/* * Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * jquery.FSRTC.js - WebRTC Glue code * */ (function($) { // Find the line in sdpLines that starts with |prefix|, and, if specified, // contains |substr| (case-insensitive search). function findLine(sdpLines, prefix, substr) { return findLineInRange(sdpLines, 0, -1, prefix, substr); } // Find the line in sdpLines[startLine...endLine - 1] that starts with |prefix| // and, if specified, contains |substr| (case-insensitive search). function findLineInRange(sdpLines, startLine, endLine, prefix, substr) { var realEndLine = (endLine != -1) ? endLine : sdpLines.length; for (var i = startLine; i < realEndLine; ++i) { if (sdpLines[i].indexOf(prefix) === 0) { if (!substr || sdpLines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(substr.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return i; } } } return null; } // Gets the codec payload type from an a=rtpmap:X line. function getCodecPayloadType(sdpLine) { var pattern = new RegExp('a=rtpmap:(\\d+) \\w+\\/\\d+'); var result = sdpLine.match(pattern); return (result && result.length == 2) ? result[1] : null; } // Returns a new m= line with the specified codec as the first one. function setDefaultCodec(mLine, payload) { var elements = mLine.split(' '); var newLine = []; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (index === 3) { // Format of media starts from the fourth. newLine[index++] = payload; // Put target payload to the first. } if (elements[i] !== payload) newLine[index++] = elements[i]; } return newLine.join(' '); } $.FSRTC = function(options) { this.options = $.extend({ useVideo: null, useStereo: false, userData: null, localVideo: null, screenShare: false, useCamera: "any", iceServers: false, videoParams: {}, audioParams: {}, callbacks: { onICEComplete: function() {}, onICE: function() {}, onOfferSDP: function() {} }, }, options); this.enabled = true; this.mediaData = { SDP: null, profile: {}, candidateList: [] }; if (moz) { this.constraints = { offerToReceiveAudio: true, offerToReceiveVideo: this.options.useVideo ? true : false, }; } else { this.constraints = { optional: [{ 'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement': 'true' }],mandatory: { OfferToReceiveAudio: true, OfferToReceiveVideo: this.options.useVideo ? true : false, } }; } if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'none'; } setCompat(); checkCompat(); }; $.FSRTC.validRes = []; $.FSRTC.prototype.useVideo = function(obj, local) { var self = this; if (obj) { self.options.useVideo = obj; self.options.localVideo = local; if (moz) { self.constraints.offerToReceiveVideo = true; } else { self.constraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo = true; } } else { self.options.useVideo = null; self.options.localVideo = null; if (moz) { self.constraints.offerToReceiveVideo = false; } else { self.constraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo = false; } } if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'none'; } }; $.FSRTC.prototype.useStereo = function(on) { var self = this; self.options.useStereo = on; }; // Sets Opus in stereo if stereo is enabled, by adding the stereo=1 fmtp param. $.FSRTC.prototype.stereoHack = function(sdp) { var self = this; if (!self.options.useStereo) { return sdp; } var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n'); // Find opus payload. var opusIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=rtpmap', 'opus/48000'), opusPayload; if (!opusIndex) { return sdp; } else { opusPayload = getCodecPayloadType(sdpLines[opusIndex]); } // Find the payload in fmtp line. var fmtpLineIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=fmtp:' + opusPayload.toString()); if (fmtpLineIndex === null) { // create an fmtp line sdpLines[opusIndex] = sdpLines[opusIndex] + '\r\na=fmtp:' + opusPayload.toString() + " stereo=1" } else { // Append stereo=1 to fmtp line. sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex] = sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex].concat('; stereo=1'); } sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); return sdp; }; function setCompat() { $.FSRTC.moz = !!navigator.mozGetUserMedia; //navigator.getUserMedia || (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia); if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; } } function checkCompat() { if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { alert('This application cannot function in this browser.'); return false; } return true; } function onStreamError(self, e) { console.log('There has been a problem retrieving the streams - did you allow access? Check Device Resolution', e); doCallback(self, "onError", e); } function onStreamSuccess(self, stream) { console.log("Stream Success"); doCallback(self, "onStream", stream); } function