/* * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony * * async_tests.c - Tests for asynchronous serial processing. * * Written by Steve Underwood <steveu@coppice.org> * * Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Underwood * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*! \file */ /*! \page async_tests_page Asynchronous bit stream tests \section async_tests_page_sec_1 What does it do? */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sndfile.h> #define SPANDSP_EXPOSE_INTERNAL_STRUCTURES #include "spandsp.h" async_rx_state_t rx_async; async_tx_state_t tx_async; int full_len; uint8_t old_buf[1000]; uint8_t new_buf[1000]; volatile int tx_async_chars; volatile int rx_async_chars; volatile int rx_async_char_mask; int v14_test_async_tx_get_bit(void *user_data); int v14_test_async_tx_get_bit(void *user_data) { async_tx_state_t *s; int bit; int parity_bit; static int destuff = 0; /* Special routine to test V.14 rate adaption, by randomly skipping stop bits. */ s = (async_tx_state_t *) user_data; if (s->bitpos == 0) { s->byte_in_progress = s->get_byte(s->user_data); s->byte_in_progress &= (0xFFFF >> (16 - s->data_bits)); if (s->parity) { parity_bit = parity8(s->byte_in_progress); if (s->parity == ASYNC_PARITY_ODD) parity_bit ^= 1; s->byte_in_progress |= (parity_bit << s->data_bits); s->byte_in_progress |= (0xFFFF << (s->data_bits + 1)); } else { s->byte_in_progress |= (0xFFFF << s->data_bits); } /* Start bit */ bit = 0; s->bitpos++; } else { bit = s->byte_in_progress & 1; s->byte_in_progress >>= 1; /* Drop the stop bit on every fourth character for V.14 simulation */ if ((++destuff & 3) == 0) { if (++s->bitpos > s->total_bits - 1) s->bitpos = 0; } else { if (++s->bitpos > s->total_bits) s->bitpos = 0; } } return bit; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static int test_get_async_byte(void *user_data) { int byte; byte = tx_async_chars & 0xFF; tx_async_chars++; return byte; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static void test_put_async_byte(void *user_data, int byte) { if ((rx_async_chars & rx_async_char_mask) != byte) printf("Received byte is 0x%X (expected 0x%X)\n", byte, rx_async_chars); rx_async_chars++; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int bit; printf("Test with async 8N1\n"); async_tx_init(&tx_async, 8, ASYNC_PARITY_NONE, 1, FALSE, test_get_async_byte, NULL); async_rx_init(&rx_async, 8, ASYNC_PARITY_NONE, 1, FALSE, test_put_async_byte, NULL); tx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_char_mask = 0xFF; while (rx_async_chars < 1000) { bit = async_tx_get_bit(&tx_async); async_rx_put_bit(&rx_async, bit); } printf("Chars=%d/%d, PE=%d, FE=%d\n", tx_async_chars, rx_async_chars, rx_async.parity_errors, rx_async.framing_errors); if (tx_async_chars != rx_async_chars || rx_async.parity_errors || rx_async.framing_errors) { printf("Test failed.\n"); exit(2); } printf("Test with async 7E1\n"); async_tx_init(&tx_async, 7, ASYNC_PARITY_EVEN, 1, FALSE, test_get_async_byte, NULL); async_rx_init(&rx_async, 7, ASYNC_PARITY_EVEN, 1, FALSE, test_put_async_byte, NULL); tx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_char_mask = 0x7F; while (rx_async_chars < 1000) { bit = async_tx_get_bit(&tx_async); async_rx_put_bit(&rx_async, bit); } printf("Chars=%d/%d, PE=%d, FE=%d\n", tx_async_chars, rx_async_chars, rx_async.parity_errors, rx_async.framing_errors); if (tx_async_chars != rx_async_chars || rx_async.parity_errors || rx_async.framing_errors) { printf("Test failed.\n"); exit(2); } printf("Test with async 8O1\n"); async_tx_init(&tx_async, 8, ASYNC_PARITY_ODD, 1, FALSE, test_get_async_byte, NULL); async_rx_init(&rx_async, 8, ASYNC_PARITY_ODD, 1, FALSE, test_put_async_byte, NULL); tx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_char_mask = 0xFF; while (rx_async_chars < 1000) { bit = async_tx_get_bit(&tx_async); async_rx_put_bit(&rx_async, bit); } printf("Chars=%d/%d, PE=%d, FE=%d\n", tx_async_chars, rx_async_chars, rx_async.parity_errors, rx_async.framing_errors); if (tx_async_chars != rx_async_chars || rx_async.parity_errors || rx_async.framing_errors) { printf("Test failed.\n"); exit(2); } printf("Test with async 8O1 and V.14\n"); async_tx_init(&tx_async, 8, ASYNC_PARITY_ODD, 1, TRUE, test_get_async_byte, NULL); async_rx_init(&rx_async, 8, ASYNC_PARITY_ODD, 1, TRUE, test_put_async_byte, NULL); tx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_char_mask = 0xFF; while (rx_async_chars < 1000) { bit = v14_test_async_tx_get_bit(&tx_async); async_rx_put_bit(&rx_async, bit); } printf("Chars=%d/%d, PE=%d, FE=%d\n", tx_async_chars, rx_async_chars, rx_async.parity_errors, rx_async.framing_errors); if (tx_async_chars != rx_async_chars || rx_async.parity_errors || rx_async.framing_errors) { printf("Test failed.\n"); exit(2); } printf("Test with async 5N2\n"); async_tx_init(&tx_async, 5, ASYNC_PARITY_NONE, 2, FALSE, test_get_async_byte, NULL); async_rx_init(&rx_async, 5, ASYNC_PARITY_NONE, 2, FALSE, test_put_async_byte, NULL); tx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_chars = 0; rx_async_char_mask = 0x1F; while (rx_async_chars < 1000) { bit = async_tx_get_bit(&tx_async); async_rx_put_bit(&rx_async, bit); } printf("Chars=%d/%d, PE=%d, FE=%d\n", tx_async_chars, rx_async_chars, rx_async.parity_errors, rx_async.framing_errors); if (tx_async_chars != rx_async_chars || rx_async.parity_errors || rx_async.framing_errors) { printf("Test failed.\n"); exit(2); } printf("Tests passed.\n"); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ /*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/