<configuration name="http_cache.conf" description="HTTP GET cache">
    <!-- set to true if you want to enable http:// and https:// formats.  Do not use if mod_httapi is also loaded -->
    <param name="enable-file-formats" value="false"/>
    <param name="max-urls" value="10000"/>
    <param name="location" value="$${cache_dir}"/>
    <param name="default-max-age" value="86400"/>
    <param name="prefetch-thread-count" value="8"/>
    <param name="prefetch-queue-size" value="100"/>
    <!-- absolute path to CA bundle file -->
    <param name="ssl-cacert" value="$${certs_dir}/cacert.pem"/>
    <!-- verify certificates -->
    <param name="ssl-verifypeer" value="true"/>
    <!-- verify host name matches certificate -->
    <param name="ssl-verifyhost" value="true"/>
    <!-- default is 300 seconds, override here -->
    <!--param name="connect-timeout" value="300"/-->
    <!-- default is 300 seconds, override here -->
    <!--param name="download-timeout" value="300"/-->