onICE(self, candidate) { self.mediaData.candidate = candidate; self.mediaData.candidateList.push(self.mediaData.candidate); doCallback(self, "onICE"); } function doCallback(self, func, arg) { if (func in self.options.callbacks) { self.options.callbacks[func](self, arg); } } function onICEComplete(self, candidate) { console.log("ICE Complete"); doCallback(self, "onICEComplete"); } function onChannelError(self, e) { console.error("Channel Error", e); doCallback(self, "onError", e); } function onICESDP(self, sdp) { self.mediaData.SDP = self.stereoHack(sdp.sdp); console.log("ICE SDP"); doCallback(self, "onICESDP"); } function onAnswerSDP(self, sdp) { self.answer.SDP = self.stereoHack(sdp.sdp); console.log("ICE ANSWER SDP"); doCallback(self, "onAnswerSDP", self.answer.SDP); } function onMessage(self, msg) { console.log("Message"); doCallback(self, "onICESDP", msg); } function onRemoteStream(self, stream) { if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'block'; } var element = self.options.useAudio; console.log("REMOTE STREAM", stream, element); if (typeof element.srcObject !== 'undefined') { element.srcObject = stream; } else if (typeof element.mozSrcObject !== 'undefined') { element.mozSrcObject = stream; } else if (typeof element.src !== 'undefined') { element.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); } else { console.error('Error attaching stream to element.'); } self.options.useAudio.play(); self.remoteStream = stream; } function onOfferSDP(self, sdp) { self.mediaData.SDP = self.stereoHack(sdp.sdp); console.log("Offer SDP"); doCallback(self, "onOfferSDP"); } $.FSRTC.prototype.answer = function(sdp, onSuccess, onError) { this.peer.addAnswerSDP({ type: "answer", sdp: sdp }, onSuccess, onError); }; $.FSRTC.prototype.stopPeer = function() { if (self.peer) { console.log("stopping peer"); self.peer.stop(); } } $.FSRTC.prototype.stop = function() { var self = this; if (self.options.useVideo) { self.options.useVideo.style.display = 'none'; if (moz) { self.options.useVideo['mozSrcObject'] = null; } else { self.options.useVideo['src'] = ''; } } if (self.localStream) { self.localStream.stop(); self.localStream = null; } if (self.options.localVideo) { self.options.localVideo.style.display = 'none'; if (moz) { self.options.localVideo['mozSrcObject'] = null; } else { self.options.localVideo['src'] = ''; } } if (self.options.localVideoStream) { self.options.localVideoStream.stop(); } if (self.peer) { console.log("stopping peer"); self.peer.stop(); } }; $.FSRTC.prototype.getMute = function() { var self = this; return self.enabled; } $.FSRTC.prototype.setMute = function(what) { var self = this; var audioTracks = self.localStream.getAudioTracks(); for (var i = 0, len = audioTracks.length; i < len; i++ ) { switch(what) { case "on": audioTracks[i].enabled = true; break; case "off": audioTracks[i].enabled = false; break; case "toggle": audioTracks[i].enabled = !audioTracks[i].enabled; default: break; } self.enabled = audioTracks[i].enabled; } return !self.enabled; } $.FSRTC.prototype.createAnswer = function(params) { var self = this; self.type = "answer"; self.remoteSDP = params.sdp; console.debug("inbound sdp: ", params.sdp); function onSuccess(stream) { self.localStream = stream; self.peer = RTCPeerConnection({ type: self.type, attachStream: self.localStream, onICE: function(candidate) { return onICE(self, candidate); }, onICEComplete: function() { return onICEComplete(self); }, onRemoteStream: function(stream) { return onRemoteStream(self, stream); }, onICESDP: function(sdp) { return onICESDP(self, sdp); }, onChannelError: function(e) { return onChannelError(self, e); }, constraints: self.constraints, iceServers: self.options.iceServers, offerSDP: { type: "offer", sdp: self.remoteSDP } }); onStreamSuccess(self); } function onError(e) { onStreamError(self, e); } var mediaParams = getMediaParams(self); console.log("Audio constraints", mediaParams.audio); console.log("Video constraints", mediaParams.video); if (self.options.useVideo && self.options.localVideo) { getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: false, video: { mandatory: self.options.videoParams, optional: [] }, }, localVideo: self.options.localVideo, onsuccess: function(e) {self.options.localVideoStream = e; console.log("local video ready");}, onerror: function(e) {console.error("local video error!");} }); } getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: mediaParams.audio, video: mediaParams.video }, video: mediaParams.useVideo, onsuccess: onSuccess, onerror: onError }); }; function getMediaParams(obj) { var audio; if (obj.options.videoParams && obj.options.screenShare) {//obj.options.videoParams.chromeMediaSource == 'desktop') { //obj.options.videoParams = { // chromeMediaSource: 'screen', // maxWidth:screen.width, // maxHeight:screen.height // chromeMediaSourceId = sourceId; // }; console.error("SCREEN SHARE"); audio = false; } else { audio = { mandatory: obj.options.audioParams, optional: [] }; if (obj.options.useMic !