 * util.h
 * util.c header file 
 * in ldns
 * (c) 2005 NLnet Labs
 * See the file LICENSE for the license

#ifndef _DRILL_UTIL_H_
#define _DRILL_UTIL_H_
#include <ldns/ldns.h>

 * return a address rdf, either A or AAAA 
 * NULL if anything goes wrong
ldns_rdf * ldns_rdf_new_addr_frm_str(char *);

 * print all the ds of the keys in the packet
void print_ds_of_keys(ldns_pkt *p);

 * print some rdfs of a signature
void print_rrsig_abbr(FILE *fp, ldns_rr *sig);
 * print some rdfs of a dnskey
void print_dnskey_abbr(FILE *fp, ldns_rr *key);
 * print some rdfs of a ds
void print_ds_abbr(FILE *fp, ldns_rr *ds);

 * print some rdfs of a rr in a rr_list
void print_rr_list_abbr(FILE *fp, ldns_rr_list *sig, char *usr);

 * Alloc some memory, with error checking
void *xmalloc(size_t s);

 * Realloc some memory, with error checking
void *xrealloc(void *p, size_t s);

 * Free the data
void xfree(void *q);
#endif /* _DRILL_UTIL_H_ */