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** Name: tmocon.c
** Description: test client socket connection.
** Modification History:
** 19-May-97 AGarcia- Converted the test to accomodate the debug_mode flag.
**	         The debug mode will print all of the printfs associated with this test.
**			 The regress mode will be the default mode. Since the regress tool limits
**           the output to a one line status:PASS or FAIL,all of the printf statements
**			 have been handled with an if (debug_mode) statement. 

** Includes
/* Used to get the command line option */
#include "plgetopt.h"

#include "nspr.h"
#include "pprio.h"

#include "plerror.h"
#include "plgetopt.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* for getcwd */
#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined (XP_OS2_EMX) || defined(XP_BEOS)
#include <unistd.h>
#elif defined(XP_PC)
#include <direct.h>

#ifdef XP_MAC
#include "prlog.h"
#define printf PR_LogPrint

#define BASE_PORT 9867


static PRFileDesc *debug_out = NULL;

typedef struct Shared
    PRBool random;
    PRBool failed;
    PRBool intermittant;
    PRIntn debug;
    PRInt32 messages;
    PRIntervalTime dally;
    PRIntervalTime timeout;
    PRInt32 message_length;
    PRNetAddr serverAddress;
} Shared;

static PRIntervalTime Timeout(const Shared *shared)
    PRIntervalTime timeout = shared->timeout;
    if (shared->random)
        PRIntervalTime quarter = timeout >> 2;  /* one quarter of the interval */
        PRUint32 random = rand() % quarter;  /* something in[0..timeout / 4) */
        timeout = (((3 * quarter) + random) >> 2) + quarter;  /* [75..125)% */
    return timeout;
}  /* Timeout */

static void CauseTimeout(const Shared *shared)
    if (shared->intermittant) PR_Sleep(Timeout(shared));
}  /* CauseTimeout */

static PRStatus MakeReceiver(Shared *shared)
    PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
    if (PR_IsNetAddrType(&shared->serverAddress, PR_IpAddrLoopback))
        char *argv[3];
        char path[1024 + sizeof("/tmoacc")];
        (void)getcwd(path, sizeof(path));
        (void)strcat(path, "/tmoacc");
#ifdef XP_PC
        (void)strcat(path, ".exe");
        argv[0] = path;
        if (shared->debug > 0)
            argv[1] = "-d";
            argv[2] = NULL;
        else argv[1] = NULL;
        if (shared->debug > 1)
            PR_fprintf(debug_out, " creating accept process %s ...", path);
        rv = PR_CreateProcessDetached(path, argv, NULL, NULL);
        if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
            if (shared->debug > 1)
                PR_fprintf(debug_out, " wait 5 seconds");
            if (shared->debug > 1)
                PR_fprintf(debug_out, " before connecting to accept process ...");
            return rv;
        shared->failed = PR_TRUE;
        if (shared->debug > 0)
            PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "PR_CreateProcessDetached failed");
    return rv;
}  /* MakeReceiver */

static void Connect(void *arg)
    PRStatus rv;
    char *buffer = NULL;
    PRFileDesc *clientSock;
    Shared *shared = (Shared*)arg;
    PRInt32 loop, bytes, flags = 0;
    struct Descriptor { PRInt32 length; PRUint32 checksum; } descriptor;
    debug_out = (0 == shared->debug) ? NULL : PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError);

    buffer = (char*)PR_MALLOC(shared->message_length);

    for (bytes = 0; bytes < shared->message_length; ++bytes)
        buffer[bytes] = (char)bytes;

    descriptor.checksum = 0;
    for (bytes = 0; bytes < shared->message_length; ++bytes)
        PRUint32 overflow = descriptor.checksum & 0x80000000;
        descriptor.checksum = (descriptor.checksum << 1);
        if (0x00000000 != overflow) descriptor.checksum += 1;
        descriptor.checksum += buffer[bytes];
    descriptor.checksum = PR_htonl(descriptor.checksum);

    for (loop = 0; loop < shared->messages; ++loop)
        if (shared->debug > 1)
            PR_fprintf(debug_out, "[%d]socket ... ", loop);
        clientSock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
        if (clientSock)
             * We need to slow down the rate of generating connect requests,
             * otherwise the listen backlog queue on the accept side may
             * become full and we will get connection refused or timeout
             * error.

