#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/abyss.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "thread.h" static void blockSignalClass(int const signalClass, sigset_t * const oldBlockedSetP) { sigset_t newBlockedSet; sigemptyset(&newBlockedSet); sigaddset(&newBlockedSet, signalClass); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newBlockedSet, oldBlockedSetP); } struct abyss_thread { struct abyss_thread * nextInPoolP; TThreadDoneFn * threadDone; void * userHandle; pid_t pid; bool useSigchld; /* This means that user is going to call ThreadHandleSigchld() when it gets a death of a child signal for this process. If false, he's going to leave us in the dark, so we'll have to poll to know if the process is dead or not. */ }; /* Because signals are global, we need this global variable in order for the signal handler to figure out to what thread the signal belongs. */ /* We use a singly linked list. Every time we access it, we have to run the whole chain. To make this scale up, we should replace it with a doubly linked list and some kind of index by PID. But large scale systems probably aren't using fork threads anyway. */ static struct { struct abyss_thread * firstP; } ThreadPool; void ThreadPoolInit(void) { ThreadPool.firstP = NULL; } static struct abyss_thread * findThread(pid_t const pid) { struct abyss_thread * p; for (p = ThreadPool.firstP; p && p->pid != pid; p = p->nextInPoolP); return p; } static void addToPool(struct abyss_thread * const threadP) { if (ThreadPool.firstP == NULL) ThreadPool.firstP = threadP; else { struct abyss_thread * p; for (p = ThreadPool.firstP; p->nextInPoolP; p = p->nextInPoolP); /* p points to the last thread in the list */ p->nextInPoolP = threadP; } } static void removeFromPool(struct abyss_thread * const threadP) { if (threadP == ThreadPool.firstP) ThreadPool.firstP = threadP->nextInPoolP; else { struct abyss_thread * p; for (p = ThreadPool.firstP; p && p->nextInPoolP != threadP; p = p->nextInPoolP); if (p) /* p points to thread right before the one we want to remove */ p->nextInPoolP = threadP->nextInPoolP; } } void ThreadHandleSigchld(pid_t const pid) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handle a death of a child signal for process 'pid', which may be one of our threads. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct abyss_thread * const threadP = findThread(pid); if (threadP) { if (threadP->threadDone) threadP->threadDone(threadP->userHandle); threadP->pid = 0; } /* Note that threadDone might free *threadP */ } void ThreadUpdateStatus(TThread * const threadP) { if (!threadP->useSigchld) { if (threadP->pid) { if (kill(threadP->pid, 0) != 0) { if (threadP->threadDone) threadP->threadDone(threadP->userHandle); threadP->pid = 0; } } } } void ThreadCreate(TThread ** const threadPP, void * const userHandle, TThreadProc * const func, TThreadDoneFn * const threadDone, bool const useSigchld, size_t const stackSize, const char ** const errorP) { TThread * threadP; MALLOCVAR(threadP); if (threadP == NULL) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "Can't allocate memory for thread descriptor."); else { sigset_t oldBlockedSet; pid_t rc; threadP->nextInPoolP = NULL; threadP->threadDone = threadDone; threadP->userHandle = userHandle; threadP->useSigchld = useSigchld; threadP->pid = 0; /* We have to be sure we don't get the SIGCHLD for this child's death until the child is properly registered in the thread pool so that the handler will know who he is. */ blockSignalClass(SIGCHLD, &oldBlockedSet); rc = fork(); if (rc < 0) xmlrpc_asprintf(errorP, "fork() failed, errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); else if (rc == 0) { /* This is the child */ (*func)(userHandle); /* Note that thread cleanup (threadDone) is done by the _parent_, upon seeing our exit. */ exit(0); } else { /* This is the parent */ threadP->pid = rc; addToPool(threadP); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldBlockedSet, NULL); /* restore */ *errorP = NULL; *threadPP = threadP; } if (*errorP) { removeFromPool(threadP); free(threadP); } } } bool ThreadRun(TThread * const threadP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } bool ThreadStop(TThread * const threadP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } bool ThreadKill(TThread * const threadP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } void ThreadWaitAndRelease(TThread * const threadP) { if (threadP->pid) { int exitStatus; waitpid(threadP->pid, &exitStatus, 0); threadP->threadDone(threadP->userHandle); threadP->pid = 0; } ThreadRelease(threadP); } void ThreadExit(TThread * const threadP ATTR_UNUSED, int const retValue) { /* Note that the OS will automatically send a SIGCHLD signal to the parent process after we exit. The handler for that signal will run threadDone in parent's context. Alternatively, if the parent is set up for signals, the parent will eventually poll for the existence of our PID and call threadDone when he sees we've gone. */ /* Note that thread cleanup (threadDone) is done by the _parent_, upon seeing our exit. */ exit(retValue); } void ThreadRelease(TThread * const threadP) { removeFromPool(threadP); free(threadP); } bool ThreadForks(void) { return TRUE; } /********************************************************************* ** Mutex *********************************************************************/ /* As two processes don't share memory, there is nothing to synchronize, so locking is a no-op. */ bool MutexCreate(TMutex ** const mutexP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } bool MutexLock(TMutex * const mutexP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } bool MutexUnlock(TMutex * const mutexP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } bool MutexTryLock(TMutex * const mutexP ATTR_UNUSED) { return TRUE; } void MutexDestroy(TMutex * const mutexP ATTR_UNUSED) { }