/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * Michael Jerris * Paul D. Tinsley * John Wehle * * * switch_core_file.c -- Main Core Library (File I/O Functions) * */ #include #include "private/switch_core_pvt.h" static switch_status_t get_file_size(switch_file_handle_t *fh, const char **string) { switch_status_t status; switch_file_t *newfile; switch_size_t size = 0; switch_assert(string); status = switch_file_open(&newfile, fh->spool_path ? fh->spool_path : fh->file_path, SWITCH_FOPEN_READ, SWITCH_FPROT_OS_DEFAULT, fh->memory_pool); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return status; } size = switch_file_get_size(newfile); if (size) { *string = switch_core_sprintf(fh->memory_pool, "%" SWITCH_SIZE_T_FMT, size); } status = switch_file_close(newfile); return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_perform_file_open(const char *file, const char *func, int line, switch_file_handle_t *fh, const char *file_path, uint32_t channels, uint32_t rate, unsigned int flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { char *ext; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; char stream_name[128] = ""; char *rhs = NULL; const char *spool_path = NULL; int is_stream = 0; char *fp = NULL; int to = 0; int force_channels = 0; uint32_t core_channel_limit; if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Handle already open\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } fh->samples_in = 0; if (!(flags & SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) { fh->samplerate = 0; fh->native_rate = 0; fh->channels = 0; fh->real_channels = 0; } if (!fh->samplerate) { if (!(fh->samplerate = rate)) { fh->samplerate = 8000; } } if (zstr(file_path)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid Filename\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } fh->flags = flags; if (pool) { fh->memory_pool = pool; } else { if ((status = switch_core_new_memory_pool(&fh->memory_pool)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { UNPROTECT_INTERFACE(fh->file_interface); return status; } switch_set_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_FREE_POOL); } switch_mutex_init(&fh->flag_mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, fh->memory_pool); fh->mm.samplerate = 44100; fh->mm.channels = 1; fh->mm.keyint = 60; fh->mm.ab = 128; fh->mm.vencspd = SWITCH_VIDEO_ENCODE_SPEED_DEFAULT; fh->mm.vprofile = SWITCH_VIDEO_PROFILE_BASELINE; fh->mm.try_hardware_encoder = 1; if (*file_path == '{') { char *timeout; char *modname; const char *val; int tmp; fp = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, file_path); while (*fp == '{') { char *parsed = NULL; if (switch_event_create_brackets(fp, '{', '}', ',', &fh->params, &parsed, SWITCH_FALSE) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || !parsed) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Parse Error!\n"); goto fail; } fp = parsed; } file_path = fp; if ((timeout = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "timeout"))) { if ((to = atoi(timeout)) < 1) { to = 0; } } if ((modname = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "modname"))) { fh->modname = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, modname); } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "samplerate"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (tmp >= 8000) { fh->mm.samplerate = tmp; } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "force_channels"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (tmp >= 0 && tmp < 3) { force_channels = tmp; } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "ab"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (tmp > 16) { fh->mm.ab = tmp; } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "cbr"))) { tmp = switch_true(val); fh->mm.cbr = tmp; } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "vb"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (strrchr(val, 'k')) { tmp *= 1024; } else if (strrchr(val, 'm')) { tmp *= 1048576; } fh->mm.vb = tmp; } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "vw"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (tmp > 0) { fh->mm.vw = tmp; } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "vh"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (tmp > 0) { fh->mm.vh = tmp; } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "try_hardware_encoder"))) { fh->mm.try_hardware_encoder = switch_true(val); } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "auth_username"))) { fh->mm.auth_username = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, val); } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "auth_password"))) { fh->mm.auth_password = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, val); } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "fps"))) { float