/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * Brian K. West * * mod_silk.c -- Skype(tm) SILK Codec Module * */ #include "switch.h" #include "SKP_Silk_SDK_API.h" SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_silk_load); SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_silk, mod_silk_load, NULL, NULL); #define MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME 250 #define MAX_INPUT_FRAMES 5 #define MAX_LBRR_DELAY 2 #define MAX_FRAME_LENGTH 480 /*! \brief Various codec settings */ struct silk_codec_settings { SKP_int useinbandfec; SKP_int usedtx; SKP_int maxaveragebitrate; SKP_int plpct; }; typedef struct silk_codec_settings silk_codec_settings_t; static silk_codec_settings_t default_codec_settings = { /*.useinbandfec */ 1, /*.usedtx */ 0, /*.maxaveragebitrate */ 0, /*.plpct */ 20, // 20% for now }; struct silk_context { SKP_SILK_SDK_EncControlStruct encoder_object; SKP_SILK_SDK_DecControlStruct decoder_object; void *enc_state; void *dec_state; SKP_uint8 recbuff[SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN]; SKP_int16 reclen; }; static switch_status_t switch_silk_fmtp_parse(const char *fmtp, switch_codec_fmtp_t *codec_fmtp) { if (codec_fmtp) { silk_codec_settings_t *codec_settings = NULL; if (codec_fmtp->private_info) { codec_settings = codec_fmtp->private_info; memcpy(codec_settings, &default_codec_settings, sizeof(*codec_settings)); } if (fmtp) { int x, argc; char *argv[10]; char *fmtp_dup = strdup(fmtp); switch_assert(fmtp_dup); argc = switch_separate_string(fmtp_dup, ';', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0]))); for (x = 0; x < argc; x++) { char *data = argv[x]; char *arg; switch_assert(data); while (*data == ' ') { data++; } if ((arg = strchr(data, '='))) { *arg++ = '\0'; if (codec_settings) { if (!strcasecmp(data, "useinbandfec")) { if (switch_true(arg)) { codec_settings->useinbandfec = 1; } } if (!strcasecmp(data, "usedtx")) { if (switch_true(arg)) { codec_settings->usedtx = 1; } } if (!strcasecmp(data, "maxaveragebitrate")) { codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate = atoi(arg); switch(codec_fmtp->actual_samples_per_second) { case 8000: { if(codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate < 6000 || codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate > 20000) { codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate = 20000; } break; } case 12000: { if(codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate < 7000 || codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate > 25000) { codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate = 25000; } break; } case 16000: { if(codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate < 8000 || codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate > 30000) { codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate = 30000; } break; } case 24000: { if(codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate < 12000 || codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate > 40000) { codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate = 40000; } break; } default: /* this should never happen but 20000 is common among all rates */ codec_settings->maxaveragebitrate = 20000; break; } } } } } free(fmtp_dup); } //codec_fmtp->bits_per_second = bit_rate; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } static switch_status_t switch_silk_init(switch_codec_t *codec, switch_codec_flag_t freeswitch_flags, const switch_codec_settings_t *codec_settings) { struct silk_context *context = NULL; switch_codec_fmtp_t codec_fmtp; silk_codec_settings_t silk_codec_settings; SKP_int32 encSizeBytes; SKP_int32 decSizeBytes; int encoding = (freeswitch_flags & SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_ENCODE); int decoding = (freeswitch_flags & SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_DECODE); if (!(encoding || decoding) || (!(context = switch_core_alloc(codec->memory_pool, sizeof(*context))))) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } memset(&codec_fmtp, '\0', sizeof(struct switch_codec_fmtp)); codec_fmtp.actual_samples_per_second = codec->implementation->actual_samples_per_second; codec_fmtp.bits_per_second = codec->implementation->bits_per_second; codec_fmtp.microseconds_per_packet = codec->implementation->microseconds_per_packet; codec_fmtp.stereo = codec->implementation->number_of_channels > 1; codec_fmtp.private_info = &silk_codec_settings; switch_silk_fmtp_parse(codec->fmtp_in, &codec_fmtp); codec->fmtp_out = switch_core_sprintf(codec->memory_pool, "useinbandfec=%s; usedtx=%s; maxaveragebitrate=%d", silk_codec_settings.useinbandfec ? "1" : "0", silk_codec_settings.usedtx ? "1" : "0", silk_codec_settings.maxaveragebitrate ? silk_codec_settings.maxaveragebitrate : codec->implementation->bits_per_second); if (encoding) { if (SKP_Silk_SDK_Get_Encoder_Size(&encSizeBytes)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } context->enc_state = switch_core_alloc(codec->memory_pool, encSizeBytes); if (SKP_Silk_SDK_InitEncoder(context->enc_state, &context->encoder_object)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } context->encoder_object.API_sampleRate = codec->implementation->actual_samples_per_second; context->encoder_object.maxInternalSampleRate = codec->implementation->actual_samples_per_second; context->encoder_object.packetSize = codec->implementation->samples_per_packet; context->encoder_object.useInBandFEC = silk_codec_settings.useinbandfec; context->encoder_object.complexity = 0; context->encoder_object.bitRate = silk_codec_settings.maxaveragebitrate ? silk_codec_settings.maxaveragebitrate : codec->implementation->bits_per_second; context->encoder_object.useDTX = silk_codec_settings.usedtx; context->encoder_object.packetLossPercentage = silk_codec_settings.plpct; } if (decoding) { switch_set_flag(codec, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_HAS_PLC); if (SKP_Silk_SDK_Get_Decoder_Size(&decSizeBytes)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } context->dec_state = switch_core_alloc(codec->memory_pool, decSizeBytes); if (SKP_Silk_SDK_InitDecoder(context->dec_state)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } context->decoder_object.API_sampleRate = codec->implementation->actual_samples_per_second; } codec->private_info = context; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t switch_silk_destroy(switch_codec_t *codec) { codec->private_info = NULL; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void printSilkError(SKP_int16 ret){ char * message; switch (ret) { case SKP_SILK_NO_ERROR: message = "No errors"; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_INPUT_INVALID_NO_OF_SAMPLES: message = "Input length is not multiplum of 10 ms, or length is longer than the packet length"; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_FS_NOT_SUPPORTED: message = "Sampling frequency not 8000 , 12000, 16000 or 24000 Hertz"; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_PACKET_SIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED: message ="Packet size not 20, 40 , 60 , 80 or 100 ms "; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_PAYLOAD_BUF_TOO_SHORT: message = "Allocated payload buffer too short"; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_INVALID_LOSS_RATE: message = " Loss rate not between 0 and 100 % "; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_INVALID_COMPLEXITY_SETTING: message = "Complexity setting not valid, use 0 ,1 or 2"; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_INVALID_INBAND_FEC_SETTING: message = "Inband FEC setting not valid, use 0 or 1 "; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_INVALID_DTX_SETTING: message = "DTX setting not valid, use 0 or 1"; break; case SKP_SILK_ENC_INTERNAL_ERROR: message = "Internal Encoder Error "; break; case SKP_SILK_DEC_INVALID_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY: message = "Output sampling frequency lower than internal decoded sampling frequency"; break; case SKP_SILK_DEC_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE: message = "Payload size exceeded the maximum allowed 1024 bytes"; break; case SKP_SILK_DEC_PAYLOAD_ERROR : message = "Payload has bit errors"; break; default: message = "unknown"; break; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR," Silk Error: %s\n",message); } static switch_status_t switch_silk_encode(switch_codec_t *codec, switch_codec_t *other_codec, void *decoded_data, uint32_t decoded_data_len, uint32_t decoded_rate, void *encoded_data, uint32_t *encoded_data_len, uint32_t *encoded_rate, unsigned int *flag) { struct silk_context *context = codec->private_info; SKP_int16 ret; SKP_int16 pktsz = (SKP_int16)context->encoder_object.packetSize; SKP_int16 nBytes = MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES; SKP_int16 *lindata = (SKP_int16 *)decoded_data; SKP_int16 samples = (SKP_int16)(decoded_data_len /sizeof(SKP_int16)); *encoded_data_len = 0; while (samples >= pktsz){ ret = (SKP_int16)SKP_Silk_SDK_Encode(context->enc_state, &context->encoder_object, lindata, pktsz, encoded_data, &nBytes); if (ret) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "SKP_Silk_Encode returned %d!\n", ret); printSilkError(ret); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } *encoded_data_len += nBytes; samples-=pktsz; lindata+= pktsz; } if (samples != 0){ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "switch_silk_encode dumping partial frame %d!\n", samples); } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static switch_status_t switch_silk_decode(switch_codec_t *codec, switch_codec_t *other_codec, void *encoded_data, uint32_t encoded_data_len, uint32_t encoded_rate, void *decoded_data, uint32_t *decoded_data_len, uint32_t *decoded_rate, unsigned int *flag) { struct silk_context *context = codec->private_info; SKP_int16 ret, len; int16_t *target = decoded_data; switch_core_session_t *session = codec->session; switch_jb_t *jb = NULL; SKP_int lost_flag = (*flag & SFF_PLC); switch_bool_t did_lbrr = SWITCH_FALSE; int i; *decoded_data_len = 0; if (lost_flag) { *flag &= ~SFF_PLC; if (session) { jb = switch_core_session_get_jb(session, SWITCH_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO); } if (jb && codec->cur_frame) { switch_frame_t frame = { 0 }; uint8_t buf[SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN]; frame.data = buf; frame.buflen = sizeof(buf); for (i = 1; i <= MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++) { if (switch_jb_peek_frame(jb, codec->cur_frame->timestamp, 0, (uint16_t)i, &frame) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { SKP_Silk_SDK_search_for_LBRR(frame.data, (const int)frame.datalen, i, (SKP_uint8*) &context->recbuff, &context->reclen); if (context->reclen) { encoded_data = &context->recbuff; encoded_data_len = context->reclen; lost_flag = SKP_FALSE; did_lbrr = SWITCH_TRUE; break; } } } } } do { ret = (SKP_int16)SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode(context->dec_state, &context->decoder_object, lost_flag, encoded_data, encoded_data_len, target, &len); if (ret){ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "SKP_Silk_Decode returned %d!