== "any") { audio.optional = [{sourceId: obj.options.useMic}] } } if (obj.options.useVideo && obj.options.localVideo) { getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: false, video: { mandatory: obj.options.videoParams, optional: [] }, }, localVideo: obj.options.localVideo, onsuccess: function(e) {self.options.localVideoStream = e; console.log("local video ready");}, onerror: function(e) {console.error("local video error!");} }); } var video = {}; var bestFrameRate = obj.options.videoParams.vertoBestFrameRate; delete obj.options.videoParams.vertoBestFrameRate; if (window.moz) { video = obj.options.videoParams; if (!video.width) video.width = video.minWidth; if (!video.height) video.height = video.minHeight; if (!video.frameRate) video.frameRate = video.minFrameRate; } else { video = { mandatory: obj.options.videoParams, optional: [] } } var useVideo = obj.options.useVideo; if (useVideo && obj.options.useCamera && obj.options.useCamera !== "none") { if (!video.optional) { video.optional = []; } if (obj.options.useCamera !== "any") { video.optional.push({sourceId: obj.options.useCamera}); } if (bestFrameRate && !window.moz) { video.optional.push({minFrameRate: bestFrameRate}); } } else { video = false; useVideo = false; } return {audio: audio, video: video, useVideo: useVideo}; } $.FSRTC.prototype.call = function(profile) { checkCompat(); var self = this; var screen = false; self.type = "offer"; if (self.options.videoParams && self.options.screenShare) { //self.options.videoParams.chromeMediaSource == 'desktop') { screen = true; } function onSuccess(stream) { self.localStream = stream; if (screen) { if (moz) { self.constraints.OfferToReceiveVideo = false; } else { self.constraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo = false; } } self.peer = RTCPeerConnection({ type: self.type, attachStream: self.localStream, onICE: function(candidate) { return onICE(self, candidate); }, onICEComplete: function() { return onICEComplete(self); }, onRemoteStream: screen ? function(stream) {} : function(stream) { return onRemoteStream(self, stream); }, onOfferSDP: function(sdp) { return onOfferSDP(self, sdp); }, onICESDP: function(sdp) { return onICESDP(self, sdp); }, onChannelError: function(e) { return onChannelError(self, e); }, constraints: self.constraints, iceServers: self.options.iceServers, }); onStreamSuccess(self, stream); } function onError(e) { onStreamError(self, e); } var mediaParams = getMediaParams(self); console.log("Audio constraints", mediaParams.audio); console.log("Video constraints", mediaParams.video); getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: mediaParams.audio, video: mediaParams.video }, video: mediaParams.useVideo, onsuccess: onSuccess, onerror: onError }); /* navigator.getUserMedia({ video: self.options.useVideo, audio: true }, onSuccess, onError); */ }; // DERIVED from RTCPeerConnection-v1.5 // 2013, @muazkh - github.com/muaz-khan // MIT License - https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/licence/ // Documentation - https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/tree/master/RTCPeerConnection window.moz = !!navigator.mozGetUserMedia; function RTCPeerConnection(options) { var gathering = false, done = false; var w = window, PeerConnection = w.mozRTCPeerConnection || w.webkitRTCPeerConnection, SessionDescription = w.mozRTCSessionDescription || w.RTCSessionDescription, IceCandidate = w.mozRTCIceCandidate || w.RTCIceCandidate; var STUN = { url: !moz ? 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' : 'stun:' }; var iceServers = null; if (options.iceServers) { var tmp = options.iceServers; if (typeof(tmp) === "boolean") { tmp = null; } if (tmp && !(typeof(tmp) == "object" && tmp.constructor === Array)) { console.warn("iceServers must be an array, reverting to default ice servers"); tmp = null; } iceServers = { iceServers: tmp || [STUN] }; if (!moz && !tmp) { iceServers.iceServers = [STUN]; } } var optional = { optional: [] }; if (!moz) { optional.optional = [{ DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true }, { RtpDataChannels: options.onChannelMessage ? true : false }]; } var peer = new PeerConnection(iceServers, optional); openOffererChannel(); var x = 0; function ice_handler() { done = true; gathering = null; if (options.onICEComplete) { options.onICEComplete(); } if (options.type == "offer") { if ((!moz || (!options.sentICESDP && peer.localDescription.sdp.match(/a=candidate/)) && !x && options.onICESDP)) { options.onICESDP(peer.localDescription); //x = 1; /* x = 1; peer.createOffer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); */ } } else { if (!x && options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(peer.localDescription); //x = 1; /* x = 1; peer.createAnswer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (options.onICESDP) { options.onICESDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); */ } } } peer.