#!/usr/bin/perl # # randomize-passwords.pl # # Randomizes the auth passwords for any file in the file spec given by the user # Randomizes the vm passwords for the same files # Creates a backup copy of each file altered; optionally will remove backups # # This program uses only pure Perl modules so it should be portable. # # Michael S. Collins # 2009-11-11 # # Freely contributed to the FreeSWITCH project for use as the developers and community see fit use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; $|++; ## 'CHARACTERS' contains punctuation marks use constant CHARACTERS => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=+?></.,!@#$%^&*();:'; my $numchars = length(CHARACTERS); ## 'ALPHACHARS' contains upper and lower case letters and digits but no punctuation use constant ALPHACHARS => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'; my $numalphas = length(ALPHACHARS); my $vmlen = 4; # Length of VM password my $authlen = 10; # Length of auth password my $filespec; # File specification my $delbak; # Flag - delete backups (default = keep backups) my $nopunct; # Flag - set to true to disable punction marks (i.e. alphanumerics only) in auth passwords my $opts_ok = GetOptions ("h" => \&usage, "help" => \&usage, "vmlen=i" => \$vmlen, "authlen=i" => \$authlen, "files=s" => \$filespec, "D" => \$delbak, "nopunct" => \$nopunct, ); ## Confirm that a file spec was provided if ( ! $filespec ) { warn "\nPlease provide a file specification.\n"; die "Example: --files=/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/1*.xml\n\n"; } ## Collect the files my @FILELIST = glob($filespec); if ( ! @FILELIST ) { print "\nNo files found matching this spec:\n$filespec\n"; exit(0); } else { print "\nFound " . @FILELIST . " file(s).\n\n"; } ## Iterate through the list, process each file foreach my $file ( @FILELIST ) { print "Processing file: $file\n"; my $bakfile = $file . '.bak'; if ( move($file,$bakfile) ) { print " $file ===> $bakfile\n"; } else { print " Unable to backup $file to $bakfile. Skipping...\n"; next; } ## FILEIN is the backup file, FILEOUT is the updated file open(FILEIN ,'<',$bakfile) or die "Could not open $bakfile - aborting operation.\n"; open(FILEOUT,'>',$file ) or die "Could not open $file - aborting operation.\n"; ## Retrieve new passwords from random generators my $newauth = &get_random_chars($authlen); my $newvm = &get_random_digits($vmlen); ## Loop through "bak" file, replace passwords, write out to original file while(<FILEIN>) { ## Check for passwords; if found swap if ( m/param name="password"/ ) { # Found auth password, swap it s/value="(.*?)"/value="$newauth"/; print " Old/new auth pass: $1 ==> $newauth\n"; } if ( m/param name="vm-password"/ ) { # Found vm password, swap it s/value="(.*?)"/value="$newvm"/; print " Old/new vm pass: $1 ==> $newvm\n"; } print FILEOUT $_; } ## while(<FILEIN>) close(FILEIN); close(FILEOUT); ## Clear out the backup file if user asked for it if ( $delbak ) { print " Removing $bakfile...\n"; unlink $bakfile; } print " Finished with $file.\n\n"; } ## foreach my $file ( @FILELIST ) exit(0); ## Return random chars for auth password sub get_random_chars () { my $length = shift; if ( ! $length ) { $length = $authlen; } my $chars; if ( $nopunct ) { foreach my $i (1 .. $length) { my $nextchar = substr( ALPHACHARS,int(rand $numalphas),1 ); $chars .= $nextchar; } } else { foreach my $i (1 .. $length) { my $nextchar = substr( CHARACTERS,int(rand $numchars),1 ); $chars .= $nextchar; } } return $chars; } ## Return only digits for vm password sub get_random_digits () { my $length = shift; if ( ! $length ) { $length = $vmlen; } my $digits; foreach my $i (1 .. $length) { my $nextdigit = int(rand 10); $digits .= $nextdigit; } return $digits; } sub usage () { print <<END_USAGE Randomize passwords for FreeSWITCH directory entries. Usage: ./randomize-passwords.pl --files=<file spec> [-D] [--vmlen=<vm pass length>] [--authlen=<auth pass length>] Options: -h, --help Display this help page -D Delete backups (default is to save backups) --files Specify files to process. Use typical file globs. On a standard Linux install it would look like: --files=/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/1*.xml --vmlen Set length of voice mail password. (Default is 4 digits) --authlen Set length of auth password. (Default is 10 characters) --nopunct Disable punction marks in auth passwords, i.e. alphanumerics only Example: To randomize all the passwords for a default Linux install, with 6 digit VM passwords, use this command: ./randomize-passwords.pl --files=/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/directory/default/1*.xml -D --vmlen=6 END_USAGE ; exit(0); }