/* * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony * * t4_t6_tests.c - ITU T.4 and T.6 FAX image compression and decompression tests * * Written by Steve Underwood <steveu@coppice.org> * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2009 Steve Underwood * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*! \file */ /*! \page t4_t6_tests_page T.4 and T.6 image compress and decompression tests \section t4_t6_tests_page_sec_1 What does it do These tests exercise the image compression and decompression methods defined in ITU specifications T.4 and T.6. */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <memory.h> //#define SPANDSP_EXPOSE_INTERNAL_STRUCTURES #include "spandsp.h" #define XSIZE 1728 t4_t6_encode_state_t *send_state; t4_t6_decode_state_t *receive_state; /* The following are some test cases from T.4 */ #define FILL_70 " " #define FILL_80 " " #define FILL_100 " " #define FILL_670 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_70 #define FILL_980 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_100 FILL_80 #define TEST_ROWS 16 static const char t4_t6_test_patterns[TEST_ROWS][XSIZE + 1] = { "XXXXXX " FILL_980 " XXX XXX X " FILL_670 " XXXX", "XXXXXX " FILL_980 " XXX X " FILL_670 " XXXX", /* Line start should code to V(0). Line middle codes to VR(3) VL(2) V(0). Line end should code to V(0) V(0). */ " XXXX " FILL_980 " XXXXXXX " FILL_670 " XX ", "XXXXX " FILL_980 "XX XX " FILL_670 " XXXX", /* Line start should code to VL(1). Line middle codes to H(7,2). Line end should code to V(0) VR(2) */ "XXX " FILL_980 " XX XX XX XXX " FILL_670 " X ", " " FILL_980 " X XXX XXXX " FILL_670 " X XX", /* Line start should code to P. Line middle codes to P VL(1) V(0) H(3,4) P. Line end codes to V(0) VL(2) V(0). */ "XXXXX " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XXXX", " XXX " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XX ", /* Line start should code to VR(2). Line end codes to V(0) VL(2) V(0). */ " XX " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " X XXX", "XXX X " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " X ", /* Line start should code to H(0,3) VR(1). Line end codes to V(0) VR(3). */ " " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XX ", " " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " ", /* Line end codes to P V(0) a'0. */ " " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XXXXXXXXXX", " " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XXXXXX XXXXXX", /* Line end codes to H(2,6). */ " " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XX XXXXX", " " FILL_980 " " FILL_670 " XX ", /* Line end codes to V(0) H(7,0). */ }; #if 0 static void dump_image_as_xxx(const uint8_t buf[], int bytes_per_row, int len) { const uint8_t *s; int i; int j; int k; /* Dump the entire image as text 'X's and spaces */ printf("Image (%d pixels x %d pixels):\n", bytes_per_row*8, len/bytes_per_row); s = buf; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (j = 0; j < bytes_per_row; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) printf((buf[i*bytes_per_row + j] & (0x80 >> k)) ? "X" : " "); } printf("\n"); } } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ #endif static int row_read_handler(void *user_data, uint8_t buf[], size_t len) { int i; int j; const char *s; static int row = 0; /* Send the test pattern. */ if (row >= TEST_ROWS) { row = 0; return 0; } s = t4_t6_test_patterns[row++]; memset(buf, 0, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (*s++ != ' ') buf[i] |= (0x80 >> j); } } if (*s) printf("Oops - '%c' at end of row %d\n", *s, row); return len; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static int row_write_handler(void *user_data, const uint8_t buf[], size_t len) { int i; int j; const char *s; static int row = 0; uint8_t ref[8192]; /* Verify that what is received matches the test pattern. */ //printf("Row %d\n", row); if (len == 0) return 0; s = t4_t6_test_patterns[row++]; if (row >= TEST_ROWS) row = 0; memset(ref, 0, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (*s++ != ' ') ref[i] |= (0x80 >> j); } } if (*s) printf("Oops - '%c' at end of row %d\n", *s, row); if (memcmp(buf, ref, len)) { printf("Test failed at row %d\n", row); exit(2); } return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static int detect_page_end(int bit, int page_ended) { static int consecutive_eols; static int max_consecutive_eols; static int consecutive_zeros; static int consecutive_ones; static int eol_zeros; static int eol_ones; static int expected_eols; static int end_marks; /* Check the EOLs are added properly to the end of an image. We can't rely on the decoder giving the right answer, as a full set of EOLs is not needed for the decoder to work. */ if (bit == -1000000) { /* Reset */ consecutive_eols = 0; max_consecutive_eols = 0; consecutive_zeros = 0; consecutive_ones = 0; end_marks = 0; eol_zeros = 11; eol_ones = (page_ended == T4_COMPRESSION_T4_2D) ? 