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This is a facility for communicating socket-style, with defined
packets like a datagram socket but with reliable delivery like a
stream socket. It's like a POSIX "sequential packet" socket, except
it is built on top of a stream socket, so it is usable on the many
systems that have stream sockets but not sequential packet sockets.
By Bryan Henderson 2007.05.12
Contributed to the public domain by its author.
The protocol for carrying packets on a character stream:
The protocol consists of the actual bytes to be transported with a bare
minimum of framing information added:
An ASCII Escape (<ESC> == 0x1B) character marks the start of a
4-ASCII-character control word. These are defined:
<ESC>PKT : marks the beginning of a packet.
<ESC>END : marks the end of a packet.
<ESC>ESC : represents an <ESC> character in the packet
<ESC>NOP : no meaning
Any other bytes after <ESC> is a protocol error.
A stream is all the data transmitted during a single socket
End of stream in the middle of a packet is a protocol error.
All bytes not part of a control word are literal bytes of a packet.
You can create a packet socket from a POSIX stream socket or a
Windows emulation of one.
One use of the NOP control word is to validate that the connection
is still working. You might send one periodically to detect, for
example, an unplugged TCP/IP network cable. It's probably better
to use the TCP keepalive facility for that.
#include "xmlrpc_config.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
# include <winsock2.h>
# include <io.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <poll.h>
# include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "c_util.h"
#include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h"
#include "xmlrpc-c/girerr.hpp"
using girerr::throwf;
#include "xmlrpc-c/packetsocket.hpp"
using namespace std;
#define ESC 0x1B // ASCII Escape character
#define ESC_STR "\x1B"
class XMLRPC_DLLEXPORT socketx {
socketx(int const sockFd);
waitForReadable() const;
waitForWritable() const;
read(unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const bufferSize,
bool * const wouldblockP,
size_t * const bytesReadP) const;
writeWait(const unsigned char * const data,
size_t const size) const;
int fd;
bool fdIsBorrowed;
/* Sockets are similar, but not identical between Unix and Windows.
Some Unix socket functions appear to be available on Windows (a
Unix compatibility feature), but work only for file descriptor
numbers < 32, so we don't use those.
socketx::socketx(int const sockFd) {
// We don't have any way to duplicate; we'll just have to borrow.
this->fdIsBorrowed = true;
this->fd = sockFd;
u_long iMode(1); // Nonblocking mode yes
ioctlsocket(this->fd, FIONBIO, &iMode); // Make socket nonblocking
this->fdIsBorrowed = false;
int dupRc;
dupRc = dup(sockFd);
if (dupRc < 0)
throwf("dup() failed. errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
else {
this->fd = dupRc;
fcntl(this->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); // Make socket nonblocking
socketx::~socketx() {
if (!this->fdIsBorrowed) {
socketx::waitForReadable() const {
/* Return when there is something to read from the socket
(an EOF indication counts as something to read). Also
return if there is a signal (handled, of course). Rarely,
it is OK to return when there isn't anything to read.
// poll() is not available; settle for select().
// Starting in Windows Vista, there is WSApoll()
fd_set rd_set;
FD_SET(this->fd, &rd_set);
select(this->fd + 1, &rd_set, 0, 0, 0);
// poll() beats select() because higher file descriptor numbers
// work.
struct pollfd pollfds[1];
pollfds[0].fd = this->fd;
pollfds[0].events = POLLIN;
poll(pollfds, ARRAY_SIZE(pollfds), -1);
socketx::waitForWritable() const {
/* Return when socket is able to be written to. */
fd_set wr_set;
FD_SET(this->fd, &wr_set);
select(this->fd + 1, 0, &wr_set, 0, 0);
struct pollfd pollfds[1];
pollfds[0].fd = this->fd;
pollfds[0].events = POLLOUT;
poll(pollfds, ARRAY_SIZE(pollfds), -1);
static bool
wouldBlock() {
The most recently executed system socket function, which we assume failed,
failed because the situation was such that it wanted to block, but the
socket had the nonblocking option.
return (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ||
/* EWOULDBLOCK and EAGAIN are normally synonyms, but POSIX allows them
to be separate and allows the OS to return whichever one it wants
for the "would block" condition.
return (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN);
static string
lastErrorDesc() {
A description suitable for an error message of why the most recent
failed system socket function failed.
