/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE test_nua_api.c * @brief NUA API tester. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * @author Martti Mela <Martti Mela@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Wed Aug 17 12:12:12 EEST 2005 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include "test_nua.h" #include "sofia-sip/tport_tag.h" #if HAVE_FUNC #elif HAVE_FUNCTION #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else #define __func__ "test_nua_api_errors" #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* API tests */ SOFIAPUBVAR su_log_t nua_log[]; int check_set_status(int status, char const *phrase) { return status == 200 && strcmp(phrase, sip_200_OK) == 0; } int test_nua_api_errors(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); /* Invoke every API function with invalid arguments */ int level; int status; char const *phrase; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.0: test API\n"); /* This is a nasty macro. Test it. */ #define SET_STATUS1(x) ((status = x), status), (phrase = ((void)x)) TEST_1(check_set_status(SET_STATUS1(SIP_200_OK))); TEST(status, 200); TEST_S(phrase, sip_200_OK); su_log_init(nua_log); level = nua_log->log_level; if (!(tstflags & tst_verbatim)) su_log_set_level(nua_log, 0); /* Log at level 0 by default */ TEST_1(!nua_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_shutdown(NULL)); TEST_VOID(nua_destroy(NULL)); TEST_VOID(nua_set_params(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_get_params(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_1(!nua_default(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle(NULL, NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_handle_destroy(NULL)); TEST_VOID(nua_handle_bind(NULL, NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_invite(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_subscribe(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_register(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_active_call(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_call_on_hold(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_events(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_has_registrations(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_remote(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_handle_local(NULL)); TEST_S(nua_event_name(-111), "NUA_UNKNOWN"); TEST_VOID(nua_register(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_unregister(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_invite(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_ack(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_prack(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_options(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_publish(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_message(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_chat(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_info(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_subscribe(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_unsubscribe(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_notify(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_notifier(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_terminate(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_refer(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_update(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_bye(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_cancel(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_authenticate(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_redirect(NULL, TAG_END())); TEST_VOID(nua_respond(NULL, 0, "", TAG_END())); TEST_1(!nua_handle_home(NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_save_event(NULL, NULL)); TEST_1(!nua_event_data(NULL)); TEST_VOID(nua_destroy_event(NULL)); { nua_saved_event_t event[1]; memset(event, 0, sizeof event); TEST_1(!nua_save_event(NULL, event)); TEST_1(!nua_event_data(event)); TEST_VOID(nua_destroy_event(event)); } su_log_set_level(nua_log, level); if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.0: PASSED\n"); END(); } /* ======================================================================== */ void destroy_callback(nua_event_t event, int status, char const *phrase, nua_t *nua, struct context *ctx, nua_handle_t *nh, struct call *call, sip_t const *sip, tagi_t tags[]) { if (status >= 200) { nua_destroy(ctx->a.nua), ctx->a.nua = NULL; su_root_break(ctx->root); } } /* Test different nua_destroy() corner cases */ int test_nua_destroy(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a; TEST_1(ctx->root = su_root_create(NULL)); #if 0 a->nua = nua_create(ctx->root, destroy_callback, ctx, NUTAG_URL("sip:*"), TAG_IF(ctx->a.logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); TEST_1(a->nua); nua_get_params(a->nua, TAG_ANY(), TAG_END()); su_root_run(ctx->root); TEST_1(a->nua == NULL); #endif a->nua = nua_create(ctx->root, destroy_callback, ctx, NUTAG_URL("sip:*"), TAG_IF(ctx->a.logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); TEST_1(a->nua); nua_shutdown(a->nua); su_root_run(ctx->root); TEST_1(a->nua == NULL); su_root_destroy(ctx->root), ctx->root = NULL; END(); } /* ======================================================================== */ int test_byecancel_without_invite(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call; struct event *e; int internal_error = 900; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.1: CANCEL without INVITE\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); CANCEL(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_cancel); TEST(e->data->e_status, 481); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.1: PASSED\n"); /* -BYE without INVITE--------------------------------------------------- */ if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.2: BYE without INVITE\n"); a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END()); TEST_1(a_call->nh); BYE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_bye); TEST(e->data->e_status, internal_error); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.2: PASSED\n"); END(); } int test_unregister_without_register(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call; struct event *e; /* -Un-register without REGISTER--------------------------------------- */ if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.3: unregister without register\n"); a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(a->to), TAG_END()); TEST_1(a_call->nh); UNREGISTER(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_unregister); if (e->data->e_status == 401) TEST(e->data->e_status, 401); else TEST(e->data->e_status, 406); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.3: PASSED\n"); /* -Un-publish without publish--------------------------------------- */ if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.4: unpublish without publish\n"); a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END()); TEST_1(a_call->nh); UNPUBLISH(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_unpublish); TEST(e->data->e_status, 404); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.4: PASSED\n"); END(); } /* -terminate without notifier--------------------------------------- */ int test_terminate_without_notifier(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a, *b = &ctx->b; struct call *a_call = a->call; struct event *e; int internal_error = 900; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.5: terminate without notifier\n"); TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END())); TERMINATE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_terminate); TEST(e->data->e_status, internal_error); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); AUTHORIZE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_authorize); TEST(e->data->e_status, internal_error); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.5: PASSED\n"); END(); } int destroy_on_503(CONDITION_PARAMS) { save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call); if (status == 503) { assert(nh == call->nh); nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; } return nua_r_set_params <= event && event < nua_i_network_changed && status >= 200; } int test_register_503(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a; struct call *a_reg = a->reg; struct event *e; /* REGISTER test A |------REGISTER--\ |<-------503-----/ | */ if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.6: REGISTER with bad domain\n"); TEST_1(a_reg->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_reg, TAG_END())); REGISTER(a, a_reg, a_reg->nh, NUTAG_REGISTRAR(URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:bad.domain")), SIPTAG_TO_STR("sip:lissu@bad.domain"), TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, -1, destroy_on_503); TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_register); TEST(e->data->e_status, 503); TEST_1(!e->next); free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events); TEST_1(a_reg->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_reg, TAG_END())); REGISTER(a, a_reg, a_reg->nh, NUTAG_REGISTRAR(URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:bad.domain")), SIPTAG_TO_STR("sip:lissu@bad.domain"), TAG_END()); nua_handle_destroy(a_reg->nh), a_reg->nh = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2.6: PASSED\n"); END(); } int test_stack_errors(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2: Stack error handling\n"); TEST_1(ctx->root == NULL); TEST_1(ctx->root = su_root_create(NULL)); a->nua = nua_create(ctx->root, a_callback, ctx, NUTAG_URL("sip:*"), TAG_IF(ctx->a.logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); TEST_1(a->nua); TEST(test_byecancel_without_invite(ctx), 0); if (ctx->proxy_tests) TEST(test_unregister_without_register(ctx), 0); TEST(test_terminate_without_notifier(ctx), 0); TEST(test_register_503(ctx), 0); TEST(test_register_503(ctx), 0); nua_shutdown(a->nua); run_a_until(ctx, -1, until_final_response); TEST_VOID(nua_destroy(a->nua)); a->nua = NULL; su_root_destroy(ctx->root), ctx->root = NULL; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-1.2: PASSED\n"); END(); }