/* * libteletone * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is libteletone * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * * libteletone.c -- Tone Generator * * * * Exception: * The author hereby grants the use of this source code under the * following license if and only if the source code is distributed * as part of the OpenZAP or FreeTDM library. Any use or distribution of this * source code outside the scope of the OpenZAP or FreeTDM library will nullify the * following license and reinact the MPL 1.1 as stated above. * * Copyright (c) 2007, Anthony Minessale II * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #define SMAX 32767 #define SMIN -32768 #define normalize_to_16bit(n) if (n > SMAX) n = SMAX; else if (n < SMIN) n = SMIN; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4706) #endif TELETONE_API_DATA int16_t TELETONE_SINES[SINE_TABLE_MAX] = { 0x00c9, 0x025b, 0x03ed, 0x057f, 0x0711, 0x08a2, 0x0a33, 0x0bc4, 0x0d54, 0x0ee4, 0x1073, 0x1201, 0x138f, 0x151c, 0x16a8, 0x1833, 0x19be, 0x1b47, 0x1cd0, 0x1e57, 0x1fdd, 0x2162, 0x22e5, 0x2467, 0x25e8, 0x2768, 0x28e5, 0x2a62, 0x2bdc, 0x2d55, 0x2ecc, 0x3042, 0x31b5, 0x3327, 0x3497, 0x3604, 0x3770, 0x38d9, 0x3a40, 0x3ba5, 0x3d08, 0x3e68, 0x3fc6, 0x4121, 0x427a, 0x43d1, 0x4524, 0x4675, 0x47c4, 0x490f, 0x4a58, 0x4b9e, 0x4ce1, 0x4e21, 0x4f5e, 0x5098, 0x51cf, 0x5303, 0x5433, 0x5560, 0x568a, 0x57b1, 0x58d4, 0x59f4, 0x5b10, 0x5c29, 0x5d3e, 0x5e50, 0x5f5e, 0x6068, 0x616f, 0x6272, 0x6371, 0x646c, 0x6564, 0x6657, 0x6747, 0x6832, 0x691a, 0x69fd, 0x6add, 0x6bb8, 0x6c8f, 0x6d62, 0x6e31, 0x6efb, 0x6fc2, 0x7083, 0x7141, 0x71fa, 0x72af, 0x735f, 0x740b, 0x74b3, 0x7556, 0x75f4, 0x768e, 0x7723, 0x77b4, 0x7840, 0x78c8, 0x794a, 0x79c9, 0x7a42, 0x7ab7, 0x7b27, 0x7b92, 0x7bf9, 0x7c5a, 0x7cb7, 0x7d0f, 0x7d63, 0x7db1, 0x7dfb, 0x7e3f, 0x7e7f, 0x7eba, 0x7ef0, 0x7f22, 0x7f4e, 0x7f75, 0x7f98, 0x7fb5, 0x7fce, 0x7fe2, 0x7ff1, 0x7ffa, 0x7fff }; TELETONE_API(int) teletone_set_tone(teletone_generation_session_t *ts, int index, ...) { va_list ap; int i = 0; teletone_process_t x = 0; va_start(ap, index); while (i < TELETONE_MAX_TONES && (x = va_arg(ap, teletone_process_t))) { ts->TONES[index].freqs[i++] = x; } va_end(ap); return (i > TELETONE_MAX_TONES) ? -1 : 0; } TELETONE_API(int) teletone_set_map(teletone_tone_map_t *map, ...) { va_list ap; int i = 0; teletone_process_t x = 0; va_start(ap, map); while (i < TELETONE_MAX_TONES && (x = va_arg(ap, teletone_process_t))) { map->freqs[i++] = x; } va_end(ap); return (i > TELETONE_MAX_TONES) ? -1 : 0; } TELETONE_API(int) teletone_init_session(teletone_generation_session_t *ts, int buflen, tone_handler handler, void *user_data) { memset(ts, 0, sizeof(*ts)); ts->rate = 8000; ts->channels = 1; ts->duration = 2000; ts->wait = 500; ts->tmp_duration = -1; ts->tmp_wait = -1; ts->handler = handler; ts->user_data = user_data; ts->volume = -7; ts->decay_step = 0; ts->decay_factor = 1; if (buflen) { if ((ts->buffer = calloc(buflen, sizeof(teletone_audio_t))) == 0) { return -1; } ts->datalen = buflen; } else { ts->dynamic = 1024; } /* Add Standard DTMF Tones */ teletone_set_tone(ts, '1', 697.0, 1209.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '2', 697.0, 1336.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '3', 697.0, 1477.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, 'A', 697.0, 1633.