ostringstream msg;
int const lastError = WSAGetLastError();
msg << "winsock error code " << lastError << " "
<< "(" << strerror(lastError) << ")";
msg << "errno = " << errno << ", (" << strerror(errno);
return msg.str();
socketx::read(unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const bufferSize,
bool * const wouldblockP,
size_t * const bytesReadP) const {
int rc;
// We've seen a Windows library whose recv() expects a char * buffer
// (cf POSIX void *), so we cast.
rc = recv(this->fd, (char *)buffer, bufferSize, 0);
if (rc < 0) {
if (wouldBlock()) {
*wouldblockP = true;
*bytesReadP = 0;
} else
throwf("read() of socket failed with %s", lastErrorDesc().c_str());
} else {
*wouldblockP = false;
*bytesReadP = rc;
static void
writeFd(int const fd,
const unsigned char * const data,
size_t const size,
size_t * const bytesWrittenP) {
size_t totalBytesWritten;
bool full; // File image is "full" for now - won't take any more data
full = false;
totalBytesWritten = 0;
while (totalBytesWritten < size && !full) {
int rc;
rc = send(fd, (char*)&data[totalBytesWritten],
size - totalBytesWritten, 0);
if (rc < 0) {
if (wouldBlock())
full = true;
throwf("write() of socket failed with %s",
} else if (rc == 0)
throwf("Zero byte short write.");
else {
size_t const bytesWritten(rc);
totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
*bytesWrittenP = totalBytesWritten;
socketx::writeWait(const unsigned char * const data,
size_t const size) const {
Write the 'size' bytes at 'data' to the socket. Wait as long
as it takes for the file image to be able to take all the data.
size_t totalBytesWritten;
// We do the first one blind because it will probably just work
// and we don't want to waste the poll() call and buffer arithmetic.
writeFd(this->fd, data, size, &totalBytesWritten);
while (totalBytesWritten < size) {
size_t bytesWritten;
writeFd(this->fd, &data[totalBytesWritten], size - totalBytesWritten,
totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
namespace xmlrpc_c {
packet::packet() :
bytes(NULL), length(0), allocSize(0) {}
packet::initialize(const unsigned char * const data,
size_t const dataLength) {
this->bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(malloc(dataLength));
if (this->bytes == NULL)
throwf("Can't get storage for a %u-byte packet", (unsigned)dataLength);
this->allocSize = dataLength;
memcpy(this->bytes, data, dataLength);
this->length = dataLength;
packet::packet(const unsigned char * const data,
size_t const dataLength) {
this->initialize(data, dataLength);
packet::packet(const char * const data,
size_t const dataLength) {
this->initialize(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(data),
packet::~packet() {
if (this->bytes)
packet::addData(const unsigned char * const data,
size_t const dataLength) {
Add the 'length' bytes at 'data' to the packet.
We allocate whatever additional memory is needed to fit the new
data in.
size_t const neededSize(this->length + dataLength);
if (this->allocSize < neededSize)
this->bytes = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(
realloc(this->bytes, neededSize));
if (this->bytes == NULL)
throwf("Can't get storage for a %u-byte packet", (unsigned)neededSize);
memcpy(this->bytes + this->length, data, dataLength);
this->length += dataLength;
packetPtr::packetPtr() {
// Base class constructor will construct pointer that points to nothing
packetPtr::packetPtr(packet * const packetP) : autoObjectPtr(packetP) {}
packet *
packetPtr::operator->() const {
girmem::autoObject * const p(this->objectP);
return dynamic_cast<packet *>(p);
class packetSocket_impl {
packetSocket_impl(int const sockFd);
writeWait(packetPtr const& packetP) const;
read(bool * const eofP,
bool * const gotPacketP,
packetPtr * const packetPP);
readWait(volatile const int * const interruptP,
bool * const eofP,
bool * const gotPacketP,
packetPtr * const packetPP);
socketx sock;
// The kernel stream socket we use.
bool eof;
// The packet socket is at end-of-file for reads.
// 'readBuffer' is empty and there won't be any more data to fill
// it because the underlying stream socket is closed.
std::queue<packetPtr> readBuffer;
packetPtr packetAccumP;
// The receive packet we're currently accumulating; it will join
// 'readBuffer' when we've received the whole packet (and we've
// seen the END escape sequence so we know we've received it all).
