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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef jscntxt_h___
#define jscntxt_h___
* JS execution context.
#include "jsarena.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
#include "jsclist.h"
#include "jslong.h"
#include "jsatom.h"
#include "jsconfig.h"
#include "jsdhash.h"
#include "jsgc.h"
#include "jsinterp.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "jsprvtd.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "jsregexp.h"
typedef enum JSGCMode { JS_NO_GC, JS_MAYBE_GC, JS_FORCE_GC } JSGCMode;
typedef enum JSRuntimeState {
} JSRuntimeState;
typedef struct JSPropertyTreeEntry {
JSDHashEntryHdr hdr;
JSScopeProperty *child;
} JSPropertyTreeEntry;
struct JSRuntime {
/* Runtime state, synchronized by the stateChange/gcLock condvar/lock. */
JSRuntimeState state;
/* Garbage collector state, used by jsgc.c. */
JSArenaPool gcArenaPool[GC_NUM_FREELISTS];
JSDHashTable gcRootsHash;
JSDHashTable *gcLocksHash;
jsrefcount gcKeepAtoms;
uint32 gcBytes;
uint32 gcLastBytes;
uint32 gcMaxBytes;
uint32 gcLevel;
uint32 gcNumber;
JSPackedBool gcPoke;
JSPackedBool gcRunning;
JSGCCallback gcCallback;
uint32 gcMallocBytes;
* API compatibility requires keeping GCX_PRIVATE bytes separate from the
* original GC types' byte tally. Otherwise embeddings that configure a
* good limit for pre-GCX_PRIVATE versions of the engine will see memory
* over-pressure too often, possibly leading to failed last-ditch GCs.
* The new XML GC-thing types do add to gcBytes, and they're larger than
* the original GC-thing type size (8 bytes on most architectures). So a
* user who enables E4X may want to increase the maxbytes value passed to
* JS_NewRuntime. TODO: Note this in the API docs.
uint32 gcPrivateBytes;
/* Lists of JSXML private data structures to be finalized. */
JSXMLNamespace *gcDoomedNamespaces;
JSXMLQName *gcDoomedQNames;
JSXML *gcDoomedXML;
JSGCStats gcStats;
/* Literal table maintained by jsatom.c functions. */
JSAtomState atomState;
/* Random number generator state, used by jsmath.c. */
JSBool rngInitialized;
int64 rngMultiplier;
int64 rngAddend;
int64 rngMask;
int64 rngSeed;
jsdouble rngDscale;
/* Well-known numbers held for use by this runtime's contexts. */
jsdouble *jsNaN;
jsdouble *jsNegativeInfinity;
jsdouble *jsPositiveInfinity;
/* Empty string held for use by this runtime's contexts. */
JSString *emptyString;
/* List of active contexts sharing this runtime; protected by gcLock. */
JSCList contextList;
/* These are used for debugging -- see jsprvtd.h and jsdbgapi.h. */
JSTrapHandler interruptHandler;
void *interruptHandlerData;
JSNewScriptHook newScriptHook;
void *newScriptHookData;
JSDestroyScriptHook destroyScriptHook;
void *destroyScriptHookData;
JSTrapHandler debuggerHandler;
void *debuggerHandlerData;
JSSourceHandler sourceHandler;
void *sourceHandlerData;
JSInterpreterHook executeHook;
void *executeHookData;
JSInterpreterHook callHook;
void *callHookData;
JSObjectHook objectHook;
void *objectHookData;
JSTrapHandler throwHook;
void *throwHookData;
JSDebugErrorHook debugErrorHook;
void *debugErrorHookData;
/* More debugging state, see jsdbgapi.c. */
JSCList trapList;
JSCList watchPointList;
/* Weak links to properties, indexed by quickened get/set opcodes. */
/* XXX must come after JSCLists or MSVC alignment bug bites empty lists */
JSPropertyCache propertyCache;
/* Client opaque pointer */
void *data;
/* These combine to interlock the GC and new requests. */
PRLock *gcLock;
PRCondVar *gcDone;
PRCondVar *requestDone;
uint32 requestCount;
jsword gcThread;
/* Lock and owning thread pointer for JS_LOCK_RUNTIME. */
PRLock *rtLock;
#ifdef DEBUG
jsword rtLockOwner;
/* Used to synchronize down/up state change; protected by gcLock. */
PRCondVar *stateChange;
/* Used to serialize cycle checks when setting __proto__ or __parent__. */
PRLock *setSlotLock;
PRCondVar *setSlotDone;
JSBool setSlotBusy;
JSScope *setSlotScope; /* deadlock avoidance, see jslock.c */
* State for sharing single-threaded scopes, once a second thread tries to
* lock a scope. The scopeSharingDone condvar is protected by rt->gcLock,
* to minimize number of locks taken in JS_EndRequest.