            if (shared->debug > 1)
                char buf[128];
                PR_NetAddrToString(&shared->serverAddress, buf, sizeof(buf));
                PR_fprintf(debug_out, "connecting to %s ... ", buf);
            rv = PR_Connect(
                clientSock, &shared->serverAddress, Timeout(shared));
            if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
                PRInt32 descriptor_length = (loop < (shared->messages - 1)) ?
                    shared->message_length : 0;
                descriptor.length = PR_htonl(descriptor_length);
                if (shared->debug > 1)
                        debug_out, "sending %d bytes ... ", descriptor_length);
                CauseTimeout(shared);  /* might cause server to timeout */
                bytes = PR_Send(
                    clientSock, &descriptor, sizeof(descriptor),
                    flags, Timeout(shared));
                if (bytes != sizeof(descriptor))
                    shared->failed = PR_TRUE;
                    if (shared->debug > 0)
                        PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "PR_Send failed");
                if (0 != descriptor_length)
                    bytes = PR_Send(
                        clientSock, buffer, descriptor_length,
                        flags, Timeout(shared));
                    if (bytes != descriptor_length)
                        shared->failed = PR_TRUE;
                        if (shared->debug > 0)
                            PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "PR_Send failed");
                if (shared->debug > 1) PR_fprintf(debug_out, "closing ... ");
                rv = PR_Shutdown(clientSock, PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH);
                rv = PR_Close(clientSock);
                if (shared->debug > 1)
                    if (PR_SUCCESS == rv) PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\n");
                    else PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "shutdown failed");
                if (shared->debug > 1) PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "connect failed");
                if ((loop == 0) && (PR_GetError() == PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR))
                    if (MakeReceiver(shared) == PR_FAILURE) break;
                    if (shared->debug > 1) PR_fprintf(debug_out, " exiting\n");
            shared->failed = PR_TRUE;
            if (shared->debug > 0) PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "create socket");

}  /* Connect */

int Tmocon(int argc, char **argv)
     * USAGE
     * -d       turn on debugging output                (default = off)
     * -v       turn on verbose output                  (default = off)
     * -h <n>   dns name of host serving the connection (default = self)
     * -i       dally intermittantly to cause timeouts  (default = off)
     * -m <n>   number of messages to send              (default = 100)
     * -s <n>   size of each message                    (default = 100)
     * -t <n>   number of threads sending               (default = 1)
     * -G       use global threads                      (default = local)
     * -T <n>   timeout on I/O operations (seconds)     (default = 10)
     * -D <n>   dally between connect requests (seconds)(default = 0)
     * -R       randomize the dally types around 'T'    (default = no)

    PRStatus rv;
    int exitStatus;
    PLOptStatus os;
    Shared *shared = NULL;
    PRThread **thread = NULL;
    PRIntn index, threads = DEFAULT_THREADS;
    PRThreadScope thread_scope = PR_LOCAL_THREAD;
    PRInt32 dally = DEFAULT_DALLY, timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
    PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "divGRh:m:s:t:T:D:");

    shared = PR_NEWZAP(Shared);

    shared->debug = 0;
    shared->failed = PR_FALSE;
    shared->random = PR_FALSE;
    shared->messages = DEFAULT_MESSAGES;
    shared->message_length = DEFAULT_MESSAGESIZE;

    memset(&shared->serverAddress, 0, sizeof(shared->serverAddress));
    rv = PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, BASE_PORT, &shared->serverAddress);
    while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt)))
        if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue;
        switch (opt->option)
        case 'd':
            if (0 == shared->debug) shared->debug = 1;
        case 'v':
            if (0 == shared->debug) shared->debug = 2;
        case 'i':
            shared->intermittant = PR_TRUE;
        case 'R':
            shared->random = PR_TRUE;
        case 'G':
            thread_scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
        case 'h':  /* the value for backlock */
                PRIntn es = 0;
                PRHostEnt host;
                char buffer[1024];
                    opt->value, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &host);
                es = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(
                    es, &host, BASE_PORT, &shared->serverAddress);
                PR_ASSERT(es > 0);
        case 'm':  /* number of messages to send */
            shared->messages = atoi(opt->value);
        case 't':  /* number of threads sending */
            threads = atoi(opt->value);
        case 'D':  /* dally time between transmissions */
            dally = atoi(opt->value);
        case 'T':  /* timeout on I/O operations */
            timeout = atoi(opt->value);
        case 's':  /* total size of each message */
            shared->message_length = atoi(opt->value);

    if (0 == timeout) timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
    if (0 == threads) threads = DEFAULT_THREADS;
    if (0 == shared->messages) shared->messages = DEFAULT_MESSAGES;
    if (0 == shared->message_length) shared->message_length = DEFAULT_MESSAGESIZE;

    shared->dally = PR_SecondsToInterval(dally);
    shared->timeout = PR_SecondsToInterval(timeout);

    thread = (PRThread**)PR_CALLOC(threads * sizeof(PRThread*));

    for (index = 0; index < threads; ++index)
        thread[index] = PR_CreateThread(
            PR_USER_THREAD, Connect, shared,
            PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, thread_scope,
            PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0);
    for (index = 0; index < threads; ++index)
        rv = PR_JoinThread(thread[index]);


        PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError), "%s\n",
        ((shared->failed) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED"));
    exitStatus = (shared->failed) ? 1 : 0;
    return exitStatus;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    return (PR_VersionCheck(PR_VERSION)) ?
        PR_Initialize(Tmocon, argc, argv, 4) : -1;
}  /* main */

/* tmocon.c */