// If we're not currently accumulating a packet (haven't seen a
// PKT escape sequence), this points to nothing.
bool inEscapeSeq;
// In our trek through the data read from the underlying stream
// socket, we are after an ESC character and before the end of the
// escape sequence. 'escAccum' shows what of the escape sequence
// we've seen so far.
bool inPacket;
// We're now receiving packet data from the underlying stream
// socket. We've seen a complete PKT escape sequence, but have not
// seen a complete END escape sequence since.
struct {
unsigned char bytes[3];
size_t len;
} escAccum;
takeSomeEscapeSeq(const unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const length,
size_t * const bytesTakenP);
takeSomePacket(const unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const length,
size_t * const bytesTakenP);
processBytesRead(const unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const bytesRead);
packetSocket_impl::packetSocket_impl(int const sockFd) :
sock(sockFd) {
this->inEscapeSeq = false;
this->inPacket = false;
this->escAccum.len = 0;
this->eof = false;
To complete the job, we should provide writing services analogous
to the reading services. That means a no-wait write method and
the ability to interrupt with a signal without corrupting the write
We're a little to lazy to do that now, since we don't need it yet,
but here's a design for that:
The packetSocket has a send queue of packets called the write
buffer. It stores packetPtr pointers to packets created by the
packetSocket::write() adds a packet to the write buffer, then calls
packetSocket::writeToFile(). If you give it a null packetPtr,
it just calls writeToFile().
packetSocket::writeToFile() writes from the write buffer to the
socket whatever the socket will take immediately. It writes the
start sequence, writes the packet data, then writes the end
sequence. The packetSocket keeps track of where it is in the
process of writing the current send packet (including start end
end sequences) it is.
packetSocket::write() returns a "flushed" flag indicating that there
is nothing left in the write buffer.
packetSocket::writeWait() just calls packetSocket::write(), then
packetSocket::flush() in a poll() loop.
packetSocket_impl::writeWait(packetPtr const& packetP) const {
const unsigned char * const packetStart(
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(ESC_STR "PKT"));
const unsigned char * const packetEnd(
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(ESC_STR "END"));
this->sock.writeWait(packetStart, 4);
this->sock.writeWait(packetP->getBytes(), packetP->getLength());
this->sock.writeWait(packetEnd, 4);
packetSocket_impl::takeSomeEscapeSeq(const unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const length,
size_t * const bytesTakenP) {
Take and process some bytes from the incoming stream 'buffer',
which contains 'length' bytes, assuming they are within an escape
size_t bytesTaken;
bytesTaken = 0;
while (this->escAccum.len < 3 && bytesTaken < length)
this->escAccum.bytes[this->escAccum.len++] = buffer[bytesTaken++];
assert(this->escAccum.len <= 3);
if (this->escAccum.len == 3) {
if (0) {
} else if (xmlrpc_memeq(this->escAccum.bytes, "NOP", 3)) {
// Nothing to do
} else if (xmlrpc_memeq(this->escAccum.bytes, "PKT", 3)) {
this->packetAccumP = packetPtr(new packet);
this->inPacket = true;
} else if (xmlrpc_memeq(this->escAccum.bytes, "END", 3)) {
if (this->inPacket) {
this->inPacket = false;
this->packetAccumP = packetPtr();
} else
throwf("END control word received without preceding PKT");
} else if (xmlrpc_memeq(this->escAccum.bytes, "ESC", 3)) {
if (this->inPacket)
this->packetAccumP->addData((const unsigned char *)ESC_STR, 1);
throwf("ESC control work received outside of a packet");
} else
throwf("Invalid escape sequence 0x%02x%02x%02x read from "
"stream socket under packet socket",
this->inEscapeSeq = false;
this->escAccum.len = 0;
*bytesTakenP = bytesTaken;
packetSocket_impl::takeSomePacket(const unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const length,
size_t * const bytesTakenP) {
const unsigned char * const escPos(
(const unsigned char *)memchr(buffer, ESC, length));
if (escPos) {
size_t const escOffset(escPos - &buffer[0]);
// move everything before the escape sequence into the
// packet accumulator.
this->packetAccumP->addData(buffer, escOffset);
// Caller can pick up from here; we don't know nothin' 'bout
// no escape sequences.
