use ESL; my $host = "localhost"; my $port = "8021"; my $pass = "ClueCon"; my $profile = "internal"; my $file = ""; my $debug = ""; my $paste = ""; my $i; my $argc = @ARGV; my $e; my $running = 1; my $con; my $USAGE = " FreeSWITCH Logger Utility USAGE: -h --helpThis help -p --port <port> Choose port -P -pass <pass> Choose password -f --file <file> Output file -pb --paste-bin <name> Post to FreeSWITCH Paste Bin -sp --sip-profiles <list> List of SIP profiles to trace -sd --sip-debug <level> Set SIP debug level No arguments given will trace profile 'internal' to STDOUT "; $SIG{INT} = sub { $running = 0 }; sub parse(\$\$$) { my ($index, $ref, $regex) = @_; if ($ARGV[$$index] =~ $regex) { die "missing arg!" if (!$ARGV[$$index+1]); $$ref = $ARGV[++$$index]; return 1; } return 0; } for($i = 0; $i < $argc; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^\-help$|^\-\-help$/) { print $USAGE; exit; } if (! (parse($i, $host, '^-h$|^--host$') || parse($i, $port, '^-p$|^--port$') || parse($i, $pass, '^-P$|^--pass$') || parse($i, $file, '^-f$|^--file$') || parse($i, $paste, '^-pb$|^--paste-bin$') || parse($i, $profile, '^-sp$|^--sip-profile$') || parse($i, $debug, '^-sd$|^--sip-debug$') )) { die "invalid arg!"; } } if ($paste) { if (!$file) { $file = "./logger_post.log"; } } if ($file) { open (F, ">$file"); select F; } if ($paste) { print F "paste=Send&remember=0&poster=${paste}&format=fslog&code2="; } $con = new ESL::ESLconnection($host, $port, $pass); sub do_api($) { my ($cmd, $args) = split(" ", $_[0], 2); my $e = $con->api($cmd, $args); if ($e) { print STDERR $e->getBody() . "\n"; } } foreach (split(",", $profile)) { do_api("sofia profile $_ siptrace on"); } if ($debug) { do_api("sofia loglevel all $debug"); } $e = $con->sendRecv("log 7"); print STDERR $e->getBody() . "\n" if ($e); while($con->connected() && $running) { $e = $con->recvEventTimed(100); if ($e and $e->getHeader("content-type") eq "log/data") { print $e->getBody(); } } print STDERR "Stopping\n"; foreach (split(",", $profile)) { do_api("sofia profile $_ siptrace off"); } if ($debug) { do_api("sofia loglevel all 0"); } $e = $con->sendRecv("log 4"); print STDERR $e->getBody() . "\n" if ($e); print STDERR "Done.....\n"; if ($file) { close F; print STDERR "Data written to $file\n"; } if ($paste) { my $path; system("mkdir -p .fs_logger"); chdir(".fs_logger") or die "I/O Error!"; if ($file =~ /^\/.*/) { $path = $file; } else { $path = "../$file"; } print STDERR "Posting to pastebin, please wait...\n"; system("wget --output-file=/dev/null --http-user=pastebin --http-password=freeswitch --post-file=$path"); $pb = `ls [0-9]*`; print STDERR "Data posted to pastebin [$paste]$pb\n"; chdir("..") or die "I/O Error!"; system("rm -fr .fs_logger"); }