/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Anthony Minessale II * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ESL_EVENT_H #define ESL_EVENT_H #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ typedef enum { ESL_STACK_BOTTOM, ESL_STACK_TOP } esl_stack_t; typedef enum { ESL_EVENT_CUSTOM, ESL_EVENT_CLONE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_CREATE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_DESTROY, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_STATE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_CALLSTATE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_ANSWER, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_HANGUP, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_EXECUTE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_HOLD, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_UNHOLD, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_BRIDGE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_UNBRIDGE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_PROGRESS, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_PROGRESS_MEDIA, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_OUTGOING, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_PARK, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_UNPARK, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_APPLICATION, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_ORIGINATE, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_UUID, ESL_EVENT_API, ESL_EVENT_LOG, ESL_EVENT_INBOUND_CHAN, ESL_EVENT_OUTBOUND_CHAN, ESL_EVENT_STARTUP, ESL_EVENT_SHUTDOWN, ESL_EVENT_PUBLISH, ESL_EVENT_UNPUBLISH, ESL_EVENT_TALK, ESL_EVENT_NOTALK, ESL_EVENT_SESSION_CRASH, ESL_EVENT_MODULE_LOAD, ESL_EVENT_MODULE_UNLOAD, ESL_EVENT_DTMF, ESL_EVENT_MESSAGE, ESL_EVENT_PRESENCE_IN, ESL_EVENT_NOTIFY_IN, ESL_EVENT_PRESENCE_OUT, ESL_EVENT_PRESENCE_PROBE, ESL_EVENT_MESSAGE_WAITING, ESL_EVENT_MESSAGE_QUERY, ESL_EVENT_ROSTER, ESL_EVENT_CODEC, ESL_EVENT_BACKGROUND_JOB, ESL_EVENT_DETECTED_SPEECH, ESL_EVENT_DETECTED_TONE, ESL_EVENT_PRIVATE_COMMAND, ESL_EVENT_HEARTBEAT, ESL_EVENT_TRAP, ESL_EVENT_ADD_SCHEDULE, ESL_EVENT_DEL_SCHEDULE, ESL_EVENT_EXE_SCHEDULE, ESL_EVENT_RE_SCHEDULE, ESL_EVENT_RELOADXML, ESL_EVENT_NOTIFY, ESL_EVENT_SEND_MESSAGE, ESL_EVENT_RECV_MESSAGE, ESL_EVENT_REQUEST_PARAMS, ESL_EVENT_CHANNEL_DATA, ESL_EVENT_GENERAL, ESL_EVENT_COMMAND, ESL_EVENT_SESSION_HEARTBEAT, ESL_EVENT_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, ESL_EVENT_SERVER_DISCONNECTED, ESL_EVENT_SEND_INFO, ESL_EVENT_RECV_INFO, ESL_EVENT_CALL_SECURE, ESL_EVENT_NAT, ESL_EVENT_RECORD_START, ESL_EVENT_RECORD_STOP, ESL_EVENT_CALL_UPDATE, ESL_EVENT_FAILURE, ESL_EVENT_SOCKET_DATA, ESL_EVENT_MEDIA_BUG_START, ESL_EVENT_MEDIA_BUG_STOP, ESL_EVENT_ALL } esl_event_types_t; typedef enum { ESL_PRIORITY_NORMAL, ESL_PRIORITY_LOW, ESL_PRIORITY_HIGH } esl_priority_t; /*! \brief An event Header */ struct esl_event_header { /*! the header name */ char *name; /*! the header value */ char *value; /*! hash of the header name */ unsigned long hash; struct esl_event_header *next; }; /*! \brief Representation of an event */ struct esl_event { /*! the event id (descriptor) */ esl_event_types_t event_id; /*! the priority of the event */ esl_priority_t priority; /*! the owner of the event */ char *owner; /*! the subclass of the event */ char *subclass_name; /*! the event headers */ esl_event_header_t *headers; /*! the event headers tail pointer */ esl_event_header_t *last_header; /*! the body of the event */ char *body; /*! user data from the subclass provider */ void *bind_user_data; /*! user data from the event sender */ void *event_user_data; /*! unique key */ unsigned long key; struct esl_event *next; int flags; }; typedef enum { ESL_UNIQ_HEADERS = (1 << 0) } esl_event_flag_t; #define ESL_EVENT_SUBCLASS_ANY NULL /*! \brief Create an event \param event a NULL pointer on which to create the event \param event_id the event id enumeration of the desired event \param subclass_name the subclass name for custom event (only valid when event_id is ESL_EVENT_CUSTOM) \return ESL_SUCCESS on success */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_create_subclass(esl_event_t **event, esl_event_types_t event_id, const char *subclass_name); /*! \brief Set the priority of an event \param event the event to set the priority on \param priority the