ftmp = atof(val); if (ftmp > 0.0f) { fh->mm.fps = ftmp; } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "vbuf"))) { tmp = atoi(val); if (strrchr(val, 'k')) { tmp *= 1024; } else if (strrchr(val, 'm')) { tmp *= 1048576; } if (tmp > 0 && tmp < 104857600 /*100mb*/) { fh->mm.vbuf = tmp; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid buffer size: %d\n", tmp); } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "vencspd"))) { if (!strcasecmp(val, "slow")) { fh->mm.vencspd = SWITCH_VIDEO_ENCODE_SPEED_SLOW; } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "medium")) { fh->mm.vencspd = SWITCH_VIDEO_ENCODE_SPEED_MEDIUM; } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "fast")) { fh->mm.vencspd = SWITCH_VIDEO_ENCODE_SPEED_FAST; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid video encode speed: %s\n", val); } } if ((val = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "vprofile"))) { if (!strcasecmp(val, "baseline")) { fh->mm.vprofile = SWITCH_VIDEO_PROFILE_BASELINE; } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "main")) { fh->mm.vprofile = SWITCH_VIDEO_PROFILE_MAIN; } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "high")) { fh->mm.vprofile = SWITCH_VIDEO_PROFILE_HIGH; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid video profile: %s\n", val); } } } if (switch_directory_exists(file_path, fh->memory_pool) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "File [%s] is a directory not a file.\n", file_path); status = SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; goto fail; } if ((rhs = strstr(file_path, SWITCH_URL_SEPARATOR))) { switch_copy_string(stream_name, file_path, (rhs + 1) - file_path); ext = stream_name; file_path = rhs + 3; fh->stream_name = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, stream_name); fh->file_path = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, file_path); is_stream = 1; } else { if ((flags & SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) { if (fh->params) { spool_path = switch_event_get_header(fh->params, "spool_path"); } if (!spool_path) { spool_path = switch_core_get_variable_pdup(SWITCH_AUDIO_SPOOL_PATH_VARIABLE, fh->memory_pool); } } if ((ext = strrchr(file_path, '.')) == 0) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown file Format [%s]\n", file_path); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, fail); } ext++; fh->file_path = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, file_path); } if ((fh->file_interface = switch_loadable_module_get_file_interface(ext, fh->modname)) == 0) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid file format [%s] for [%s]!\n", ext, file_path); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR, fail); } fh->file = file; fh->func = func; fh->line = line; if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_VIDEO) && !fh->file_interface->file_read_video) { switch_clear_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_VIDEO); } if (spool_path) { char uuid_str[SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + 1]; switch_uuid_t uuid; switch_uuid_get(&uuid); switch_uuid_format(uuid_str, &uuid); fh->spool_path = switch_core_sprintf(fh->memory_pool, "%s%s%s.%s", spool_path, SWITCH_PATH_SEPARATOR, uuid_str, ext); } else { fh->spool_path = NULL; } if (rhs) { fh->handler = switch_core_strdup(fh->memory_pool, rhs); } else { fh->handler = NULL; } if (force_channels == channels) { force_channels = 0; } if (force_channels && force_channels > 0 && force_channels < 3) { fh->real_channels = channels ? channels : fh->channels; fh->channels = force_channels; fh->mm.channels = fh->channels; } else { if (channels) { fh->channels = channels; } else { fh->channels = 1; } fh->mm.channels = fh->channels; } file_path = fh->spool_path ? fh->spool_path : fh->file_path; if ((status = fh->file_interface->file_open(fh, file_path)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (fh->spool_path) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Spool dir is set. Make sure [%s] is also a valid path\n", fh->spool_path); } UNPROTECT_INTERFACE(fh->file_interface); goto fail; } if (fh->channels > 2) { /* just show a warning for more than 2 channels, no matter if we allow them or not */ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "File [%s] has more than 2 channels: [%u]\n", file_path, fh->channels); } core_channel_limit = switch_core_max_audio_channels(0); if (core_channel_limit && fh->channels > core_channel_limit) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "File [%s] has more channels (%u) than limit (%u). Closing.