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '4', 770.0, 1209.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '5', 770.0, 1336.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '6', 770.0, 1477.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, 'B', 770.0, 1633.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '7', 859.0, 1209.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '8', 859.0, 1336.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '9', 859.0, 1477.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, 'C', 859.0, 1633.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '*', 941.0, 1209.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '0', 941.0, 1336.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, '#', 941.0, 1477.0, 0.0); teletone_set_tone(ts, 'D', 941.0, 1633.0, 0.0); return 0; } TELETONE_API(int) teletone_destroy_session(teletone_generation_session_t *ts) { if (ts->buffer) { free(ts->buffer); ts->buffer = NULL; ts->samples = 0; } return 0; } static int ensure_buffer(teletone_generation_session_t *ts, int need) { need += ts->samples; need *= sizeof(teletone_audio_t); need *= ts->channels; if (need > ts->datalen) { teletone_audio_t *tmp; ts->datalen = need + ts->dynamic; tmp = realloc(ts->buffer, ts->datalen); if (!tmp) { return -1; } ts->buffer = tmp; } return 0; } TELETONE_API(int) teletone_mux_tones(teletone_generation_session_t *ts, teletone_tone_map_t *map) { /*teletone_process_t period = (1.0 / ts->rate) / ts->channels;*/ int i; int freqlen = 0; teletone_dds_state_t tones[TELETONE_MAX_TONES+1]; //int decay = 0; int duration; int wait = 0; int32_t sample; int32_t dc = 0; float vol = ts->volume; ts->samples = 0; memset(tones, 0, sizeof(tones[0]) * TELETONE_MAX_TONES); duration = (ts->tmp_duration > -1) ? ts->tmp_duration : ts->duration; wait = (ts->tmp_wait > -1) ? ts->tmp_wait : ts->wait; if (map->freqs[0] > 0) { for (freqlen = 0; freqlen < TELETONE_MAX_TONES && map->freqs[freqlen]; freqlen++) { teletone_dds_state_set_tone(&tones[freqlen], map->freqs[freqlen], ts->rate, 0); teletone_dds_state_set_tx_level(&tones[freqlen], vol); } if (ts->dynamic) { if (ensure_buffer(ts, duration * ts->channels)) { return -1; } } for (ts->samples = 0; ts->samples < ts->datalen && ts->samples < duration; ts->samples++) { if (ts->decay_direction && ++dc >= ts->decay_step) { float nvol = vol + ts->decay_direction * ts->decay_factor; int j; if (nvol <= TELETONE_VOL_DB_MAX && nvol >= TELETONE_VOL_DB_MIN) { vol = nvol; for (j = 0; j < TELETONE_MAX_TONES && map->freqs[j]; j++) { teletone_dds_state_set_tx_level(&tones[j], vol); } dc = 0; } } sample = 128; for (i = 0; i < freqlen; i++) { int32_t s = teletone_dds_state_modulate_sample(&tones[i], 0); sample += s; } if (freqlen) { sample /= freqlen; } ts->buffer[ts->samples] = (teletone_audio_t)sample; } } if (ts->dynamic) { if (ensure_buffer(ts, wait * ts->channels)) { return -1; } } for (i = 0; i < wait && ts->samples < ts->datalen; i++) { ts->buffer[ts->samples++] = 0; } if (ts->debug && ts->debug_stream) { if (map->freqs[0] <= 0) { fprintf(ts->debug_stream, "wait %d (%dms)\n", wait, wait / (ts->rate / 1000)); } else { fprintf(ts->debug_stream, "Generate: ("); for (i = 0; i < TELETONE_MAX_TONES && map->freqs[i]; i++) { fprintf(ts->debug_stream, "%s%0.2f", i == 0 ? "" : "+",map->freqs[i]); } fprintf(ts->debug_stream, ") [volume %0.2fdB; samples %d(%dms) x %d channel%s; wait %d(%dms); decay_factor %0.2fdB; decay_step %d(%dms); wrote %d bytes]\n", ts->volume, duration, duration / (ts->rate / 1000), ts->channels, ts->channels == 1 ? "" : "s", wait, wait / (ts->rate / 1000), ts->decay_factor, ts->decay_step, ts->decay_step / (ts->rate / 1000), ts->samples * 2); } } return ts->samples; } /* don't ask */ static char *my_strdup (const char *s) { size_t len = strlen (s) + 1; void *new = malloc (len); if (new == NULL) { return NULL; } return (char *) memcpy (new, s, len); } TELETONE_API(int) teletone_run(teletone_generation_session_t *ts, const char *cmd) { char *data = NULL, *cur = NULL, *end = NULL; int LOOPING = 0; if (!cmd) { return -1; } do { if (!(data = my_strdup(cmd))) { return -1; } cur = data; while (*cur) { if (*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\r' || *cur == '\n') { cur++; continue; } if ((end = strchr(cur, ';')) != 0) { *end++ = '\0'; } if (*(cur + 1) == '=') { switch(*cur) { case 'c': ts->channels = atoi(cur + 2); break; case 'r': ts->rate = atoi(cur + 2); break; case 'd': ts->duration = atoi(cur + 2) * (ts->rate / 1000); break; case 'v': { float vol = (float)atof(cur + 2); if (vol <= TELETONE_VOL_DB_MAX && vol >= TELETONE_VOL_DB_MIN) { ts->volume = vol; } } break; case '>': ts->decay_step = atoi(cur + 2) * (ts->rate / 1000); ts->decay_direction = -1; break; case '<': ts->decay_step = atoi(cur + 2) * (ts->rate / 1000); ts->decay_direction = 1; break; case '+': ts->decay_factor = (float)atof(cur + 2); break; case 'w': ts->wait = atoi(cur + 2) * (ts->rate / 1000); break; case 'l': ts->loops = atoi(cur + 2); break; case 'L': if (!LOOPING) { int L; if ((L = atoi(cur + 2)) > 0) { ts->LOOPS = L; LOOPING++; } } break; } } else { while (*cur) { char *p = NULL, *e = NULL; teletone_tone_map_t mymap, *mapp = NULL; if (*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\r' || *cur == '\n') { cur++; continue; } ts->tmp_duration = -1; ts->tmp_wait = -1; memset(&mymap, 0, sizeof(mymap)); if (*(cur + 1) == '(') { p = cur + 2; if (*cur) { char *next; int i = 0; if ((e = strchr(p, ')')) != 0) { *e++ = '\0'; } do { #if (_MSC_VER == 1600) if (!p) { break; } #endif if ((next = strchr(p, ',')) != 0) { *next++ = '\0'; } if (i == 0) { ts->tmp_duration = atoi(p) * (ts->rate / 1000); i++; } else if (i == 1) { ts->tmp_wait = atoi(p) * (ts->rate / 1000); i++; } else { mymap.freqs[i++ - 2] = atof(p); } p = next; } while (next && (i-2) < TELETONE_MAX_TONES); if (i > 2 && *cur == '%') { mapp = &mymap; } else if ((i != 2 || *cur == '%')) { if (ts->debug && ts->debug_stream) { fprintf(ts->debug_stream, "Syntax Error!\n"); } goto bottom; } } } if (*cur && !mapp) { if (*cur > 0 && *cur < TELETONE_TONE_RANGE) { mapp = &ts->TONES[(int)*cur]; } else if (ts->debug && ts->debug_stream) { fprintf(ts->debug_stream, "Map [%c] Out Of Range!\n", *cur); } } if (mapp) { if (mapp->freqs[0]) { if (ts->handler) { do { ts->handler(ts, mapp); if (ts->loops > 0) { ts->loops--; } } while (ts->loops); } } else if (ts->debug && ts->debug_stream) { fprintf(ts->debug_stream, "Ignoring Empty Map [%c]!\n", *cur); } } if (e) { cur = e; } else { cur++; } } } if (end) { cur = end; } else if (*cur){ cur++; } } bottom: free(data); data = NULL; if (ts->LOOPS > 0) { ts->LOOPS--; } } while (ts->LOOPS); return 0; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: */