/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE check_nta_client.c * * @brief Check-driven tester for NTA client transactions * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation. */ #include "config.h" #include "check_nta.h" #include "s2base.h" #include "s2dns.h" #include <sofia-sip/nta.h> #include <sofia-sip/nta_tport.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_status.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_header.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_tagarg.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_tag_io.h> #include <sofia-sip/sres_sip.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #define NONE ((void *)-1) static void client_setup(void) { s2_nta_setup("NTA", NULL, TAG_END()); s2_nta_agent_setup(URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:*"), NULL, NULL, NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY("sip:example.org"), TAG_END()); } static void client_setup_udp_only_server(void) { char const * const transports[] = { "udp", NULL }; s2_nta_setup("NTA", transports, TAG_END()); s2_nta_agent_setup(URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:*"), NULL, NULL, NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY(s2sip->contact->m_url), TAG_END()); } static void client_setup_tcp_only_server(void) { char const * const transports[] = { "tcp", NULL }; s2_nta_setup("NTA", transports, TAG_END()); s2_nta_agent_setup(URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:*"), NULL, NULL, NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY(s2sip->contact->m_url), TAG_END()); } static void client_teardown(void) { mark_point(); s2_nta_teardown(); } START_TEST(client_2_0_0) { nta_outgoing_t *orq; struct message *request; struct event *response; s2_case("2.0.0", "Send MESSAGE", "Basic non-INVITE transaction with outbound proxy"); orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(s2->default_leg, s2_nta_orq_callback, NULL, NULL, SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:test2.0.example.org"), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("<sip:client@example.net>"), TAG_END()); fail_unless(orq != NULL); request = s2_sip_wait_for_request(SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE); fail_unless(request != NULL); s2_sip_respond_to(request, NULL, 200, "2.0.0", TAG_END()); response = s2_nta_wait_for(wait_for_orq, orq, wait_for_status, 200, 0); s2_sip_free_message(request); s2_nta_free_event(response); nta_outgoing_destroy(orq); } END_TEST START_TEST(client_2_0_1) { nta_outgoing_t *orq; struct message *request; struct event *response; s2_case("2.0.0", "Send MESSAGE", "Basic non-INVITE transaction with " "numeric per-transaction outbound proxy"); orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(s2->default_leg, s2_nta_orq_callback, NULL, (url_string_t *)s2sip->contact->m_url, SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:test2.0.example.org"), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("<sip:client@example.net>"), TAG_END()); fail_unless(orq != NULL); request = s2_sip_wait_for_request(SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE); fail_unless(request != NULL); s2_sip_respond_to(request, NULL, 200, "OK 2.0.1", TAG_END()); response = s2_nta_wait_for(wait_for_orq, orq, wait_for_status, 200, 0); s2_sip_free_message(request); s2_nta_free_event(response); nta_outgoing_destroy(orq); } END_TEST START_TEST(client_2_0_2) { nta_outgoing_t *orq; struct message *request; struct event *response; char payload[2048]; s2_case("2.0.2", "Send MESSAGE", "Basic non-INVITE transaction exceeding " "default path MTU (1300 bytes)"); memset(payload, 'x', sizeof payload); payload[(sizeof payload) - 1] = '\0'; orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(s2->default_leg, s2_nta_orq_callback, NULL, NULL, SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:test2.0.example.org"), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("<sip:client@example.net>"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(payload), TAG_END()); fail_unless(orq != NULL); request = s2_sip_wait_for_request(SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE); fail_unless(request != NULL); fail_unless(request->sip->sip_via->v_protocol == sip_transport_tcp); s2_sip_respond_to(request, NULL, 200, "OK 2.0.2", TAG_END()); response = s2_nta_wait_for(wait_for_orq, orq, wait_for_status, 200, 0); s2_nta_free_event(response); nta_outgoing_destroy(orq); } END_TEST /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TCase *check_nta_client_2_0(void) { TCase *tc = tcase_create("NTA 2.0 - Client"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, client_setup, client_teardown); tcase_set_timeout(tc, 2); tcase_add_test(tc, client_2_0_0); tcase_add_test(tc, client_2_0_1); tcase_add_test(tc, client_2_0_2); return