/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "fspr_thread_proc.h" #include "fspr_file_io.h" #include "fspr_thread_mutex.h" #include "fspr_thread_rwlock.h" #include "fspr_thread_cond.h" #include "fspr_errno.h" #include "fspr_general.h" #include "fspr_getopt.h" #include "testutil.h" #if APR_HAS_THREADS #define MAX_ITER 40000 #define MAX_COUNTER 100000 #define MAX_RETRY 5 static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_rwlock_func(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data); static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_mutex_function(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data); static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_cond_producer(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data); static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_cond_consumer(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data); static fspr_thread_mutex_t *thread_mutex; static fspr_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock; static int i = 0, x = 0; static int buff[MAX_COUNTER]; struct { fspr_thread_mutex_t *mutex; int nput; int nval; } put; struct { fspr_thread_mutex_t *mutex; fspr_thread_cond_t *cond; int nready; } nready; static fspr_thread_mutex_t *timeout_mutex; static fspr_thread_cond_t *timeout_cond; static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_rwlock_func(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { int exitLoop = 1; while (1) { fspr_thread_rwlock_rdlock(rwlock); if (i == MAX_ITER) exitLoop = 0; fspr_thread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock); if (!exitLoop) break; fspr_thread_rwlock_wrlock(rwlock); if (i != MAX_ITER) { i++; x++; } fspr_thread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock); } return NULL; } static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_mutex_function(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { int exitLoop = 1; /* slight delay to allow things to settle */ fspr_sleep (1); while (1) { fspr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_mutex); if (i == MAX_ITER) exitLoop = 0; else { i++; x++; } fspr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_mutex); if (!exitLoop) break; } return NULL; } static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_cond_producer(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { for (;;) { fspr_thread_mutex_lock(put.mutex); if (put.nput >= MAX_COUNTER) { fspr_thread_mutex_unlock(put.mutex); return NULL; } buff[put.nput] = put.nval; put.nput++; put.nval++; fspr_thread_mutex_unlock(put.mutex); fspr_thread_mutex_lock(nready.mutex); if (nready.nready == 0) fspr_thread_cond_signal(nready.cond); nready.nready++; fspr_thread_mutex_unlock(nready.mutex); *((int *) data) += 1; } return NULL; } static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_cond_consumer(fspr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_COUNTER; i++) { fspr_thread_mutex_lock(nready.mutex); while (nready.nready == 0) fspr_thread_cond_wait(nready.cond, nready.mutex); nready.nready--; fspr_thread_mutex_unlock(nready.mutex); if (buff[i] != i) printf("buff[%d] = %d\n", i, buff[i]); } return NULL; } static void test_thread_mutex(abts_case *tc, void *data) { fspr_thread_t *t1, *t2, *t3, *t4; fspr_status_t s1, s2, s3, s4; s1 = fspr_thread_mutex_create(&thread_mutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s1); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, thread_mutex); i = 0; x = 0; s1 = fspr_thread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_mutex_function, NULL, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s1); s2 = fspr_thread_create(&t2, NULL, thread_mutex_function, NULL, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s2); s3 = fspr_thread_create(&t3, NULL, thread_mutex_function, NULL, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s3); s4 = fspr_thread_create(&t4, NULL, thread_mutex_function, NULL, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s4); fspr_thread_join(&s1, t1); fspr_thread_join(&s2, t2); fspr_thread_join(&s3, t3); fspr_thread_join(&s4, t4); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, MAX_ITER, x); } static void test_thread_rwlock(abts_case *tc, void *data) { fspr_thread_t *t1, *t2, *t3, *t4; fspr_status_t s1, s2, s3, s4; s1 = fspr_thread_rwlock_create(&rwlock, p); if (s1 == APR_ENOTIMPL) { ABTS_NOT_IMPL(tc, "rwlocks not implemented"); return; } APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "rwlock_create", s1); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, rwlock); i = 0; x = 0; s1 = fspr_thread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_rwlock_func, NULL, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create thread 1", s1); s2 = fspr_thread_create(&t2, NULL, thread_rwlock_func, NULL, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create thread 2", s2); s3 = fspr_thread_create(&t3, NULL, thread_rwlock_func, NULL, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create thread 3", s3); s4 = fspr_thread_create(&t4, NULL, thread_rwlock_func, NULL, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create thread 4", s4); fspr_thread_join(&s1, t1); fspr_thread_join(&s2, t2); fspr_thread_join(&s3, t3); fspr_thread_join(&s4, t4); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, MAX_ITER, x); fspr_thread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock); } static void test_cond(abts_case *tc, void *data) { fspr_thread_t *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *c1; fspr_status_t s0, s1, s2, s3, s4; int count1, count2, count3, count4; int sum; APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create put mutex", fspr_thread_mutex_create(&put.mutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p)); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, put.mutex); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create nready mutex", fspr_thread_mutex_create(&nready.mutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p)); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, nready.mutex); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "create condvar", fspr_thread_cond_create(&nready.cond, p)); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, nready.cond); count1 = count2 = count3 = count4 = 0; put.nput = put.nval = 0; nready.nready = 0; i = 0; x = 0; s0 = fspr_thread_create(&p1, NULL, thread_cond_producer, &count1, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s0); s1 = fspr_thread_create(&p2, NULL, thread_cond_producer, &count2, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s1); s2 = fspr_thread_create(&p3, NULL, thread_cond_producer, &count3, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s2); s3 = fspr_thread_create(&p4, NULL, thread_cond_producer, &count4, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s3); s4 = fspr_thread_create(&c1, NULL, thread_cond_consumer, NULL, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s4); fspr_thread_join(&s0, p1); fspr_thread_join(&s1, p2); fspr_thread_join(&s2, p3); fspr_thread_join(&s3, p4); fspr_thread_join(&s4, c1); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "destroy condvar", fspr_thread_cond_destroy(nready.cond)); sum = count1 + count2 + count3 + count4; /* printf("count1 = %d count2 = %d count3 = %d count4 = %d\n", count1, count2, count3, count4); */ ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, MAX_COUNTER, sum); } static void test_timeoutcond(abts_case *tc, void *data) { fspr_status_t s; fspr_interval_time_t timeout; fspr_time_t begin, end; int i; s = fspr_thread_mutex_create(&timeout_mutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, timeout_mutex); s = fspr_thread_cond_create(&timeout_cond, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, timeout_cond); timeout = fspr_time_from_sec(5); for (i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) { fspr_thread_mutex_lock(timeout_mutex); begin = fspr_time_now(); s = fspr_thread_cond_timedwait(timeout_cond, timeout_mutex, timeout); end = fspr_time_now(); fspr_thread_mutex_unlock(timeout_mutex); if (s != APR_SUCCESS && !APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(s)) { continue; } ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, 1, APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(s)); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Timer returned too late", end - begin - timeout < 100000); break; } ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Too many retries", i < MAX_RETRY); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Unable to destroy the conditional", fspr_thread_cond_destroy(timeout_cond)); } #endif /* !APR_HAS_THREADS */ #if !APR_HAS_THREADS static void threads_not_impl(abts_case *tc, void *data) { ABTS_NOT_IMPL(tc, "Threads not implemented on this platform"); } #endif abts_suite *testlock(abts_suite *suite) { suite = ADD_SUITE(suite) #if !APR_HAS_THREADS abts_run_test(suite, threads_not_impl, NULL); #else abts_run_test(suite, test_thread_mutex, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_thread_rwlock, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_cond, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_timeoutcond, NULL); #endif return suite; }