\n", ret); printSilkError(ret); /* if FEC was activated, we can ignore bit errors*/ if (! (ret == SKP_SILK_DEC_PAYLOAD_ERROR && did_lbrr)) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } target += len; *decoded_data_len += (len * 2); } while (context->decoder_object.moreInternalDecoderFrames); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_MODULE_LOAD_FUNCTION(mod_silk_load) { switch_codec_interface_t *codec_interface; *module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname); SWITCH_ADD_CODEC(codec_interface, "SILK"); codec_interface->parse_fmtp = switch_silk_fmtp_parse; switch_core_codec_add_implementation(pool, codec_interface, SWITCH_CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, /* enumeration defining the type of the codec */ 117, /* the IANA code number */ "SILK", /* the IANA code name */ "useinbandfec=1; usedtx=0", /* default fmtp to send (can be overridden by the init function) */ 8000, /* samples transferred per second */ 8000, /* actual samples transferred per second */ 20000, /* bits transferred per second */ 20000, /* number of microseconds per frame */ 160, /* number of samples per frame */ 320, /* number of bytes per frame decompressed */ 0, /* number of bytes per frame compressed */ 1, /* number of channels represented */ 1, /* number of frames per network packet */ switch_silk_init, /* function to initialize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_silk_encode, /* function to encode raw data into encoded data */ switch_silk_decode, /* function to decode encoded data into raw data */ switch_silk_destroy); /* deinitalize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_core_codec_add_implementation(pool, codec_interface, SWITCH_CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, /* enumeration defining the type of the codec */ 118, /* the IANA code number */ "SILK", /* the IANA code name */ "useinbandfec=1; usedtx=0", /* default fmtp to send (can be overridden by the init function) */ 12000, /* samples transferred per second */ 12000, /* actual samples transferred per second */ 25000, /* bits transferred per second */ 20000, /* number of microseconds per frame */ 240, /* number of samples per frame */ 480, /* number of bytes per frame decompressed */ 0, /* number of bytes per frame compressed */ 1, /* number of channels represented */ 1, /* number of frames per network packet */ switch_silk_init, /* function to initialize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_silk_encode, /* function to encode raw data into encoded data */ switch_silk_decode, /* function to decode encoded data into raw data */ switch_silk_destroy); /* deinitalize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_core_codec_add_implementation(pool, codec_interface, SWITCH_CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, /* enumeration defining the type of the codec */ 119, /* the IANA code number */ "SILK", /* the IANA code name */ "useinbandfec=1; usedtx=0", /* default fmtp to send (can be overridden by the init function) */ 16000, /* samples transferred per second */ 16000, /* actual samples transferred per second */ 30000, /* bits transferred per second */ 20000, /* number of microseconds per frame */ 320, /* number of samples per frame */ 640, /* number of bytes per frame decompressed */ 0, /* number of bytes per frame compressed */ 1, /* number of channels represented */ 1, /* number of frames per network packet */ switch_silk_init, /* function to initialize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_silk_encode, /* function to encode raw data into encoded data */ switch_silk_decode, /* function to decode encoded data into raw data */ switch_silk_destroy); /* deinitalize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_core_codec_add_implementation(pool, codec_interface, SWITCH_CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, /* enumeration defining the type of the codec */ 120, /* the IANA code number */ "SILK", /* the IANA code name */ "useinbandfec=1; usedtx=0", /* default fmtp to send (can be overridden by the init function) */ 24000, /* samples transferred per second */ 24000, /* actual samples transferred per second */ 40000, /* bits transferred per second */ 20000, /* number of microseconds per frame */ 480, /* number of samples per frame */ 960, /* number of bytes per frame decompressed */ 0, /* number of bytes per frame compressed */ 1, /* number of channels represented */ 1, /* number of frames per network packet */ switch_silk_init, /* function to initialize a codec handle using this implementation */ switch_silk_encode, /* function to encode raw data into encoded data */ switch_silk_decode, /* function to decode encoded data into raw data */ switch_silk_destroy); /* deinitalize a codec handle using this implementation */ /* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */ return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; }