/* * libZRTP SDK library, implements the ZRTP secure VoIP protocol. * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Philip R. Zimmermann. All rights reserved. * Contact: http://philzimmermann.com * For licensing and other legal details, see the file zrtp_legal.c. * * Viktor Krykun */ #include "zrtp.h" #define _ZTU_ "zrtp mitm" extern zrtp_status_t _zrtp_machine_process_goclear(zrtp_stream_t* stream, zrtp_rtp_info_t* packet); /*===========================================================================*/ /* State-Machine related functions */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void _send_and_resend_sasrelay(zrtp_stream_t *stream, zrtp_retry_task_t* task) { if (task->_retrys >= ZRTP_T2_MAX_COUNT) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"WARNING! SASRELAY Max retransmissions count reached. ID=%u\n", stream->id)); _zrtp_machine_enter_initiatingerror(stream, zrtp_error_timeout, 0); } else if (task->_is_enabled) { zrtp_status_t s = _zrtp_packet_send_message(stream, ZRTP_SASRELAY, &stream->messages.sasrelay); task->timeout = _zrtp_get_timeout((uint32_t)task->timeout, ZRTP_SASRELAY); if (zrtp_status_ok == s) { task->_retrys++; } if (stream->zrtp->cb.sched_cb.on_call_later) { stream->zrtp->cb.sched_cb.on_call_later(stream, task); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static zrtp_status_t _create_sasrelay( zrtp_stream_t *stream, zrtp_sas_id_t transf_sas_scheme, zrtp_string32_t* transf_sas_value, uint8_t transf_ac_flag, uint8_t transf_d_flag, zrtp_packet_SASRelay_t* sasrelay ) { zrtp_session_t *session = stream->session; zrtp_status_t s = zrtp_status_fail; void* cipher_ctx = NULL; /* (padding + sig_len + flags) + SAS scheme and SASHash */ const uint8_t encrypted_body_size = (2 + 1 + 1) + 4 + 32; zrtp_memset(sasrelay, 0, sizeof(zrtp_packet_SASRelay_t)); /* generate a random initialization vector for CFB cipher */ if (ZRTP_CFBIV_SIZE != zrtp_randstr(session->zrtp, sasrelay->iv, ZRTP_CFBIV_SIZE)) { return zrtp_status_rp_fail; } sasrelay->flags |= (session->profile.disclose_bit || transf_d_flag) ? 0x01 : 0x00; sasrelay->flags |= (session->profile.allowclear && transf_ac_flag) ? 0x02 : 0x00; sasrelay->flags |= 0x04; zrtp_memcpy( sasrelay->sas_scheme, zrtp_comp_id2type(ZRTP_CC_SAS, transf_sas_scheme), ZRTP_COMP_TYPE_SIZE ); if (transf_sas_value) zrtp_memcpy(sasrelay->sashash, transf_sas_value->buffer, transf_sas_value->length); /* Then we need to encrypt Confirm before computing Hmac. Use AES CFB */ do { cipher_ctx = session->blockcipher->start( session->blockcipher, (uint8_t*)stream->cc.zrtp_key.buffer, NULL, ZRTP_CIPHER_MODE_CFB ); if (!cipher_ctx) { break; } s = session->blockcipher->set_iv( session->blockcipher, cipher_ctx, (zrtp_v128_t*)sasrelay->iv); if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { break; } s = session->blockcipher->encrypt( session->blockcipher, cipher_ctx, (uint8_t*)&sasrelay->pad, encrypted_body_size ); } while(0); if (cipher_ctx) { session->blockcipher->stop(session->blockcipher, cipher_ctx); } if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! Failed to encrypt SASRELAY Message status=%d. ID=%u\n", s, stream->id)); return s; } /* Compute Hmac over encrypted part of Confirm */ { zrtp_string128_t hmac = ZSTR_INIT_EMPTY(hmac); s = session->hash->hmac_c( session->hash, stream->cc.hmackey.buffer, stream->cc.hmackey.length, (const char*)&sasrelay->pad, encrypted_body_size, ZSTR_GV(hmac) ); if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! Failed to compute CONFIRM hmac status=%d. ID=%u\n", s, stream->id)); return s; } zrtp_memcpy(sasrelay->hmac, hmac.buffer, ZRTP_HMAC_SIZE); } return s; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t _zrtp_machine_process_sasrelay(zrtp_stream_t *stream, zrtp_rtp_info_t *packet) { zrtp_session_t *session = stream->session; zrtp_packet_SASRelay_t *sasrelay = (zrtp_packet_SASRelay_t*) packet->message; void* cipher_ctx = NULL; zrtp_sas_id_t rendering_id = ZRTP_COMP_UNKN; zrtp_status_t s = zrtp_status_fail; zrtp_string128_t hmac = ZSTR_INIT_EMPTY(hmac); char zerosashash[32]; /* (padding + sig_len + flags) + SAS scheme and SAS hash */ const uint8_t encrypted_body_size = (2 + 1 + 1) + 4 + 32; zrtp_memset(zerosashash, 0, sizeof(zerosashash)); /* Check if the remote endpoint is assiggneed to relay the SAS values */ if (!stream->peer_mitm_flag) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_, ZRTP_RELAYED_SAS_FROM_NONMITM_STR)); return zrtp_status_fail; } /* Check the HMAC */ s = session->hash->hmac_c( session->hash, stream->cc.peer_hmackey.buffer, stream->cc.peer_hmackey.length, (const char*)&sasrelay->pad, encrypted_body_size, ZSTR_GV(hmac) ); if (zrtp_status_ok != s ) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! Failed to compute CONFIRM hmac. status=%d ID=%u\n", s, stream->id)); return zrtp_status_fail; } if (0 != zrtp_memcmp(sasrelay->hmac, hmac.buffer, ZRTP_HMAC_SIZE)) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_, ZRTP_VERIFIED_RESP_WARNING_STR)); return zrtp_status_fail; } ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_, "\tHMAC value for the SASRELAY is correct - decryptiong...\n")); /* Then we need to decrypt Confirm body */ do { cipher_ctx = session->blockcipher->start( session->blockcipher, (uint8_t*)stream->cc.peer_zrtp_key.buffer, NULL, ZRTP_CIPHER_MODE_CFB ); if (!cipher_ctx) { break; } s = session->blockcipher->set_iv(session->blockcipher, cipher_ctx, (zrtp_v128_t*)sasrelay->iv); if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { break; } s = session->blockcipher->encrypt( session->blockcipher, cipher_ctx, (uint8_t*)&sasrelay->pad, encrypted_body_size); } while(0); if (cipher_ctx) { session->blockcipher->stop(session->blockcipher, cipher_ctx); } if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! Failed to decrypt Confirm. status=%d ID=%u\n", s, stream->id)); return s; } ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"\tSasRelay FLAGS old/new A=%d/%d, D=%d/%d.\n", stream->allowclear, (uint8_t)(sasrelay->flags & 0x02), stream->peer_disclose_bit, (uint8_t)(sasrelay->flags & 0x01))); /* Set evil bit if other-side disclosed session key */ stream->peer_disclose_bit = (sasrelay->flags & 0x01); /* Enable ALLOWCLEAR option only if both sides support it */ stream->allowclear = (sasrelay->flags & 0x02) && session->profile.allowclear; /* * We don't handle verified flag in SASRelaying because it makes no * sense in implementation of the ZRTP Internet Draft. */ /* * Only enrolled users can do SAS transferring. (Non-enrolled users can * only change the SAS rendering scheme). */ rendering_id = zrtp_comp_type2id(ZRTP_CC_SAS, (char*)sasrelay->sas_scheme); if (-1 == zrtp_profile_find(&session->profile, ZRTP_CC_SAS, rendering_id)) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! PBX Confirm packet with transferred SAS have unknown or" " unsupported rendering scheme %.4s.ID=%u\n", sasrelay->sas_scheme, stream->id)); _zrtp_machine_enter_initiatingerror(stream, zrtp_error_invalid_packet, 1); return zrtp_status_fail; } session->sasscheme = zrtp_comp_find(ZRTP_CC_SAS, rendering_id, session->zrtp ); ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tSasrelay: New Rendering scheme %.4s.\n", session->sasscheme->base.type)); if (session->secrets.matches & ZRTP_BIT_PBX) { if ( ( ((uint32_t) *sasrelay->sas_scheme) != (uint32_t)0x0L ) && (0 != zrtp_memcmp(sasrelay->sashash, zerosashash, sizeof(sasrelay->sashash))) ) { char buff[256]; session->sasbin.length = ZRTP_MITM_SAS_SIZE; /* First 32 bits if sashash includes sasvalue */ zrtp_memcpy(session->sasbin.buffer, sasrelay->sashash, session->sasbin.length); stream->mitm_mode = ZRTP_MITM_MODE_RECONFIRM_CLIENT; ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tSasRelay: SAS value was updated bin=%s.\n", hex2str(buff, sizeof(buff), session->sasbin.buffer, session->sasbin.length))); } } else if (0 != zrtp_memcmp(sasrelay->sashash, zerosashash, sizeof(sasrelay->sashash))) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tWARNING! SAS Value was received from NOT Trusted MiTM. ID=%u\n", stream->id)); _zrtp_machine_enter_initiatingerror(stream, zrtp_error_possible_mitm3, 1); return zrtp_status_fail; } else { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_, "\rERROR! For SasRelay Other secret doesn't match. ID=%u\n", stream->id)); } s = session->sasscheme->compute(session->sasscheme, stream, session->hash, 1); if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { _zrtp_machine_enter_initiatingerror(stream, zrtp_error_software, 1); return s; } ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tSasRelay: Updated SAS is <%s> <%s>.