*bytesTakenP = escOffset;
} else {
// No complete packet yet and no substitution to do;
// just throw the whole thing into the accumulator.
this->packetAccumP->addData(buffer, length);
*bytesTakenP = length;
packetSocket_impl::verifyNothingAccumulated() {
Throw an error if there is a partial packet accumulated.
if (this->inEscapeSeq)
throwf("Streams socket closed in the middle of an "
"escape sequence");
if (this->inPacket)
throwf("Stream socket closed in the middle of a packet "
"(%u bytes of packet received; no END marker to mark "
"end of packet)", (unsigned)this->packetAccumP->getLength());
packetSocket_impl::processBytesRead(const unsigned char * const buffer,
size_t const bytesRead) {
unsigned int cursor; // Cursor into buffer[]
cursor = 0;
while (cursor < bytesRead) {
size_t bytesTaken;
if (this->inEscapeSeq)
bytesRead - cursor,
else if (buffer[cursor] == ESC) {
this->inEscapeSeq = true;
bytesTaken = 1;
} else if (this->inPacket)
bytesRead - cursor,
throwf("Byte 0x%02x is not in a packet or escape sequence. "
"Sender is probably not using packet socket protocol",
cursor += bytesTaken;
packetSocket_impl::readFromFile() {
Read some data from the underlying stream socket. Read as much as is
available right now, up to 4K. Update 'this' to reflect the data read.
E.g. if we read an entire packet, we add it to the packet buffer
(this->readBuffer). If we read the first part of a packet, we add
it to the packet accumulator (*this->packetAccumP). If we read the end
of a packet, we add the full packet to the packet buffer and empty
the packet accumulator. Etc.
bool wouldblock;
wouldblock = false;
while (this->readBuffer.empty() && !this->eof && !wouldblock) {
unsigned char buffer[4096];
size_t bytesRead;
this->sock.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &wouldblock, &bytesRead);
if (!wouldblock) {
if (bytesRead == 0) {
this->eof = true;
} else
this->processBytesRead(buffer, bytesRead);
packetSocket_impl::read(bool * const eofP,
bool * const gotPacketP,
packetPtr * const packetPP) {
Read one packet from the socket, through the internal packet buffer.
If there is a packet immediately available, return it as *packetPP and
return *gotPacketP true. Otherwise, return *gotPacketP false.
Iff the socket has no more data coming (it is shut down) and there
is no complete packet in the packet buffer, return *eofP.
This leaves one other possibility: there is no full packet immediately
available, but there may be in the future because the socket is still
alive. In that case, we return *eofP == false and *gotPacketP == false.
Any packet we return belongs to caller; Caller must delete it.
// Move any packets now waiting to be read in the underlying stream
// socket into our packet buffer (this->readBuffer).
if (this->readBuffer.empty()) {
*gotPacketP = false;
*eofP = this->eof;
} else {
*gotPacketP = true;
*eofP = false;
*packetPP = this->readBuffer.front();
packetSocket_impl::readWait(volatile const int * const interruptP,
bool * const eofP,
bool * const gotPacketP,
packetPtr * const packetPP) {
bool gotPacket;
bool eof;
gotPacket = false;
eof = false;
while (!gotPacket && !eof && !*interruptP) {
this->read(&eof, &gotPacket, packetPP);
*gotPacketP = gotPacket;
*eofP = eof;
packetSocket::packetSocket(int const sockFd) {
this->implP = new packetSocket_impl(sockFd);
packetSocket::~packetSocket() {
packetSocket::writeWait(packetPtr const& packetP) const {
packetSocket::read(bool * const eofP,
bool * const gotPacketP,
packetPtr * const packetPP) {
this->implP->read(eofP, gotPacketP, packetPP);
packetSocket::readWait(volatile const int * const interruptP,
bool * const eofP,
bool * const gotPacketP,
packetPtr * const packetPP) {
this->implP->readWait(interruptP, eofP, gotPacketP, packetPP);
packetSocket::readWait(volatile const int * const interruptP,
bool * const eofP,
packetPtr * const packetPP) {
bool gotPacket;
this->implP->readWait(interruptP, eofP, &gotPacket, packetPP);
if (!gotPacket)
throwf("Packet read was interrupted");
packetSocket::readWait(bool * const eofP,
packetPtr * const packetPP) {
int const interrupt(0); // Never interrupt
this->readWait(&interrupt, eofP, packetPP);
} // namespace