#!/usr/bin/perl # sipgrep version 0.2. Skin for ngrep. (C) 2005-2006 Alexandr Dubovikov <shurik@start4.info> # Modified 2007 Anthony Minessale <anthmct@yahoo.com> use Term::ANSIColor; use Getopt::Std; #colors: BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, ON_BLACK, ON_RED, ON_GREEN, ON_YELLOW, ON_BLUE, ON_MAGENTA, ON_CYAN, ON_WHITE # #type: BOLD, DARK, UNDERLINE, UNDERSCORE, BLINK, REVERSE, CONCEALED, $COLORS{'method'}='bold red'; $COLORS{'response'} ='bold yellow'; $COLORS{'callid'} = 'bold magenta'; $COLORS{'fromtag'} = 'bold blue'; $COLORS{'totag'} = 'bold green'; $COLORS{'viabranch'} = 'bold cyan'; $limit=2000; $ngrep="/usr/bin/ngrep"; #path to NGREP $ngrep_flags="-l -d eth1"; # Flag for Ngrep $colorsmethods="INVITE|REGISTER|BYE|ACK|CANCEL|OPTIONS|REFER|NOTIFY|MESSAGE|INFO|PRACK|UPDATE"; %options=(); getopts("f:t:l:ahVp:TcCnArm:",\%options); $version=<<END; Sipgrep version 0.2 Created by Alexandr Dubovikov <shurik\@start4.info> END $usage=<<END; Usage: sipgrep <-h> <-f number> <-t number> <-a> <-l file> <-V> <-p> <-T> <-n|-c> -h Displays this help message. -A Match anything. -f ARG Search ARG in From field. -c ARG Search ARG in Contact field. -t ARG Search ARG in To field. -a Search the ARG from '-f' and '-t' parameters in To and From fields. -l ARG Debug file name. -V Displays the current version. -p Port for ngrep. -T Parameter for ngrep. Indicating the delta between packet matches. -C Allow colors in debug file. -n Not allow colors in STDOUT. -m Allowed METHODS to filter e.g. -m "INVITE,REGISTER" -r match replies as well when matching with -m Example: sipgrep -f 0123456 -t 0654321 -l debug.sip or sipgrep -f 0123456 -a -l debug.sip END #version if(defined $options{V}) { print $version; exit; } #usage if((!defined $options{f} && !defined $options{t} && !defined $options{c} && !defined $options{A}) || defined $options{h}) { print $usage; exit; } #TimeStamp $ngrep_flags .= sprintf(" %s", (defined $options{T}) ? "-T" : "-t" ); #Port $ngrep_flags .= sprintf(" port %d", (defined $options{p}) ? $options{p} : "5060" ); #our system variables $any=$options{A}; $mstr=$options{m}; $anumber=$options{f}; $bnumber=$options{t}; $cnumber=$options{c}; $replies=$options{r}; $all=$options{a}; $filedebug=$options{l}; $nocolors=$options{n}; $debugfilecolors=$options{C}; @METHODS = split(",", $mstr); #remove old debug file. unlink $filedebug if(defined $filedebug); #open PIPE open(PIPE,"$ngrep $ngrep_flags |") or die "Can't run '$ngrep' programm: $!\n"; select(PIPE); $| = 1; # make unbuffered select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # make unbuffered while(<PIPE>) { chomp($_); s/ //ig; s/ // if(/^ /); if(/\.\. (.*)$/) { $tmp.=$_; if(create_newline($tmp)==1) { undef $firstvia; #system_out("----------------begin of packet -----------------------------\n"); foreach $key (@tmparray) { system_out($key."\n"); } #system_out("------------------end of packet -----------------------------\n"); } } elsif(/^#/) { undef $tmp;} elsif(/^U /) { $tmp=$_."....";} else { $tmp.