% glottal.m % David Rowe 12 Sep 2009 % Matlab script to generate the phase spectra of a glottal pulse % lpc10 pulse from spandsp. When the file glottal.c was used as a part of the % excitation phase component in phase.c, phase_synth_zero_order(), no difference % in speech quality was apparent. So left out of code for now. sh=12 kexc = [ 8, -16, 26, -48, 86, -162, 294, -502, 718, -728, 184 672, -610, -672, 184, 728, 718, 502, 294, 162, 86, 48, 26, 16, 8]; kexc = shift(kexc,sh); kexc = [kexc(1:sh) zeros(1,512-25) kexc(sh+1:25)]; figure(1) plot(kexc) figure(2) G = fft(kexc); plot((1:256)*(4000/256),unwrap(angle(G(1:256)))) f=fopen("glottal.c","wt"); fprintf(f,"float glottal[]={\n"); for m=1:255 fprintf(f," %f,\n",angle(G(m))); endfor fprintf(f," %f};\n",angle(G(256))); fclose(f);