\n", session->sas1.buffer, session->sas2.buffer)); if (session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) { session->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_LOCAL_SAS_UPDATED); } return zrtp_status_ok; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t _zrtp_machine_process_while_in_sasrelaying( zrtp_stream_t* stream, zrtp_rtp_info_t* packet) { zrtp_status_t s = zrtp_status_ok; switch (packet->type) { case ZRTP_RELAYACK: _zrtp_cancel_send_packet_later(stream, ZRTP_SASRELAY); _zrtp_change_state(stream, ZRTP_STATE_SECURE); if (stream->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event) { stream->zrtp->cb.event_cb.on_zrtp_protocol_event(stream, ZRTP_EVENT_REMOTE_SAS_UPDATED); } break; case ZRTP_GOCLEAR: s = _zrtp_machine_process_goclear(stream, packet); if (zrtp_status_ok == s) { s = _zrtp_machine_enter_pendingclear(stream); } break; case ZRTP_NONE: s = _zrtp_protocol_decrypt(stream->protocol, packet, 1); break; default: break; } return s; } /*===========================================================================*/ /* ZRTP API for PBX */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_stream_registration_start(zrtp_stream_t* stream, uint32_t ssrc) { ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"START REGISTRATION STREAM ID=%u mode=%s state=%s.\n", stream->id, zrtp_log_mode2str(stream->mode), zrtp_log_state2str(stream->state))); if (NULL == stream->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_get_mitm) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"WARNING: Can't use MiTM Functions with no ZRTP Cache.\n")); return zrtp_status_notavailable; } stream->mitm_mode = ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_SERVER; return zrtp_stream_start(stream, ssrc); } zrtp_status_t zrtp_stream_registration_secure(zrtp_stream_t* stream) { ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"SECURE REGISTRATION STREAM ID=%u mode=%s state=%s.\n", stream->id, zrtp_log_mode2str(stream->mode), zrtp_log_state2str(stream->state))); if (NULL == stream->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_get_mitm) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"WARNING: Can't use MiTM Functions with no ZRTP Cache.\n")); return zrtp_status_notavailable; } stream->mitm_mode = ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_SERVER; return zrtp_stream_secure(stream); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_register_with_trusted_mitm(zrtp_stream_t* stream) { zrtp_session_t *session = stream->session; zrtp_status_t s = zrtp_status_bad_param; ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"MARKING this call as REGISTRATION ID=%u\n", stream->id)); if (NULL == stream->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_get_mitm) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"WARNING: Can't use MiTM Functions with no ZRTP Cache.\n")); return zrtp_status_notavailable; } if (!stream->protocol) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } /* Passive Client endpoint should NOT generate PBX Secret. */ if ((stream->mitm_mode == ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_CLIENT) && (ZRTP_LICENSE_MODE_PASSIVE != stream->zrtp->lic_mode)) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"WARNING: Passive Client endpoint should NOT generate PBX Secert.