/* * libZRTP SDK library, implements the ZRTP secure VoIP protocol. * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Philip R. Zimmermann. All rights reserved. * Contact: http://philzimmermann.com * For licensing and other legal details, see the file zrtp_legal.c. * * Viktor Krykun <v.krikun at zfoneproject.com> */ #ifndef __ZRTP_BASE_H__ #define __ZRTP_BASE_H__ #include "zrtp_config.h" typedef double uint64_t_; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar4_t[4]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar8_t[8]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar12_t[12]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar16_t[16]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar32_t[32]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar64_t[64]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar128_t[128]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar256_t[256]; typedef uint8_t zrtp_uchar1024_t[1024]; typedef uint32_t zrtp_id_t; typedef struct zrtp_profile_t zrtp_profile_t; typedef struct zrtp_stream_t zrtp_stream_t; typedef struct zrtp_session_t zrtp_session_t; typedef struct zrtp_global_t zrtp_global_t; typedef struct zrtp_protocol_t zrtp_protocol_t; typedef struct zrtp_srtp_ctx_t zrtp_srtp_ctx_t; typedef struct zrtp_shared_secret_t zrtp_shared_secret_t; typedef struct zrtp_retry_task_t zrtp_retry_task_t; typedef struct zrtp_hash_t zrtp_hash_t; typedef struct zrtp_cipher_t zrtp_cipher_t; typedef struct zrtp_auth_tag_length_t zrtp_auth_tag_length_t; typedef struct zrtp_pk_scheme_t zrtp_pk_scheme_t; typedef struct zrtp_sas_scheme_t zrtp_sas_scheme_t; typedef struct zrtp_sig_scheme_t zrtp_sig_scheme_t; typedef struct zrtp_mutex_t zrtp_mutex_t; typedef struct zrtp_sem_t zrtp_sem_t; typedef struct zrtp_stream_info_t zrtp_stream_info_t; typedef struct zrtp_session_info_t zrtp_session_info_t; #include "sha2.h" #define MD_CTX sha512_ctx #define MD_Update(a,b,c) sha512_hash((const unsigned char *)(b),c,a) /** * \brief Function computing minimum value * * This macro returns the lesser of two values. If the numbers are equal, either of them is returned. * * \param left - first value for comparison; * \param right - second value for comparison. * \return * - lesser of compared numbers. */ #define ZRTP_MIN(left, right) ((left < right) ? left : right) /*! * \brief zrtp_htonXX, zrtp_ntohXX - convert values between host and network * byte order * * To avoid ambiguities and difficulties with compilation on various platforms, * we designed our own swap functions. Byte order detection is based on zrtp_system.h. * * On the i80x86 the host byte order is little-endian (least significant byte * first), whereas the network byte order, as used on the Internet, is * big-endian (most significant byte first). */ uint16_t zrtp_swap16(uint16_t x); uint32_t zrtp_swap32(uint32_t x); uint64_t zrtp_swap64(uint64_t x); #if ZRTP_BYTE_ORDER == ZBO_BIG_ENDIAN /*! Converts 16 bit unsigned integer to network byte order */ #define zrtp_hton16(x) (x) /*! Converts 32 bit unsigned integer to network byte order */ #define zrtp_hton32(x) (x) /*! Converts 64 bit unsigned integer to network byte order */ #define zrtp_hton64(x) (x) /*! Converts 16 bit unsigned integer to host byte order */ #define zrtp_ntoh16(x) (x) /*! Converts 32 bit unsigned integer to host byte order */ #define zrtp_ntoh32(x) (x) /*! Converts 64 bit unsigned integer to host byte order */ #define zrtp_ntoh64(x) (x) #else /* ZBO_BIG_ENDIAN */ /*! Converts 16 bit unsigned integer to network byte order */ #define zrtp_hton16(x) (zrtp_swap16(x)) /*! Converts 32 bit unsigned integer to network byte order */ #define zrtp_hton32(x) (zrtp_swap32(x)) /*! Converts 64 bit unsigned integer to network byte order */ #define zrtp_hton64(x) (zrtp_swap64(x)) /*! Converts 16 bit unsigned integer to host byte order */ #define zrtp_ntoh16(x) (zrtp_swap16(x)) /*! Converts 32 bit unsigned integer to host byte order */ #define zrtp_ntoh32(x) (zrtp_swap32(x)) /*! Converts 64 bit unsigned integer to host byte order */ #define zrtp_ntoh64(x) (zrtp_swap64(x)) #endif /* * 128 and 256-bit structures used in Ciphers and SRTP module */ typedef union { uint8_t v8[16]; uint16_t v16[8]; uint32_t v32[4]; uint64_t v64[2]; } zrtp_v128_t; typedef union { uint8_t v8[32]; uint16_t v16[16]; uint32_t v32[8]; uint64_t v64[4]; } zrtp_v256_t; /* * The following macros define the data manipulation functions. * * If DATATYPES_USE_MACROS is defined, then these macros are used directly (and * function-call overhead is avoided). Otherwise, the macros are used through * the functions defined in datatypes.c (and the compiler provides better * warnings). */ #define _zrtp_v128_xor(z, x, y) \ ( \ (z)->v32[0] = (x)->v32[0] ^ (y)->v32[0], \ (z)->v32[1] = (x)->v32[1] ^ (y)->v32[1], \ (z)->v32[2] = (x)->v32[2] ^ (y)->v32[2], \ (z)->v32[3] = (x)->v32[3] ^ (y)->v32[3] \ ) #define _zrtp_v128_get_bit(x, bit) \ ( \ ( (((x)->v32[(bit) >> 5]) >> ((bit) & 31)) & 1) \ ) #define zrtp_bitmap_get_bit(x, bit) \ ( \ ( (((x)[(bit) >> 3]) >> ((bit) & 7) ) & 1) \ ) #define zrtp_bitmap_set_bit(x, bit) \ ( \ ( (((x)[(bit) >> 3])) |= ((uint8_t)1 << ((bit) & 7)) ) \ ) #define zrtp_bitmap_clear_bit(x, bit) \ ( \ ( (((x)[(bit) >> 3])) &= ~((uint8_t)1 << ((bit) & 7)) ) \ ) void zrtp_bitmap_left_shift(uint8_t *x, int width_bytes, int index); void zrtp_v128_xor(zrtp_v128_t *z, zrtp_v128_t *x, zrtp_v128_t *y); //WIN64 { #if (ZRTP_PLATFORM == ZP_WIN32_KERNEL) #ifdef WIN64 // For 64-bit apps unsigned __int64 __rdtsc(void); #pragma intrinsic(__rdtsc) #define _RDTSC __rdtsc #else // For 32-bit apps #define _RDTSC_STACK(ts) \ __asm rdtsc \ __asm mov DWORD PTR [ts], eax \ __asm mov DWORD PTR [ts+4], edx __inline unsigned __int64 _inl_rdtsc32() { unsigned __int64 t; _RDTSC_STACK(t); return t; } #define _RDTSC _inl_rdtsc32 #endif #endif //WIN64 } #endif /*__ZRTP_BASE_H__*/