\n", file_path, fh->channels, core_channel_limit); fh->file_interface->file_close(fh); UNPROTECT_INTERFACE(fh->file_interface); switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, fail); } if (!force_channels && !fh->real_channels) { fh->real_channels = fh->channels; if (channels) { fh->channels = channels; } } if ((flags & SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE) && !is_stream && (status = switch_file_exists(file_path, fh->memory_pool)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "File [%s] not created!\n", file_path); fh->file_interface->file_close(fh); UNPROTECT_INTERFACE(fh->file_interface); goto fail; } if (to) { fh->max_samples = (fh->samplerate / 1000) * to; } if ((flags & SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_READ)) { fh->native_rate = fh->samplerate; } else { fh->native_rate = rate; } if (fh->samplerate && rate && fh->samplerate != rate) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "File %s sample rate %d doesn't match requested rate %d\n", file_path, fh->samplerate, rate); if ((flags & SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_READ)) { fh->samplerate = rate; } } if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_VIDEO)) { fh->pre_buffer_datalen = 0; } if (fh->pre_buffer_datalen) { //switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Prebuffering %d bytes\n", (int)fh->pre_buffer_datalen); switch_buffer_create_dynamic(&fh->pre_buffer, fh->pre_buffer_datalen * fh->channels, fh->pre_buffer_datalen * fh->channels, 0); fh->pre_buffer_data = switch_core_alloc(fh->memory_pool, fh->pre_buffer_datalen * fh->channels); } if (fh->real_channels != fh->channels && (flags & SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_READ) && !(fh->flags & SWITCH_FILE_NOMUX)) { fh->cur_channels = fh->real_channels; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "File has %d channels, muxing to %d channel%s will occur.\n", fh->real_channels, fh->channels, fh->channels == 1 ? "" : "s"); } switch_set_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN); return status; fail: switch_clear_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN); if (fh->params) { switch_event_destroy(&fh->params); } fh->samples_in = 0; fh->max_samples = 0; if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_FREE_POOL)) { switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&fh->memory_pool); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_read(switch_file_handle_t *fh, void *data, switch_size_t *len) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; switch_size_t want, orig_len = *len; switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } top: if (fh->max_samples > 0 && fh->samples_in >= (switch_size_t)fh->max_samples) { *len = 0; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (fh->buffer && switch_buffer_inuse(fh->buffer) >= *len * 2 * fh->channels) { *len = switch_buffer_read(fh->buffer, data, orig_len * 2 * fh->channels) / 2 / fh->channels; return *len == 0 ? SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE : SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_DONE)) { switch_clear_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_DONE); switch_clear_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_BUFFER_DONE); *len = 0; return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } want = *len; more: if (fh->pre_buffer) { switch_size_t rlen; int asis = switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_BUFFER_DONE)) { rlen = asis ? fh->pre_buffer_datalen : fh->pre_buffer_datalen / 2 / fh->real_channels; if (switch_buffer_inuse(fh->pre_buffer) < rlen * 2 * fh->channels) { if ((status = fh->file_interface->file_read(fh, fh->pre_buffer_data, &rlen)) == SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK) { return SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK; } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || !rlen) { switch_set_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_BUFFER_DONE); } else { if (fh->real_channels != fh->channels && !switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NOMUX)) { switch_mux_channels((int16_t *) fh->pre_buffer_data, rlen, fh->real_channels, fh->channels); } switch_buffer_write(fh->pre_buffer, fh->pre_buffer_data, asis ? rlen : rlen * 2 * fh->channels); } } } rlen = switch_buffer_read(fh->pre_buffer, data, asis ? *len : *len * 2 * fh->channels); fh->samples_in += rlen; *len = asis ? rlen : rlen / 2 / fh->channels; if (*len == 0) { switch_set_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_DONE); goto top; } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { if ((status = fh->file_interface->file_read(fh, data, len)) == SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK) { return SWITCH_STATUS_BREAK; } if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || !*len) { switch_set_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_DONE); goto top; } fh->samples_in += *len; if (fh->real_channels != fh->channels && !switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NOMUX)) { switch_mux_channels((int16_t *) data, *len, fh->real_channels, fh->channels); } } if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE) && fh->native_rate != fh->samplerate) { if (!fh->resampler) { if (switch_resample_create(&fh->resampler, fh->native_rate, fh->samplerate, (uint32_t) orig_len, SWITCH_RESAMPLE_QUALITY, fh->channels) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Unable to create resampler!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } } switch_resample_process(fh->resampler, data, (uint32_t) *len); if (fh->resampler->to_len < want || fh->resampler->to_len > orig_len) { if (!fh->buffer) { int factor = fh->resampler->to_len * fh->samplerate / 1000; switch_buffer_create_dynamic(&fh->buffer, factor, factor, 0); switch_assert(fh->buffer); } if (!fh->dbuf || fh->dbuflen < fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels) { void *mem; fh->dbuflen = fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels; mem = realloc(fh->dbuf, fh->dbuflen); switch_assert(mem); fh->dbuf = mem; } switch_assert(fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels <= fh->dbuflen); memcpy((int16_t *) fh->dbuf, fh->resampler->to, fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels); switch_buffer_write(fh->buffer, fh->dbuf, fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels); if (switch_buffer_inuse(fh->buffer) < want * 2 * fh->channels) { *len = want; goto more; } *len = switch_buffer_read(fh->buffer, data, orig_len * 2 * fh->channels) / 2 / fh->channels; } else { memcpy(data, fh->resampler->to, fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels); *len = fh->resampler->to_len; } } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_core_file_has_video(switch_file_handle_t *fh, switch_bool_t check_open) { return ((!check_open || switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) && switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_VIDEO)) ? SWITCH_TRUE : SWITCH_FALSE; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_write(switch_file_handle_t *fh, void *data, switch_size_t *len) { switch_size_t orig_len = *len; switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (!fh->file_interface->file_write) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_PAUSE)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (fh->real_channels != fh->channels && !switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NOMUX)) { int need = *len * 2 * (fh->real_channels > fh->channels ? fh->real_channels : fh->channels); if (need > fh->muxlen) { fh->muxbuf = realloc(fh->muxbuf, need); switch_assert(fh->muxbuf); fh->muxlen = need; } if (fh->muxbuf) { memcpy(fh->muxbuf, data, *len * 2); data = fh->muxbuf; } switch_mux_channels((int16_t *) data, *len, fh->real_channels, fh->channels); } if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE) && fh->native_rate != fh->samplerate) { if (!fh->resampler) { if (switch_resample_create(&fh->resampler, fh->native_rate, fh->samplerate, (uint32_t) orig_len * 2 * fh->channels, SWITCH_RESAMPLE_QUALITY, fh->channels) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Unable to create resampler!\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } } switch_resample_process(fh->resampler, data, (uint32_t) * len); if (fh->resampler->to_len > orig_len) { if (!fh->dbuf || (fh->dbuflen < fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels)) { void *mem; fh->dbuflen = fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels; mem = realloc(fh->dbuf, fh->dbuflen); switch_assert(mem); fh->dbuf = mem; } switch_assert(fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels <= fh->dbuflen); memcpy(fh->dbuf, fh->resampler->to, fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels); data = fh->dbuf; } else { memcpy(data, fh->resampler->to, fh->resampler->to_len * 2 * fh->channels); } *len = fh->resampler->to_len; } if (!