\n")); return zrtp_status_bad_param; } /* * Generate new MitM cache: * pbxsecret = KDF(ZRTPSess, "Trusted MiTM key", (ZIDi | ZIDr), negotiated hash length) */ if ( (stream->state == ZRTP_STATE_SECURE) && ((stream->mitm_mode == ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_CLIENT) || (stream->mitm_mode == ZRTP_MITM_MODE_REG_SERVER)) ) { zrtp_string32_t kdf_context = ZSTR_INIT_EMPTY(kdf_context); static const zrtp_string32_t trusted_mitm_key_label = ZSTR_INIT_WITH_CONST_CSTRING(ZRTP_TRUSTMITMKEY_STR); zrtp_string16_t *zidi, *zidr; if (stream->protocol->type == ZRTP_STATEMACHINE_INITIATOR) { zidi = &session->zid; zidr = &session->peer_zid; } else { zidi = &session->peer_zid; zidr = &session->zid; } zrtp_zstrcat(ZSTR_GV(kdf_context), ZSTR_GVP(zidi)); zrtp_zstrcat(ZSTR_GV(kdf_context), ZSTR_GVP(zidr)); _zrtp_kdf( stream, ZSTR_GV(session->zrtpsess), ZSTR_GV(trusted_mitm_key_label), ZSTR_GV(kdf_context), ZRTP_HASH_SIZE, ZSTR_GV(session->secrets.pbxs->value)); session->secrets.pbxs->_cachedflag = 1; session->secrets.pbxs->lastused_at = (uint32_t)(zrtp_time_now()/1000); session->secrets.cached |= ZRTP_BIT_PBX; session->secrets.matches |= ZRTP_BIT_PBX; s = zrtp_status_ok; if (session->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_put_mitm) { s = session->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_put_mitm( ZSTR_GV(session->zid), ZSTR_GV(session->peer_zid), session->secrets.pbxs); } ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"Makring this call as REGISTRATION - DONE\n")); } return s; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_link_mitm_calls(zrtp_stream_t *stream1, zrtp_stream_t *stream2) { ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"Link to MiTM call together stream1=%u stream2=%u.\n", stream1->id, stream2->id)); /* This APi is for MiTM endpoints only. */ if (stream1->zrtp->is_mitm) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } stream1->linked_mitm = stream2; stream2->linked_mitm = stream1; { zrtp_stream_t *passive = NULL; zrtp_stream_t *unlimited = NULL; /* Check if we have at least one Unlimited endpoint. */ if (stream1->peer_super_flag) unlimited = stream1; else if (stream2->peer_super_flag) unlimited = stream2; /* Check if the peer stream is Passive */ if (unlimited) { passive = (stream1 == unlimited) ? stream2 : stream1; if (!passive->peer_passive) passive = NULL; } /* Ok, we haver Unlimited and Passive at two ends, let's make an exception and switch Passive to Secure. */ if (unlimited && passive) { if (passive->state == ZRTP_STATE_CLEAR) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"INFO: zrtp_link_mitm_calls() stream with id=%u is Unlimited and" " Peer stream with id=%u is Passive in CLEAR state, switch the passive one to SECURE.\n")); /* @note: don't use zrtp_secure_stream() wrapper as it checks for Active/Passive stuff. */ _zrtp_machine_start_initiating_secure(passive); } } } return zrtp_status_ok; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_update_remote_options( zrtp_stream_t* stream, zrtp_sas_id_t transf_sas_scheme, zrtp_string32_t* transf_sas_value, uint8_t transf_ac_flag, uint8_t transf_d_flag ) { zrtp_retry_task_t* task = &stream->messages.sasrelay_task; zrtp_status_t s = zrtp_status_ok; char buff[256]; ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"UPDATE REMOTE SAS OPTIONS mode. ID=%u\n", stream->id)); ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"transf_sas=%s scheme=%d.\n", transf_sas_value ? hex2str((const char*)transf_sas_value->buffer, transf_sas_value->length, (char*)buff, sizeof(buff)) : "NULL", transf_sas_scheme)); if (NULL == stream->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_get_mitm) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"WARNING: Can't use MiTM Functions with no ZRTP Cache.\n")); return zrtp_status_notavailable; } /* The TRANSFERRING option is only available from the SECURE state. */ if (stream->state != ZRTP_STATE_SECURE) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } /* Don't transfer an SAS to a non-enrolled user */ if (transf_sas_value && !(stream->session->secrets.matches & ZRTP_BIT_PBX)) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } /* Don't allow to transfer the SAS if the library wasn't initalized as MiTM endpoint */ if (!stream->zrtp->is_mitm) { ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! The endpoint can't transfer SAS values to other endpoints" " without introducing itself by M-flag in Hello. see zrtp_init().