tc; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ START_TEST(client_2_1_0) { nta_outgoing_t *orq; struct message *request; struct event *response; char payload[2048]; s2_case("2.1.0", "Try UDP after trying with TCP", "TCP connect() is refused"); memset(payload, 'x', sizeof payload); payload[(sizeof payload) - 1] = '\0'; client_setup_udp_only_server(); orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(s2->default_leg, s2_nta_orq_callback, NULL, NULL, SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:test2.0.example.org"), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("<sip:client@example.net>"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(payload), TAG_END()); fail_unless(orq != NULL); request = s2_sip_wait_for_request(SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE); fail_unless(request != NULL); fail_unless(request->sip->sip_via->v_protocol == sip_transport_udp); s2_sip_respond_to(request, NULL, 200, "OK", TAG_END()); s2_sip_free_message(request); response = s2_nta_wait_for(wait_for_orq, orq, wait_for_status, 200, 0); s2_nta_free_event(response); nta_outgoing_destroy(orq); } END_TEST #undef SU_LOG #include "tport_internal.h" tport_vtable_t hacked_tcp_vtable; /* Make TCP connection to */ static tport_t * hacked_tcp_connect(tport_primary_t *pri, su_addrinfo_t *ai, tp_name_t const *tpn) { su_addrinfo_t fake_ai[1]; su_sockaddr_t fake_addr[1]; uint32_t fake_ip = htonl(0xc0a8ff02); /* */ *fake_ai = *ai; assert(ai->ai_addrlen <= (sizeof fake_addr)); fake_ai->ai_addr = memcpy(fake_addr, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen); fake_ai->ai_family = AF_INET; fake_addr->su_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&fake_addr->su_sin.sin_addr, &fake_ip, sizeof fake_ip); fake_addr->su_sin.sin_port = htons(9999); return tport_base_connect(pri, fake_ai, ai, tpn); } START_TEST(client_2_1_1) { tport_t *tp; nta_outgoing_t *orq; struct message *request; struct event *response; char payload[2048]; s2_case("2.1.1", "Try UDP after trying with TCP", "TCP connect() times out"); memset(payload, 'x', sizeof payload); payload[(sizeof payload) - 1] = '\0'; client_setup_udp_only_server(); hacked_tcp_vtable = tport_tcp_vtable; hacked_tcp_vtable.vtp_connect = hacked_tcp_connect; fail_unless(tport_tcp_vtable.vtp_connect == NULL); for (tp = tport_primaries(nta_agent_tports(s2->nta)); tp; tp = tport_next(tp)) { if (tport_is_tcp(tp)) { tp->tp_pri->pri_vtable = &hacked_tcp_vtable; break; } } orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(s2->default_leg, s2_nta_orq_callback, NULL, NULL, SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:test2.0.example.org"), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("<sip:client@example.net>"), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(payload), TAG_END()); fail_unless(orq != NULL); s2_fast_forward(1, s2->root); s2_fast_forward(1, s2->root); s2_fast_forward(1, s2->root); s2_fast_forward(1, s2->root); s2_fast_forward(1, s2->root); request = s2_sip_wait_for_request(SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE); fail_unless(request != NULL); fail_unless(request->sip->sip_via->v_protocol == sip_transport_udp); s2_sip_respond_to(request, NULL, 200, "OK", TAG_END()); s2_sip_free_message(request); response = s2_nta_wait_for(wait_for_orq, orq, wait_for_status, 200, 0); s2_nta_free_event(response); nta_outgoing_destroy(orq); } END_TEST START_TEST(client_2_1_2) { nta_outgoing_t *orq; struct message *request; struct event *response; url_t udpurl[1]; s2_case("2.1.2", "Send MESSAGE", "Non-INVITE transaction to TCP-only server"); client_setup_tcp_only_server(); *udpurl = *s2sip->tcp.contact->m_url; udpurl->url_params = "transport=udp"; /* Create DNS records for both UDP and TCP */ s2_dns_domain("udptcp.org", 1, "s2", 1, udpurl, "s2", 1, s2sip->tcp.contact->m_url, NULL); orq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(s2->default_leg, s2_nta_orq_callback, NULL, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:udptcp.org"), SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:test2.0.example.org"), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("<sip:client@example.net>"), TAG_END()); fail_unless(orq != NULL); request = s2_sip_wait_for_request(SIP_METHOD_MESSAGE); fail_unless(request != NULL); s2_sip_respond_to(request, NULL, 200, "2.0.0", TAG_END()); s2_sip_free_message(request); response = s2_nta_wait_for(wait_for_orq, orq, wait_for_status, 200, 0); s2_nta_free_event(response); nta_outgoing_destroy(orq); } END_TEST TCase *check_nta_client_2_1(void) { TCase *tc = tcase_create("NTA 2.1 - Client"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, NULL, client_teardown); tcase_set_timeout(tc, 20); tcase_add_test(tc, client_2_1_0); tcase_add_test(tc, client_2_1_1); tcase_add_test(tc, client_2_1_2); return tc; }