*len) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (fh->pre_buffer) { switch_size_t rlen, blen; switch_size_t datalen_adj = fh->pre_buffer_datalen; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; int asis = switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE); switch_buffer_write(fh->pre_buffer, data, (asis ? *len : *len * 2) * fh->channels); rlen = switch_buffer_inuse(fh->pre_buffer); if (fh->pre_buffer_datalen % fh->channels) { datalen_adj = fh->pre_buffer_datalen - (fh->pre_buffer_datalen % fh->channels); } if (rlen >= datalen_adj) { if ((blen = switch_buffer_read(fh->pre_buffer, fh->pre_buffer_data, datalen_adj))) { if (!asis) blen /= 2; if (fh->channels > 1) blen /= fh->channels; if ((status = fh->file_interface->file_write(fh, fh->pre_buffer_data, &blen)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *len = 0; } } } fh->samples_out += orig_len; return status; } else { switch_status_t status; if ((status = fh->file_interface->file_write(fh, data, len)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fh->samples_out += orig_len; } return status; } } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_write_video(switch_file_handle_t *fh, switch_frame_t *frame) { switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } if (!fh->file_interface->file_write_video) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_PAUSE)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return fh->file_interface->file_write_video(fh, frame); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_read_video(switch_file_handle_t *fh, switch_frame_t *frame, switch_video_read_flag_t flags) { switch_status_t status; switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_GENERR; } if (!fh->file_interface->file_read_video) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } status = fh->file_interface->file_read_video(fh, frame, flags); if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE) { switch_cond_next(); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_seek(switch_file_handle_t *fh, unsigned int *cur_pos, int64_t samples, int whence) { switch_status_t status; int ok = 1; switch_assert(fh != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN) || !fh->file_interface->file_seek) { ok = 0; } else if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) { if (!(switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_WRITE_APPEND) || switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_WRITE_OVER))) { ok = 0; } } else if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_READ)) { ok = 0; } if (!ok) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (fh->buffer) { switch_buffer_zero(fh->buffer); } if (fh->pre_buffer) { switch_buffer_zero(fh->pre_buffer); } if (whence == SWITCH_SEEK_CUR) { unsigned int cur = 0; if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) { fh->file_interface->file_seek(fh, &cur, fh->samples_out, SEEK_SET); } else { fh->file_interface->file_seek(fh, &cur, fh->offset_pos, SEEK_SET); } } switch_set_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_SEEK); status = fh->file_interface->file_seek(fh, cur_pos, samples, whence); fh->offset_pos = *cur_pos; if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) { fh->samples_out = *cur_pos; } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_set_string(switch_file_handle_t *fh, switch_audio_col_t col, const char *string) { switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (!fh->file_interface->file_set_string) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } return fh->file_interface->file_set_string(fh, col, string); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_get_string(switch_file_handle_t *fh, switch_audio_col_t col, const char **string) { switch_status_t status; switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN) && col < SWITCH_AUDIO_COL_STR_FILE_SIZE) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (!fh->file_interface->file_get_string) { if (col == SWITCH_AUDIO_COL_STR_FILE_SIZE) { return get_file_size(fh, string); } return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } status = fh->file_interface->file_get_string(fh, col, string); if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && string) return status; if (col == SWITCH_AUDIO_COL_STR_FILE_SIZE) { return get_file_size(fh, string); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_truncate(switch_file_handle_t *fh, int64_t offset) { switch_status_t status; switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!(switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN) && switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE))) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (!fh->file_interface->file_truncate) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if ((status = fh->file_interface->file_truncate(fh, offset)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (fh->buffer) { switch_buffer_zero(fh->buffer); } if (fh->pre_buffer) { switch_buffer_zero(fh->pre_buffer); } fh->samples_out = 0; fh->pos = 0; } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_command(switch_file_handle_t *fh, switch_file_command_t command) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; switch_assert(fh != NULL); switch_assert(fh->file_interface != NULL); if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } switch(command) { case SCFC_FLUSH_AUDIO: if (fh->pre_buffer) { switch_buffer_zero(fh->pre_buffer); } break; default: break; } if (fh->file_interface->file_command) { switch_mutex_lock(fh->flag_mutex); status = fh->file_interface->file_command(fh, command); switch_mutex_unlock(fh->flag_mutex); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_pre_close(switch_file_handle_t *fh) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_assert(fh != NULL); if (!fh->file_interface) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (fh->pre_buffer) { if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_WRITE)) { switch_size_t rlen, blen; int asis = switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_NATIVE); while ((rlen = switch_buffer_inuse(fh->pre_buffer))) { if ((blen = switch_buffer_read(fh->pre_buffer, fh->pre_buffer_data, fh->pre_buffer_datalen))) { if (!asis) blen /= 2; if (fh->channels > 1) blen /= fh->channels; if (fh->file_interface->file_write(fh, fh->pre_buffer_data, &blen) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } } } switch_buffer_destroy(&fh->pre_buffer); } switch_clear_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN); switch_set_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_PRE_CLOSED); if (fh->file_interface->file_pre_close) { status = fh->file_interface->file_pre_close(fh); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_handle_dup(switch_file_handle_t *oldfh, switch_file_handle_t **newfh, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { switch_status_t status; switch_file_handle_t *fh; uint8_t destroy_pool = 0; switch_assert(oldfh != NULL); switch_assert(newfh != NULL); if (!pool) { if ((status = switch_core_new_memory_pool(&pool)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return status; } destroy_pool = 1; } if (!(fh = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(switch_file_handle_t)))) { switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR, err); } memcpy(fh, oldfh, sizeof(switch_file_handle_t)); if (!destroy_pool) { switch_clear_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_FREE_POOL); } else { fh->memory_pool = pool; switch_set_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_FREE_POOL); } if ((status = switch_mutex_init(&fh->flag_mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, pool)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_goto_status(status, err); } #define DUP_CHECK(dup) if (oldfh->dup && !(fh->dup = switch_core_strdup(pool, oldfh->dup))) {switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR, err);} DUP_CHECK(prefix); DUP_CHECK(modname); DUP_CHECK(mm.auth_username); DUP_CHECK(mm.auth_password); DUP_CHECK(stream_name); DUP_CHECK(file_path); DUP_CHECK(handler); DUP_CHECK(spool_path); fh->pre_buffer_data = NULL; if (oldfh->pre_buffer_data) { switch_size_t pre_buffer_data_size = oldfh->pre_buffer_datalen * oldfh->channels; if (pre_buffer_data_size) { if (!(fh->pre_buffer_data = switch_core_alloc(pool, pre_buffer_data_size))) { switch_goto_status(SWITCH_STATUS_MEMERR, err); } memcpy(fh->pre_buffer_data, oldfh->pre_buffer_data, pre_buffer_data_size); } } *newfh = fh; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; err: if (destroy_pool) { switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&pool); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_core_file_close(switch_file_handle_t *fh) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_OPEN)) { status = switch_core_file_pre_close(fh); } else if (!switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_PRE_CLOSED)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } switch_clear_flag_locked(fh, SWITCH_FILE_PRE_CLOSED); fh->file_interface->file_close(fh); if (fh->params) { switch_event_destroy(&fh->params); } fh->samples_in = 0; fh->max_samples = 0; if (fh->buffer) { switch_buffer_destroy(&fh->buffer); } switch_resample_destroy(&fh->resampler); if (switch_test_flag(fh, SWITCH_FILE_FLAG_FREE_POOL)) { switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&fh->memory_pool); } fh->memory_pool = NULL; switch_safe_free(fh->dbuf); switch_safe_free(fh->muxbuf); if (fh->spool_path) { char *command; #ifdef _MSC_VER command = switch_mprintf("move %s %s", fh->spool_path, fh->file_path); #else command = switch_mprintf("/bin/mv %s %s", fh->spool_path, fh->file_path); #endif if (system(command) == -1) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to copy spooled file [%s] to [%s] because of a command error : %s\n", fh->spool_path, fh->file_path, command); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Copy spooled file [%s] to [%s]\n", fh->spool_path, fh->file_path); } free(command); } UNPROTECT_INTERFACE(fh->file_interface); fh->file_interface = NULL; return status; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: */