/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2011, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> * * * pizza.js ASR Demonstration Application * */ include("js_modules/SpeechTools.jm"); function on_dtmf(a, b, c) {} var dft_min = 100; var dft_confirm = 600; /***************** Initialize The Speech Detector *****************/ var asr = new SpeechDetect(session, "lumenvox", ""); /***************** Be more verbose *****************/ asr.debug = 1; /***************** Set audio params *****************/ asr.setAudioBase("/root/pizza/"); asr.setAudioExt(".wav"); /***************** Unload the last grammar whenever we activate a new one *****************/ asr.AutoUnload = true; /***************** Create And Configure The Pizza *****************/ var pizza = new Object(); /***************** Delivery Or Take-Out? *****************/ pizza.orderObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.orderObtainer.setGrammar("order", "pizza/order.gram", "result", dft_min, dft_confirm, true); pizza.orderObtainer.setTopSound("GP-DeliveryorTakeout"); pizza.orderObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NoDeliveryorTake-out"); pizza.orderObtainer.addItem("Delivery,Pickup"); /***************** What Size? *****************/ pizza.sizeObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.sizeObtainer.setGrammar("size", "pizza/size.gram", "result", dft_min, dft_confirm, true); pizza.sizeObtainer.setTopSound("GP-Size"); pizza.sizeObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.sizeObtainer.addItem("ExtraLarge,Large,Medium,Small,TotallyHumongous"); /***************** What Type Of Crust? *****************/ pizza.crustObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.crustObtainer.setGrammar("crust", "pizza/crust.gram", "result", dft_min, dft_confirm, true); pizza.crustObtainer.setTopSound("GP-Crust"); pizza.crustObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.crustObtainer.addItem("HandTossed,Pan,Thin"); /***************** Specialty Or Custom? *****************/ pizza.specialtyObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.specialtyObtainer.setGrammar("specialty", "pizza/specialty.gram", "result", dft_min, dft_confirm, true); pizza.specialtyObtainer.setTopSound("GP-SpecialtyList"); pizza.specialtyObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.specialtyObtainer.addItem("Hawaiian,MeatLovers,Pickle,Dali,Vegetarian"); /***************** Which Specialty? *****************/ pizza.typeObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.typeObtainer.setGrammar("type", "pizza/specialtyorcustom.gram", "result", dft_min, dft_confirm, true); pizza.typeObtainer.setTopSound("GP-SpecialtyorCustom"); pizza.typeObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.typeObtainer.addItem("Specialty,Custom"); /***************** What Toppings? *****************/ pizza.toppingsObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.toppingsObtainer.setGrammar("toppings", "pizza/pizza.gram", "result.toppinglist.ingredient", dft_min, 400, true); pizza.toppingsObtainer.setTopSound("GP-Toppings"); pizza.toppingsObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.toppingsObtainer.addItem("anchovie,artichoke,canadianbacon,everything,extracheese,garlic,goatcheese,bellpepper"); pizza.toppingsObtainer.addItem("mango,mushroom,olives,onions,pepperoni,pickle,pineapple,salami,sausage,shrimp,spinach,ham"); /***************** Change Delivery Or Size Or Crust, Add/Rem Toppings Or Start Over *****************/ pizza.arsoObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.arsoObtainer.setGrammar("arso", "pizza/arso.gram", "result", 500, 250, true); pizza.arsoObtainer.setTopSound("GP-ARSO"); pizza.arsoObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.arsoObtainer.addItem("delivery,size,crust,startover,add_topping,rem_topping"); /***************** Yes? No? Maybe So? *****************/ pizza.yesnoObtainer = new SpeechObtainer(asr, 1, 5000); pizza.yesnoObtainer.setGrammar("yesno", "pizza/yesno.gram", "result", 500, 250, true); pizza.yesnoObtainer.setBadSound("GP-NI"); pizza.yesnoObtainer.addItem("yes,no"); /***************** Get Some Information *****************/ pizza.get = function(params, confirm) { for(;;) { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } var main_items = params.run(); if (confirm && params.needConfirm) { pizza.yesnoObtainer.setTopSound("Confirm" + main_items[0]); var items = pizza.yesnoObtainer.run(); if (items[0] == "yes") { break; } } else { break; } } return main_items; }; /***************** Is This Right? *****************/ pizza.check = function () { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } asr.streamFile("GP-You_ordered_a"); asr.streamFile(pizza.size); asr.streamFile(pizza.crust); if (pizza.type == "Specialty") { asr.streamFile(pizza.specialty); asr.streamFile("pizza"); } else { asr.streamFile("pizza"); asr.streamFile("GP-With"); for (key in pizza.toppings) { if (pizza.toppings[key] == "add") { asr.streamFile(key); } } } pizza.yesnoObtainer.setTopSound("GP-WasThisRight"); items = pizza.yesnoObtainer.run(); return items[0] == "yes" ? true : false; }; /***************** Let's Remove The Toppings *****************/ pizza.clearToppings = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (pizza.toppings) { delete pizza.toppings; } pizza.have_toppings = false; pizza.toppings = new Array(); } /***************** Clean Slate *****************/ pizza.init = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } pizza.add_rem = "add"; pizza.order = pizza.size = pizza.crust = pizza.type = false; pizza.toppingsObtainer.setTopSound("GP-Toppings"); pizza.specialty = false; pizza.clearToppings(); pizza.said_greet = false; } /***************** Welcome! *****************/ pizza.greet = function () { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (!pizza.said_greet) { asr.streamFile("GP-Greeting"); pizza.said_greet = true; } }; /***************** Collect Order Type *****************/ pizza.getOrder = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (!pizza.order) { var items = pizza.get(pizza.orderObtainer, true); pizza.order = items[0]; } }; /***************** Collect Size *****************/ pizza.getSize = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (!pizza.size) { var items = pizza.get(pizza.sizeObtainer, true); pizza.size = items[0]; } }; /***************** Collect Crust *****************/ pizza.getCrust = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (!pizza.crust) { var items = pizza.get(pizza.crustObtainer, true); pizza.crust = items[0]; } }; /***************** Collect Pizza Type *****************/ pizza.getType = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (!pizza.type) { var items = pizza.get(pizza.typeObtainer, true); pizza.type = items[0]; } }; /***************** Collect Toppings *****************/ pizza.getToppings = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } if (pizza.type == "Specialty" && !pizza.specialty) { var items = pizza.get(pizza.specialtyObtainer, true); pizza.specialty = items[0]; pizza.have_toppings = true; } else if (!pizza.have_toppings) { toppings = pizza.get(pizza.toppingsObtainer, false); for(x = 0; x < toppings.length; x++) { pizza.toppings[toppings[x]] = pizza.add_rem; } pizza.have_toppings = true; } }; /***************** Modify Pizza If You Don't Like It *****************/ pizza.fix = function() { if (!session.ready()) { return false; } asr.streamFile("GP-Wanted-No"); arso = pizza.get(pizza.arsoObtainer, false); for (x = 0; x < arso.length; x++) { if (arso[x] == "delivery") { pizza.order = false; } else if (arso[x] == "size") { pizza.size = false; } else if (arso[x] == "crust") { pizza.crust = false; } else if (arso[x] == "startover") { pizza.init(); } else { if (pizza.type == "Specialty") { asr.streamFile("GP-ChangeSpec"); pizza.type = false; pizza.clearToppings(); } else { pizza.have_toppings = false; if (arso[x] == "add_topping") { pizza.add_rem = "add"; pizza.toppingsObtainer.setTopSound("GP-Adding"); } else { pizza.add_rem = "rem"; pizza.toppingsObtainer.setTopSound("GP-Remove"); } } } } }; /***************** Tie It All Together *****************/ pizza.run = function() { pizza.init(); for(;;) { if (!session.ready()) { break; } pizza.greet(); pizza.getOrder(); pizza.getSize(); pizza.getCrust(); pizza.getType(); pizza.getToppings(); if (pizza.check()) { asr.streamFile(pizza.order); break; } else { pizza.fix(); } } }; /***************** Begin Program *****************/ session.answer(); pizza.run(); asr.stop();