#include <yaml.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG #endif #include <assert.h> #define BUFFER_SIZE 65536 #define MAX_DOCUMENTS 16 int copy_document(yaml_document_t *document_to, yaml_document_t *document_from) { yaml_node_t *node; yaml_node_item_t *item; yaml_node_pair_t *pair; if (!yaml_document_initialize(document_to, document_from->version_directive, document_from->tag_directives.start, document_from->tag_directives.end, document_from->start_implicit, document_from->end_implicit)) return 0; for (node = document_from->nodes.start; node < document_from->nodes.top; node ++) { switch (node->type) { case YAML_SCALAR_NODE: if (!yaml_document_add_scalar(document_to, node->tag, node->data.scalar.value, node->data.scalar.length, node->data.scalar.style)) goto error; break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE: if (!yaml_document_add_sequence(document_to, node->tag, node->data.sequence.style)) goto error; break; case YAML_MAPPING_NODE: if (!yaml_document_add_mapping(document_to, node->tag, node->data.mapping.style)) goto error; break; default: assert(0); break; } } for (node = document_from->nodes.start; node < document_from->nodes.top; node ++) { switch (node->type) { case YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE: for (item = node->data.sequence.items.start; item < node->data.sequence.items.top; item ++) { if (!yaml_document_append_sequence_item(document_to, node - document_from->nodes.start + 1, *item)) goto error; } break; case YAML_MAPPING_NODE: for (pair = node->data.mapping.pairs.start; pair < node->data.mapping.pairs.top; pair ++) { if (!yaml_document_append_mapping_pair(document_to, node - document_from->nodes.start + 1, pair->key, pair->value)) goto error; } break; default: break; } } return 1; error: yaml_document_delete(document_to); return 0; } int compare_nodes(yaml_document_t *document1, int index1, yaml_document_t *document2, int index2) { yaml_node_t *node1 = yaml_document_get_node(document1, index1); yaml_node_t *node2 = yaml_document_get_node(document2, index2); int k; assert(node1); assert(node2); if (node1->type != node2->type) return 0; if (strcmp((char *)node1->tag, (char *)node2->tag) != 0) return 0; switch (node1->type) { case YAML_SCALAR_NODE: if (node1->data.scalar.length != node2->data.scalar.length) return 0; if (strncmp((char *)node1->data.scalar.value, (char *)node2->data.scalar.value, node1->data.scalar.length) != 0) return 0; break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE: if ((node1->data.sequence.items.top - node1->data.sequence.items.start) != (node2->data.sequence.items.top - node2->data.sequence.items.start)) return 0; for (k = 0; k < (node1->data.sequence.items.top - node1->data.sequence.items.start); k ++) { if (!compare_nodes(document1, node1->data.sequence.items.start[k], document2, node2->data.sequence.items.start[k])) return 0; } break; case YAML_MAPPING_NODE: if ((node1->data.mapping.pairs.top - node1->data.mapping.pairs.start) != (node2->data.mapping.pairs.top - node2->data.mapping.pairs.start)) return 0; for (k = 0; k < (node1->data.mapping.pairs.top - node1->data.mapping.pairs.start); k ++) { if (!compare_nodes(document1, node1->data.mapping.pairs.start[k].key, document2, node2->data.mapping.pairs.start[k].key)) return 0; if (!compare_nodes(document1, node1->data.mapping.pairs.start[k].value, document2, node2->data.mapping.pairs.start[k].value)) return 0; } break; default: assert(0); break; } return 1; } int compare_documents(yaml_document_t *document1, yaml_document_t *document2) { int k; if ((document1->version_directive && !document2->version_directive) || (!document1->version_directive && document2->version_directive) || (document1->version_directive && document2->version_directive && (document1->version_directive->major != document2->version_directive->major || document1->version_directive->minor != document2->version_directive->minor))) return 0; if ((document1->tag_directives.end - document1->tag_directives.start) != (document2->tag_directives.end - document2->tag_directives.start)) return 0; for (k = 0; k < (document1->tag_directives.end - document1->tag_directives.start); k ++) { if ((strcmp((char *)document1->tag_directives.start[k].handle, (char *)document2->tag_directives.start[k].handle) != 0) || (strcmp((char *)document1->tag_directives.start[k].prefix, (char *)document2->tag_directives.start[k].prefix) != 0)) return 0; } if ((document1->nodes.top - document1->nodes.start) != (document2->nodes.top - document2->nodes.start)) return 0; if (document1->nodes.top != document1->nodes.start) { if (!compare_nodes(document1, 1, document2, 1)) return 0; } return 1; } int print_output(char *name, unsigned char *buffer, size_t size, int count) { FILE *file; char data[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t data_size = 1; size_t total_size = 0; if (count >= 0) { printf("FAILED (at the document #%d)\nSOURCE:\n", count+1); } file = fopen(name, "rb"); assert(file); while (data_size > 0) { data_size = fread(data, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, file); assert(!ferror(file)); if (!data_size) break; assert(fwrite(data, 1, data_size, stdout) == data_size); total_size += data_size; if (feof(file)) break; } fclose(file); printf("#### (length: %d)\n", total_size); printf("OUTPUT:\n%s#### (length: %d)\n", buffer, size); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int number; int canonical = 0; int unicode = 0; number = 1; while (number < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[number], "-c") == 0) { canonical = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[number], "-u") == 0) { unicode = 1; } else if (argv[number][0] == '-') { printf("Unknown option: '%s'\n", argv[number]); return 0; } if (argv[number][0] == '-') { if (number < argc-1) { memmove(argv+number, argv+number+1, (argc-number-1)*sizeof(char *)); } argc --; } else { number ++; } } if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s [-c] [-u] file1.yaml ...\n", argv[0]); return 0; } for (number = 1; number < argc; number ++) { FILE *file; yaml_parser_t parser; yaml_emitter_t emitter; yaml_document_t document; unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t written = 0; yaml_document_t documents[MAX_DOCUMENTS]; size_t document_number = 0; int done = 0; int count = 0; int error = 0; int k; memset(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); memset(documents, 0, MAX_DOCUMENTS*sizeof(yaml_document_t)); printf("[%d] Loading, dumping, and loading again '%s': ", number, argv[number]); fflush(stdout); file = fopen(argv[number], "rb"); assert(file); assert(yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)); yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, file); assert(yaml_emitter_initialize(&emitter)); if (canonical) { yaml_emitter_set_canonical(&emitter, 1); } if (unicode) { yaml_emitter_set_unicode(&emitter, 1); } yaml_emitter_set_output_string(&emitter, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &written); yaml_emitter_open(&emitter); while (!done) { if (!yaml_parser_load(&parser, &document)) { error = 1; break; } done = (!yaml_document_get_root_node(&document)); if (!done) { assert(document_number < MAX_DOCUMENTS); assert(copy_document(&(documents[document_number++]), &document)); assert(yaml_emitter_dump(&emitter, &document) || (yaml_emitter_flush(&emitter) && print_output(argv[number], buffer, written, count))); count ++; } else { yaml_document_delete(&document); } } yaml_parser_delete(&parser); assert(!fclose(file)); yaml_emitter_close(&emitter); yaml_emitter_delete(&emitter); if (!error) { count = done = 0; assert(yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)); yaml_parser_set_input_string(&parser, buffer, written); while (!done) { assert(yaml_parser_load(&parser, &document) || print_output(argv[number], buffer, written, count)); done = (!yaml_document_get_root_node(&document)); if (!done) { assert(compare_documents(documents+count, &document) || print_output(argv[number], buffer, written, count)); count ++; } yaml_document_delete(&document); } yaml_parser_delete(&parser); } for (k = 0; k < document_number; k ++) { yaml_document_delete(documents+k); } printf("PASSED (length: %d)\n", written); print_output(argv[number], buffer, written, -1); } return 0; }