=$_;} } close(PIPE); sub create_newline { my $tmpstring = shift; exit if($index > $limit); undef @tmparray; @tmparray=split(/\.\./,$tmpstring); $print_out=1; undef $searchcallid; if (@METHODS) { $print_out=0; foreach $key (@tmparray) { my $test = 0; $test = ($key =~ /^\S+\s+\S+\s+SIP\/2.0/) ? 1 : 0; if ($replies && !$test) { $test = $key =~ /CSeq\:/i; } if ($test) { foreach $m (@METHODS) { if ($key =~ $m) { $print_out=1; last; } } } } } if (!$print_out) { return $print_out; } if ($any) { $print_out=1; return $print_out; } foreach $key(@tmparray) { if(defined $anumber || defined $bnumber || defined $cnumber) { $print_out=0; getmatch($key); #if(!$callid) $tmpcallid=getcallid($key); if($searchcallid==1) { $GCALLID{$tmpcallid}=1; $print_out=1; last; } } } return $print_out; } sub getmatch { my $tmps = shift; #From: "Martin Mustermann" <sip:021173067200@qsc.de>;tag=2bdf62455c76484b9e1163154d2758cd;epid=46aa53832b if($tmps=~/^From:/i && ((defined $anumber && $tmps=~/$anumber/ig) || (defined $all && defined $bnumber && $tmps=~/$bnumber/ig))) { $searchcallid=1; } elsif($tmps=~/^To:/i && ((defined $bnumber && $tmps=~/$bnumber/ig) || (defined $all && defined $anumber && $tmps=~/$anumber/ig))) { $searchcallid=1; } elsif($tmps=~/^Contact:/i && ((defined $cnumber && $tmps=~/$cnumber/ig))) { $searchcallid=1; } if($tmps=~/^Call-ID:/ig) { (undef,$tmpcallid)=split(/: /,$tmps,2); $print_out=1 if($GCALLID{$tmpcallid}==1); } } sub getcallid { my $tmps = shift; (undef,$tmpcallid)=split(/: /,$tmps,2) if($tmps=~/^Call-ID:/ig); return $tmpcallid; } sub system_out { my $out = shift; my $tmpmain, $tmpstr; #Method: if($out =~/^($colorsmethods) /ig) { ($tmpmain,$tmpstr)=split(/ /,$out,2); print_out($tmpmain, $COLORS{'method'}); print_out(" ".$tmpstr); } #Response: elsif($out =~/^SIP\/2\.0 [1-6][0-9][0-9] /ig) { ($tmpstr, $tmpmain)=split(/ /,$out,2); print_out($tmpstr." "); print_out($tmpmain, $COLORS{'response'}); } #Callid elsif($out =~/^(Call-ID):/ig) { ($tmpstr, $tmpmain)=split(/: /,$out,2); print_out($tmpstr.": "); print_out($tmpmain, $COLORS{'callid'}); } #From/To: tag elsif($out =~/^(From|f|To|t): /ig && $out=~/;tag=/ig) { ($tmpstr, $tmpmain)=split(/;tag=/,$out,2); print_out($tmpstr.";tag="); ($tmpmain, $tmpstr)=split(/;/,$tmpmain,2); print_out($tmpmain, $out =~/^(From|f): / ? $COLORS{'fromtag'} : $COLORS{'totag'}); print_out(";".$tmpstr) if(defined $tmpstr); } #Via: branch elsif($out =~/^(Via|v): /ig && $out=~/;branch=/ig && !defined $firstvia) { ($tmpstr, $tmpmain)=split(/;branch=/,$out,2); print_out($tmpstr.";branch="); ($tmpmain, $tmpstr)=split(/;/,$tmpmain,2); print_out($tmpmain, $COLORS{'viabranch'}); print_out(";".$tmpstr) if(defined $tmpstr); $firstvia = 1; } else { print_out($out); } } sub print_out { my $ltext = shift; my $lcolor = shift; $lcolor='reset' if(!defined $lcolor || defined $nocolors); print color $lcolor; print $ltext; if(defined $filedebug) { open(DBG, ">>$filedebug"); $lcolor = 'reset' if(!(defined $debugfilecolors)); print DBG color $lcolor; print DBG $ltext; close(DBG); } }