\n")); return zrtp_status_wrong_state; } s = _create_sasrelay( stream, transf_sas_scheme, transf_sas_value, transf_ac_flag, transf_d_flag, &stream->messages.sasrelay); if(zrtp_status_ok != s) { return s; } s = _zrtp_packet_fill_msg_hdr( stream, ZRTP_SASRELAY, sizeof(zrtp_packet_SASRelay_t) - sizeof(zrtp_msg_hdr_t), &stream->messages.sasrelay.hdr); if(zrtp_status_ok != s) { return s; } _zrtp_change_state(stream, ZRTP_STATE_SASRELAYING); task->_is_enabled = 1; task->callback = _send_and_resend_sasrelay; task->_retrys = 0; _send_and_resend_sasrelay(stream, task); return s; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_resolve_mitm_call( zrtp_stream_t* stream1, zrtp_stream_t* stream2) { zrtp_stream_t* enrolled = NULL; zrtp_stream_t* non_enrolled = NULL; zrtp_sas_id_t mitm_sas_scheme = ZRTP_COMP_UNKN; zrtp_status_t s = zrtp_status_ok; ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"RESOLVE MITM CALL s1=%u, s2=%u...\n", stream1->id, stream2->id)); if (NULL == stream1->zrtp->cb.cache_cb.on_get_mitm) { ZRTP_LOG(2,(_ZTU_,"WARNING: Can't use MiTM Functions with no ZRTP Cache.\n")); return zrtp_status_notavailable; } /* * Both sides must be in the Secure state and at least one should be * enrolled. */ if ((stream1->state != ZRTP_STATE_SECURE) || (stream2->state != ZRTP_STATE_SECURE)) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } /* Check the stream enrollment options and choose one for transferring the call. */ if (zrtp_is_user_enrolled(stream1)) { if (zrtp_is_user_enrolled(stream2)) { ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tBoth streams are enrolled - choose one with bigger ZID.\n")); enrolled = zrtp_choose_one_enrolled(stream1, stream2); } else { enrolled = stream1; } } else if (zrtp_is_user_enrolled(stream2)) { enrolled = stream2; } if (!enrolled) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } else { non_enrolled = (stream1 == enrolled) ? stream2 : stream1; } ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tAfter Resolving: S1 is %s and S2 is %s.\n", (stream1 == enrolled) ? "ENROLLED" : "NON-ENROLLED", (stream2 == enrolled) ? "ENROLLED" : "NON-ENROLLED")); /* * Choose the best SAS rendering scheme supported by both peers. Find the * stream that can change it. */ { uint8_t i=0; zrtp_packet_Hello_t *enhello = &enrolled->messages.peer_hello; char *encp = (char*)enhello->comp + (enhello->hc + enhello->cc + enhello->ac + enhello->kc)* ZRTP_COMP_TYPE_SIZE; for (i=0; isc; i++, encp+=ZRTP_COMP_TYPE_SIZE) { uint8_t j=0; zrtp_packet_Hello_t *nonenhello = &non_enrolled->messages.peer_hello; char *nonencp = (char*)nonenhello->comp + (nonenhello->hc + nonenhello->cc + nonenhello->ac + nonenhello->kc)* ZRTP_COMP_TYPE_SIZE; for (j=0; jsc; j++, nonencp+=ZRTP_COMP_TYPE_SIZE) { if (0 == zrtp_memcmp(encp, nonencp, ZRTP_COMP_TYPE_SIZE)) { mitm_sas_scheme = zrtp_comp_type2id(ZRTP_CC_SAS, encp); ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tMITM SAS scheme=%.4s was choosen.\n", encp)); break; } } if (j != nonenhello->sc) { break; } } } if (ZRTP_COMP_UNKN == mitm_sas_scheme) { ZRTP_LOG(1,(_ZTU_,"\tERROR! Can't find matched SAS schemes on MiTM Resolving.\n" " s1=%u s2=$u", stream1->id, stream2->id)); return zrtp_status_algo_fail; } s = zrtp_update_remote_options( enrolled, mitm_sas_scheme, &non_enrolled->session->sasbin, non_enrolled->allowclear, non_enrolled->peer_disclose_bit ); if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { return s; } /* If non-enrolled party has SAS scheme different from chosen one - update */ if (non_enrolled->session->sasscheme->base.id != mitm_sas_scheme) { s = zrtp_update_remote_options( non_enrolled, mitm_sas_scheme, NULL, enrolled->allowclear, enrolled->peer_disclose_bit ); if (zrtp_status_ok != s) { return s; } } return s; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t zrtp_is_user_enrolled(zrtp_stream_t* stream) { return ( (stream->session->secrets.cached & ZRTP_BIT_PBX) && (stream->session->secrets.matches & ZRTP_BIT_PBX) ); } zrtp_stream_t* zrtp_choose_one_enrolled(zrtp_stream_t* stream1, zrtp_stream_t* stream2) { if (zrtp_memcmp( stream1->session->zid.buffer, stream2->session->zid.buffer, stream1->session->zid.length) > 0) { return stream1; } else { return stream2; } }