_t stream = { 0 }; switch_memory_pool_t *pool = cmd->pool; SWITCH_STANDARD_STREAM(stream); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "BGAPI EXEC: %s %s\n", cmd->cmd, cmd->args); if (switch_api_execute(cmd->cmd, cmd->args, NULL, &stream) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "BGAPI EXEC FAILURE\n"); rayo_component_send_complete(cmd->component, COMPONENT_COMPLETE_ERROR); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "BGAPI EXEC RESULT: %s\n", (char *)stream.data); } switch_safe_free(stream.data); switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&pool); return NULL; } /** * Run a background API command * @param cmd API command * @param args API args */ void rayo_component_api_execute_async(struct rayo_component *component, const char *cmd, const char *args) { switch_thread_t *thread; switch_threadattr_t *thd_attr = NULL; struct component_bg_api_cmd *bg_cmd = NULL; switch_memory_pool_t *pool; /* set up command */ switch_core_new_memory_pool(&pool); bg_cmd = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*bg_cmd)); bg_cmd->pool = pool; bg_cmd->cmd = switch_core_strdup(pool, cmd); bg_cmd->args = switch_core_strdup(pool, args); bg_cmd->component = component; /* create thread */ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s BGAPI START\n", RAYO_JID(component)); switch_threadattr_create(&thd_attr, pool); switch_threadattr_detach_set(thd_attr, 1); switch_threadattr_stacksize_set(thd_attr, SWITCH_THREAD_STACKSIZE); switch_thread_create(&thread, thd_attr, component_bg_api_thread, bg_cmd, pool); } /** * Handle configuration */ switch_status_t rayo_components_load(switch_loadable_module_interface_t **module_interface, switch_memory_pool_t *pool, const char *config_file) { rayo_input_component_load(); rayo_output_component_load(module_interface, pool); rayo_prompt_component_load(); rayo_record_component_load(pool, config_file); if (rayo_input_component_load() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || rayo_output_component_load(module_interface, pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || rayo_prompt_component_load() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || rayo_record_component_load(pool, config_file) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM; } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * Handle shutdown */ switch_status_t rayo_components_shutdown(void) { rayo_input_component_shutdown(); rayo_output_component_shutdown(); rayo_prompt_component_shutdown(); rayo_record_component_shutdown(); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 */