; BNF from RFC 2327

   announcement =        proto-version

   proto-version =       "v=" 1*DIGIT CRLF
                         ;this memo describes version 0

   origin-field =        "o=" username space
                         sess-id space sess-version space
                         nettype space addrtype space
                         addr CRLF

   session-name-field =  "s=" text CRLF

   information-field =   ["i=" text CRLF]

   uri-field =           ["u=" uri CRLF]

   email-fields =        *("e=" email-address CRLF)

   phone-fields =        *("p=" phone-number CRLF)

   connection-field =    ["c=" nettype space addrtype space
                         connection-address CRLF]
                         ;a connection field must be present
                         ;in every media description or at the

   bandwidth-fields =    *("b=" bwtype ":" bandwidth CRLF)

   time-fields =         1*( "t=" start-time space stop-time
                         *(CRLF repeat-fields) CRLF)
                         [zone-adjustments CRLF]

   repeat-fields =       "r=" repeat-interval space typed-time
                         1*(space typed-time)

   zone-adjustments =    "z=" time space ["-"] typed-time
                         *(space time space ["-"] typed-time)

   key-field =           ["k=" key-type CRLF]

   key-type =            "prompt" |
                         "clear:" key-data |
                         "base64:" key-data |
                         "uri:" uri

   key-data =            email-safe | "~" | "

   attribute-fields =    *("a=" attribute CRLF)

   media-descriptions =  *( media-field
                         attribute-fields )

   media-field =         "m=" media space port ["/" integer]
                         space proto 1*(space fmt) CRLF

   media =               1*(alpha-numeric)
                         ;typically "audio", "video", "application"
                         ;or "data" or "text"

   fmt =                 1*(alpha-numeric)
                         ;typically an RTP payload type for audio
                         ;and video media

   proto =               1*(alpha-numeric | "/") ; PPe
                         ;typically "RTP/AVP" or "udp" for IP4

   port =                1*(DIGIT)
                         ;should in the range "1024" to "65535" inclusive
                         ;for UDP based media

   attribute =           (att-field ":" att-value) | att-field

   att-field =           1*(alpha-numeric)

   att-value =           byte-string

   sess-id =             1*(DIGIT)
                         ;should be unique for this originating username/host

   sess-version =        1*(DIGIT)
                         ;0 is a new session

   connection-address =  multicast-address
                         | addr

   multicast-address =   3*(decimal-uchar ".") decimal-uchar "/" ttl
                         [ "/" integer ]
                         ;multicast addresses may be in the range
                         ; to

   ttl =                 decimal-uchar

   start-time =          time | "0"

   stop-time =           time | "0"

   time =                POS-DIGIT 9*(DIGIT)
                         ;sufficient for 2 more centuries

   repeat-interval =     typed-time

   typed-time =          1*(DIGIT) [fixed-len-time-unit]

   fixed-len-time-unit = "d" | "h" | "m" | "s"

   bwtype =              1*(alpha-numeric)

   bandwidth =           1*(DIGIT)

   username =            safe
                         ;pretty wide definition, but doesn't include space

   email-address =       email | email "(" email-safe ")" |
                         email-safe "<" email ">"

   email =               ;defined in RFC822

   uri=                  ;defined in RFC1630

   phone-number =        phone | phone "(" email-safe ")" |
                         email-safe "<" phone ">"

   phone =               "+" POS-DIGIT 1*(space | "-" | DIGIT)
                         ;there must be a space or hyphen between the
                         ;international code and the rest of the number.

   nettype =             "IN"
                         ;list to be extended

   addrtype =            "IP4" | "IP6"
                         ;list to be extended

   addr =                FQDN | unicast-address

   FQDN =                4*(alpha-numeric|"-"|".")
                         ;fully qualified domain name as specified in RFC1035

   unicast-address =     IP4-address | IP6-address

   IP4-address =         b1 "." decimal-uchar "." decimal-uchar "." b4
   b1 =                  decimal-uchar
                         ;less than "224"; not "0" or "127"
   b4 =                  decimal-uchar
                         ;not "0"

   IP6-address =         ;to be defined

   text =                byte-string
                         ;default is to interpret this as IS0-10646 UTF8
                         ;ISO 8859-1 requires a "a=charset:ISO-8859-1"
                         ;session-level attribute to be used

   byte-string =         1*(0x01..0x09|0x0b|0x0c|0x0e..0xff)
                         ;any byte except NUL, CR or LF

   decimal-uchar =       DIGIT
                         | POS-DIGIT DIGIT
                         | ("1" 2*(DIGIT))
                         | ("2" ("0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4") DIGIT)
                         | ("2" "5" ("0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"))

   integer =             POS-DIGIT *(DIGIT)

   alpha-numeric =       ALPHA | DIGIT

   DIGIT =               "0" | POS-DIGIT

   POS-DIGIT =           "1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"

   ALPHA =               "a"|"b"|"c"|"d"|"e"|"f"|"g"|"h"|"i"|"j"|"k"|
                         "l"|"m"|"n"|"o "|"p"|"q"|"r"|"s"|"t"|"u"|"v"|
                         "w"|"x"|"y"|"z"|"A"|"B"|"C "|"D"|"E"|"F"|"G"|
                         "H"|"I"|"J"|"K"|"L"|"M"|"N"|"O"|"P"|" Q"|"R"|

   email-safe =          safe | space | tab

   safe =                alpha-numeric |
                         "'" | "'" | "-" | "." | "/" | ":" | "?" | """ |
                         "#" | "$" | "&" | "*" | ";" | "=" | "@" | "[" |
                         "]" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "|" | "}" | "+" |
                         "~" | "

   space =               %d32
   tab =                 %d9
   CRLF =                %d13.10