<include> <!-- demo IVR setup --> <!-- demo IVR, Main Menu --> <menu name="demo_ivr" greet-long="phrase:demo_ivr_main_menu" greet-short="phrase:demo_ivr_main_menu_short" invalid-sound="ivr/ivr-that_was_an_invalid_entry.wav" exit-sound="voicemail/vm-goodbye.wav" confirm-macro="" confirm-key="" tts-engine="flite" tts-voice="rms" confirm-attempts="3" timeout="10000" inter-digit-timeout="2000" max-failures="3" max-timeouts="3" digit-len="4"> <!-- The following are the definitions for the digits the user dials --> <!-- Digit 1 transfer caller to the public FreeSWITCH conference --> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="1" param="bridge sofia/$${domain}/888@conference.freeswitch.org"/> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="2" param="transfer 9196 XML default"/> <!-- FS echo --> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="3" param="transfer 9664 XML default"/> <!-- MOH --> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="4" param="transfer 9191 XML default"/> <!-- ClueCon --> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="5" param="transfer 1234*256 enum"/> <!-- Screaming monkeys --> <entry action="menu-sub" digits="6" param="demo_ivr_submenu"/> <!-- demo sub menu --> <!-- Using a regex in the digits tag lets you define a dial pattern for the caller You may define multiple regexes if you need a different pattern for some reason --> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="/^(10[01][0-9])$/" param="transfer $1 XML features"/> <entry action="menu-top" digits="9"/> <!-- Repeat this menu --> </menu> <!-- Demo IVR, Sub Menu --> <menu name="demo_ivr_submenu" greet-long="phrase:demo_ivr_sub_menu" greet-short="phrase:demo_ivr_sub_menu_short" invalid-sound="ivr/ivr-that_was_an_invalid_entry.wav" exit-sound="voicemail/vm-goodbye.wav" timeout="15000" max-failures="3" max-timeouts="3"> <!-- The demo IVR sub menu prompt basically just says, "press star to return to previous menu..." --> <entry action="menu-top" digits="*"/> </menu> <!-- TTS sample; non-functional but it demonstrates say: and TTS --> <!-- <menu name="demo3" greet-long="say:Press 1 to join the conference, Press 2 to join the other conference" greet-short="say:Press 1 to join the conference, Press 2 to join the other conference" invalid-sound="say:invalid extension" exit-sound="say:exit sound" timeout ="15000" max-failures="3"> <entry action="menu-exit" digits="*"/> <entry action="menu-play-sound" digits="1" param="say:You pressed 1"/> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="2" param="transfert 1000 XML default"/> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="3" param="transfert 1001 XML default"/> </menu> --> </include>