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (done) { return; } if (!gathering) { gathering = setTimeout(ice_handler, 1000); } if (event) { if (event.candidate) { options.onICE(event.candidate); } } else { done = true; if (gathering) { clearTimeout(gathering); gathering = null; } ice_handler(); } }; // attachStream = MediaStream; if (options.attachStream) peer.addStream(options.attachStream); // attachStreams[0] = audio-stream; // attachStreams[1] = video-stream; // attachStreams[2] = screen-capturing-stream; if (options.attachStreams && options.attachStream.length) { var streams = options.attachStreams; for (var i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { peer.addStream(streams[i]); } } peer.onaddstream = function(event) { var remoteMediaStream = event.stream; // onRemoteStreamEnded(MediaStream) remoteMediaStream.onended = function() { if (options.onRemoteStreamEnded) options.onRemoteStreamEnded(remoteMediaStream); }; // onRemoteStream(MediaStream) if (options.onRemoteStream) options.onRemoteStream(remoteMediaStream); //console.debug('on:add:stream', remoteMediaStream); }; var constraints = options.constraints || { offerToReceiveAudio: true, offerToReceiveVideo: true }; // onOfferSDP(RTCSessionDescription) function createOffer() { if (!options.onOfferSDP) return; peer.createOffer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); options.onOfferSDP(sessionDescription); /* old mozilla behaviour the SDP was already great right away */ if (moz && options.onICESDP && sessionDescription.sdp.match(/a=candidate/)) { options.onICESDP(sessionDescription); options.sentICESDP = 1; } }, onSdpError, constraints); } // onAnswerSDP(RTCSessionDescription) function createAnswer() { if (options.type != "answer") return; //options.offerSDP.sdp = addStereo(options.offerSDP.sdp); peer.setRemoteDescription(new SessionDescription(options.offerSDP), onSdpSuccess, onSdpError); peer.createAnswer(function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = serializeSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); peer.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (options.onAnswerSDP) { options.onAnswerSDP(sessionDescription); } }, onSdpError, constraints); } // if Mozilla Firefox & DataChannel; offer/answer will be created later if ((options.onChannelMessage && !moz) || !options.onChannelMessage) { createOffer(); createAnswer(); } // DataChannel Bandwidth function setBandwidth(sdp) { // remove existing bandwidth lines sdp = sdp.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, ''); sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:data\r\n/g, 'a=mid:data\r\nb=AS:1638400\r\n'); return sdp; } // old: FF<>Chrome interoperability management function getInteropSDP(sdp) { var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split(''), extractedChars = ''; function getChars() { extractedChars += chars[parseInt(Math.random() * 40)] || ''; if (extractedChars.length < 40) getChars(); return extractedChars; } // usually audio-only streaming failure occurs out of audio-specific crypto line // a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 --------- kAttributeCryptoVoice if (options.onAnswerSDP) sdp = sdp.replace(/(a=crypto:0 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32)(.*?)(\r\n)/g, ''); // video-specific crypto line i.e. SHA1_80 // a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 --------- kAttributeCryptoVideo var inline = getChars() + '\r\n' + (extractedChars = ''); sdp = sdp.indexOf('a=crypto') == -1 ? sdp.replace(/c=IN/g, 'a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:' + inline + 'c=IN') : sdp; return sdp; } function serializeSdp(sdp) { //if (!moz) sdp = setBandwidth(sdp); //sdp = getInteropSDP(sdp); //console.debug(sdp); return sdp; } // DataChannel management var channel; function openOffererChannel() { if (!options.onChannelMessage || (moz && !options.onOfferSDP)) return; _openOffererChannel(); if (!moz) return; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ audio: true, fake: true }, function(stream) { peer.addStream(stream); createOffer(); }, useless); } function _openOffererChannel() { channel = peer.createDataChannel(options.channel || 'RTCDataChannel', moz ? {} : { reliable: false }); if (moz) channel.binaryType = 'blob'; setChannelEvents(); } function setChannelEvents() { channel.onmessage = function(event) { if (options.onChannelMessage) options.onChannelMessage(event); }; channel.onopen = function() { if (options.onChannelOpened) options.onChannelOpened(channel); }; channel.onclose = function(event) { if (options.onChannelClosed) options.onChannelClosed(event); console.warn('WebRTC DataChannel closed', event); }; channel.onerror = function(event) { if (options.onChannelError) options.onChannelError(event); console.error('WebRTC DataChannel error', event); }; } if (options.onAnswerSDP && moz && options.onChannelMessage) openAnswererChannel(); function openAnswererChannel() { peer.ondatachannel = function(event) { channel = event.channel; channel.binaryType = 'blob'; setChannelEvents(); }; if (!moz) return; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ audio: true, fake: true }, function(stream) { peer.addStream(stream); createAnswer(); }, useless); } // fake:true is also available on chrome under a flag! function useless() { log('Error in fake:true'); } function onSdpSuccess() {} function onSdpError(e) { if (options.onChannelError) { options.onChannelError(e); } console.error('sdp error:', e); } return { addAnswerSDP: function(sdp, cbSuccess, cbError) { peer.setRemoteDescription(new SessionDescription(sdp), cbSuccess ? cbSuccess : onSdpSuccess, cbError ? cbError : onSdpError); }, addICE: function(candidate) { peer.addIceCandidate(new IceCandidate({ sdpMLineIndex: candidate.sdpMLineIndex, candidate: candidate.candidate })); }, peer: peer, channel: channel, sendData: function(message) { if (channel) { channel.send(message); } }, stop: function() { peer.close(); if (options.attachStream) { options.attachStream.stop(); } } }; } // getUserMedia var video_constraints = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }; function getUserMedia(options) { var n = navigator, media; n.getMedia = n.webkitGetUserMedia || n.mozGetUserMedia; n.getMedia(options.constraints || { audio: true, video: video_constraints }, streaming, options.onerror || function(e) { console.error(e); }); function streaming(stream) { //var video = options.video; //var localVideo = options.localVideo; //if (video) { // video[moz ? 'mozSrcObject' : 'src'] = moz ? stream : window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream); //video.play(); //} if (options.localVideo) { options.localVideo[moz ? 'mozSrcObject' : 'src'] = moz ? stream : window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream); options.localVideo.style.display = 'block'; } if (options.onsuccess) { options.onsuccess(stream); } media = stream; } return media; } $.FSRTC.resSupported = function(w, h) { for (var i in $.FSRTC.validRes) { if ($.FSRTC.validRes[i][0] == w && $.FSRTC.validRes[i][1] == h) { return true; } } return false; } $.FSRTC.bestResSupported = function() { var w = 0, h = 0; for (var i in $.FSRTC.validRes) { if ($.FSRTC.validRes[i][0] > w && $.FSRTC.validRes[i][1] > h) { w = $.FSRTC.validRes[i][0]; h = $.FSRTC.validRes[i][1]; } } return [w, h]; } var resList = [[320, 180], [320, 240], [640, 360], [640, 480], [1280, 720], [1920, 1080]]; var resI = 0; var ttl = 0; var checkRes = function (cam, func) { if (resI >= resList.length) { var res = { 'validRes': $.FSRTC.validRes, 'bestResSupported': $.FSRTC.bestResSupported() }; localStorage.setItem("res_" + cam, $.toJSON(res)); if (func) return func(res); return; } var video = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] } if (cam) { video.optional = [{sourceId: cam}]; } w = resList[resI][0]; h = resList[resI][1]; resI++; video.mandatory = { "minWidth": w, "minHeight": h, "maxWidth": w, "maxHeight": h }; if (window.moz) { video = video.mandatory; if (!video.width) video.width = video.minWidth; if (!video.height) video.height = video.minHeight; if (!video.frameRate) video.frameRate = video.minFrameRate; } getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: ttl++ == 0, video: video }, onsuccess: function(e) {e.stop(); console.info(w + "x" + h + " supported."); $.FSRTC.validRes.push([w, h]); checkRes(cam, func);}, onerror: function(e) {console.error( w + "x" + h + " not supported."); checkRes(cam, func);} }); } $.FSRTC.getValidRes = function (cam, func) { var used = []; var cached = localStorage.getItem("res_" + cam); if (cached) { var cache = $.parseJSON(cached); if (cache) { $.FSRTC.validRes = cache.validRes; console.log("CACHED RES FOR CAM " + cam, cache); } else { console.error("INVALID CACHE"); } return func ? func(cache) : null; } $.FSRTC.validRes = []; resI = 0; checkRes(cam, func); } $.FSRTC.checkPerms = function (runtime, check_audio, check_video) { getUserMedia({ constraints: { audio: check_audio, video: check_video, }, onsuccess: function(e) {e.stop(); console.info("media perm init complete"); if (runtime) {setTimeout(runtime, 100, true)}}, onerror: function(e) { if (check_video && check_audio) { console.error("error, retesting with audio params only"); return $.FSRTC.checkPerms(runtime, check_audio, false); } console.error("media perm init error"); if (runtime) { runtime(false) } } }); } })(jQuery);