2 : 1; expected_eols = (page_ended == T4_COMPRESSION_T6) ? 2 : 6; return 0; } /* Monitor whether the EOLs are there in the correct amount */ if (bit == 0) { consecutive_zeros++; consecutive_ones = 0; } else if (bit == 1) { if (++consecutive_ones == eol_ones) { if (consecutive_eols == 0 && consecutive_zeros >= eol_zeros) consecutive_eols++; else if (consecutive_zeros == eol_zeros) consecutive_eols++; else consecutive_eols = 0; consecutive_zeros = 0; consecutive_ones = 0; } if (max_consecutive_eols < consecutive_eols) max_consecutive_eols = consecutive_eols; } else if (bit == SIG_STATUS_END_OF_DATA) { if (end_marks == 0) { if (max_consecutive_eols != expected_eols) { printf("Only %d EOLs (should be %d)\n", max_consecutive_eols, expected_eols); return 2; } consecutive_zeros = 0; consecutive_eols = 0; max_consecutive_eols = 0; } if (!page_ended) { /* We might need to push a few bits to get the receiver to report the end of page condition (at least with T.6). */ if (++end_marks > 50) { printf("Receiver missed the end of page mark\n"); return 2; } return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static const int compression_sequence[] = { T4_COMPRESSION_T4_1D, T4_COMPRESSION_T4_2D, T4_COMPRESSION_T6, -1 }; int bit; int end_of_page; int end_marks; int compression; int compression_step; int min_row_bits; int opt; int tests_failed; int block_size; int len; int res; uint8_t chunk_buf[1024]; tests_failed = 0; compression = -1; compression_step = 0; /* Use a non-zero default minimum row length to ensure we test the consecutive EOLs part properly. */ min_row_bits = 50; block_size = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:m:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'b': block_size = atoi(optarg); if (block_size > 1024) block_size = 1024; break; case 'c': if (strcmp(optarg, "T41D") == 0) { compression = T4_COMPRESSION_T4_1D; compression_step = -1; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "T42D") == 0) { compression = T4_COMPRESSION_T4_2D; compression_step = -1; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "T6") == 0) { compression = T4_COMPRESSION_T6; compression_step = -1; } break; case 'm': min_row_bits = atoi(optarg); break; default: //usage(); exit(2); break; } } end_of_page = false; #if 1 printf("Testing image_function->compress->decompress->image_function\n"); /* Send end gets image from a function */ if ((send_state = t4_t6_encode_init(NULL, compression, 1728, -1, row_read_handler, NULL)) == NULL) { printf("Failed to init T.4/T.6 encoder\n"); exit(2); } span_log_set_level(t4_t6_encode_get_logging_state(send_state), SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME | SPAN_LOG_FLOW); t4_t6_encode_set_min_bits_per_row(send_state, min_row_bits); t4_t6_encode_set_max_2d_rows_per_1d_row(send_state, 2); /* Receive end puts TIFF to a function. */ if ((receive_state = t4_t6_decode_init(NULL, compression, 1728, row_write_handler, NULL)) == NULL) { printf("Failed to init T.4/T.6 decoder\n"); exit(2); } span_log_set_level(t4_t6_decode_get_logging_state(receive_state), SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME | SPAN_LOG_FLOW); /* Now send and receive the test data with all compression modes. */ /* If we are stepping around the compression schemes, reset to the start of the sequence. */ if (compression_step > 0) compression_step = 0; for (;;) { end_marks = 0; if (compression_step >= 0) { compression = compression_sequence[compression_step++]; if (compression < 0) break; } t4_t6_encode_set_encoding(send_state, compression); t4_t6_decode_set_encoding(receive_state, compression); if (t4_t6_encode_restart(send_state, 1728, -1)) break; if (t4_t6_decode_restart(receive_state, 1728)) break; detect_page_end(-1000000, compression); switch (block_size) { case 0: end_of_page = false; for (;;) { bit = t4_t6_encode_get_bit(send_state); if ((res = detect_page_end(bit, end_of_page))) { if (res != 1) { printf("Test failed\n"); exit(2); } break; } if (!end_of_page) end_of_page = t4_t6_decode_put_bit(receive_state, bit & 1); } break; default: do { len = t4_t6_encode_get(send_state, chunk_buf, block_size); if (len == 0) { if (++end_marks > 50) { printf("Receiver missed the end of page mark\n"); tests_failed++; break; } chunk_buf[0] = 0xFF; len = 1; } end_of_page = t4_t6_decode_put(receive_state, chunk_buf, len); } while (!end_of_page); break; } if (compression_step < 0) break; } t4_t6_encode_free(send_state); t4_t6_decode_free(receive_state); #endif printf("Tests passed\n"); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ /*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/