event priority \return ESL_SUCCESS */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_set_priority(esl_event_t *event, esl_priority_t priority); /*! \brief Retrieve a header value from an event \param event the event to read the header from \param header_name the name of the header to read \return the value of the requested header */ ESL_DECLARE(char *)esl_event_get_header(esl_event_t *event, const char *header_name); /*! \brief Retrieve the body value from an event \param event the event to read the body from \return the value of the body or NULL */ ESL_DECLARE(char *)esl_event_get_body(esl_event_t *event); /*! \brief Add a header to an event \param event the event to add the header to \param stack the stack sense (stack it on the top or on the bottom) \param header_name the name of the header to add \param fmt the value of the header (varargs see standard sprintf family) \return ESL_SUCCESS if the header was added */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_add_header(esl_event_t *event, esl_stack_t stack, const char *header_name, const char *fmt, ...); //PRINTF_FUNCTION(4, 5); /*! \brief Add a string header to an event \param event the event to add the header to \param stack the stack sense (stack it on the top or on the bottom) \param header_name the name of the header to add \param data the value of the header \return ESL_SUCCESS if the header was added */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_add_header_string(esl_event_t *event, esl_stack_t stack, const char *header_name, const char *data); ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_del_header_val(esl_event_t *event, const char *header_name, const char *var); #define esl_event_del_header(_e, _h) esl_event_del_header_val(_e, _h, NULL) /*! \brief Destroy an event \param event pointer to the pointer to event to destroy */ ESL_DECLARE(void) esl_event_destroy(esl_event_t **event); #define esl_event_safe_destroy(_event) if (_event) esl_event_destroy(_event) /*! \brief Duplicate an event \param event a NULL pointer on which to duplicate the event \param todup an event to duplicate \return ESL_SUCCESS if the event was duplicated */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_dup(esl_event_t **event, esl_event_t *todup); /*! \brief Render the name of an event id enumeration \param event the event id to render the name of \return the rendered name */ ESL_DECLARE(const char *)esl_event_name(esl_event_types_t event); /*! \brief return the event id that matches a given event name \param name the name of the event \param type the event id to return \return ESL_SUCCESS if there was a match */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_name_event(const char *name, esl_event_types_t *type); /*! \brief Render a string representation of an event sutable for printing or network transport \param event the event to render \param str a string pointer to point at the allocated data \param encode url encode the headers \return ESL_SUCCESS if the operation was successful \note you must free the resulting string when you are finished with it */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_serialize(esl_event_t *event, char **str, esl_bool_t encode); ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_serialize_json(esl_event_t *event, char **str); ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_create_json(esl_event_t **event, const char *json); /*! \brief Add a body to an event \param event the event to add to body to \param fmt optional body of the event (varargs see standard sprintf family) \return ESL_SUCCESS if the body was added to the event \note the body parameter can be shadowed by the esl_event_reserve_subclass_detailed function */ ESL_DECLARE(esl_status_t) esl_event_add_body(esl_event_t *event, const char *fmt, ...); /*! \brief Create a new event assuming it will not be custom event and therefore hiding the unused parameters \param event a NULL pointer on which to create the event \param id the event id enumeration of the desired event \return ESL_SUCCESS on success */ #define esl_event_create(event, id) esl_event_create_subclass(event, id, ESL_EVENT_SUBCLASS_ANY) ESL_DECLARE(const char *)esl_priority_name(esl_priority_t priority); ///\} #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #endif /* defined(ESL_EVENT_H) */ /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: */