## Minimal FreeSWITCH Configuration

The default "vanilla" configuration that comes with FreeSWITCH has
been designed as a showcase of the configurability of the myriad of
features that FreeSWITCH comes with out of the box. While it is very
helpful in tinkering with FreeSWITCH, it has a lot of extraneous stuff
enabled/configured for use in a production system. This configuration
aims to take the reverse stance -- it attempts to be a starting point
for configuring a new system by "adding" required features (instead of
removing them as one would do if one starts with the default

This folder also includes the corresponding `modules.conf` that lists
the modules that are required to get this configuration working.

### Test

This configuration was tested by sending an INVITE (without
registration) using the `siprtp` example program that comes with
PJSIP, and verifying that the info dump is produced on the FreeSWITCH

    $ ./siprtp -q -p 1234 "sip:stub@$(my_ip):5080"

### Upstream

The configuration in this folder comes from

### Other Minimal Configurations

* [voxserv/freeswitch_conf_minimal](https://github.com/voxserv/freeswitch_conf_minimal)