* The scopeSharingTodo linked list is likewise "global" per runtime, not
* one-list-per-context, to conserve space over all contexts, optimizing
* for the likely case that scopes become shared rarely, and among a very
* small set of threads (contexts).
PRCondVar *scopeSharingDone;
JSScope *scopeSharingTodo;
* Magic terminator for the rt->scopeSharingTodo linked list, threaded through
* scope->u.link. This hack allows us to test whether a scope is on the list
* by asking whether scope->u.link is non-null. We use a large, likely bogus
* pointer here to distinguish this value from any valid u.count (small int)
* value.
#define NO_SCOPE_SHARING_TODO ((JSScope *) 0xfeedbeef)
#endif /* JS_THREADSAFE */
* Check property accessibility for objects of arbitrary class. Used at
* present to check f.caller accessibility for any function object f.
JSCheckAccessOp checkObjectAccess;
/* Security principals serialization support. */
JSPrincipalsTranscoder principalsTranscoder;
/* Optional hook to find principals for an object in this runtime. */
JSObjectPrincipalsFinder findObjectPrincipals;
/* Shared scope property tree, and allocator for its nodes. */
JSDHashTable propertyTreeHash;
JSScopeProperty *propertyFreeList;
JSArenaPool propertyArenaPool;
/* Script filename table. */
struct JSHashTable *scriptFilenameTable;
JSCList scriptFilenamePrefixes;
PRLock *scriptFilenameTableLock;
/* Number localization, used by jsnum.c */
const char *thousandsSeparator;
const char *decimalSeparator;
const char *numGrouping;
* Weak references to lazily-created, well-known XML singletons.
* NB: Singleton objects must be carefully disconnected from the rest of
* the object graph usually associated with a JSContext's global object,
* including the set of standard class objects. See jsxml.c for details.
JSObject *anynameObject;
JSObject *functionNamespaceObject;
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Function invocation metering. */
jsrefcount inlineCalls;
jsrefcount nativeCalls;
jsrefcount nonInlineCalls;
jsrefcount constructs;
/* Scope lock and property metering. */
jsrefcount claimAttempts;
jsrefcount claimedScopes;
jsrefcount deadContexts;
jsrefcount deadlocksAvoided;
jsrefcount liveScopes;
jsrefcount sharedScopes;
jsrefcount totalScopes;
jsrefcount badUndependStrings;
jsrefcount liveScopeProps;
jsrefcount totalScopeProps;
jsrefcount livePropTreeNodes;
jsrefcount duplicatePropTreeNodes;
jsrefcount totalPropTreeNodes;
jsrefcount propTreeKidsChunks;
jsrefcount middleDeleteFixups;
/* String instrumentation. */
jsrefcount liveStrings;
jsrefcount totalStrings;
jsrefcount liveDependentStrings;
jsrefcount totalDependentStrings;
double lengthSum;
double lengthSquaredSum;
double strdepLengthSum;
double strdepLengthSquaredSum;
#ifdef DEBUG
# define JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, which) JS_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&(rt)->which)
# define JS_RUNTIME_UNMETER(rt, which) JS_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&(rt)->which)
# define JS_RUNTIME_METER(rt, which) /* nothing */
# define JS_RUNTIME_UNMETER(rt, which) /* nothing */
#define JS_KEEP_ATOMS(rt) JS_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&(rt)->gcKeepAtoms);
#define JS_UNKEEP_ATOMS(rt) JS_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&(rt)->gcKeepAtoms);
* Linked list mapping format strings for JS_{Convert,Push}Arguments{,VA} to
* formatter functions. Elements are sorted in non-increasing format string
* length order.
struct JSArgumentFormatMap {
const char *format;
size_t length;
JSArgumentFormatter formatter;
JSArgumentFormatMap *next;
struct JSStackHeader {
uintN nslots;
JSStackHeader *down;
#define JS_STACK_SEGMENT(sh) ((jsval *)(sh) + 2)
* Key and entry types for the JSContext.resolvingTable hash table, typedef'd
* here because all consumers need to see these declarations (and not just the
* typedef names, as would be the case for an opaque pointer-to-typedef'd-type
* declaration), along with cx->resolvingTable.
typedef struct JSResolvingKey {
JSObject *obj;
jsid id;
} JSResolvingKey;
typedef struct JSResolvingEntry {
JSDHashEntryHdr hdr;
JSResolvingKey key;
uint32 flags;
} JSResolvingEntry;
#define JSRESFLAG_LOOKUP 0x1 /* resolving id from lookup */
#define JSRESFLAG_WATCH 0x2 /* resolving id from watch */
typedef struct JSLocalRootChunk JSLocalRootChunk;
struct JSLocalRootChunk {
jsval roots[JSLRS_CHUNK_SIZE];
JSLocalRootChunk *down;
typedef struct JSLocalRootStack {
uint32 scopeMark;
uint32 rootCount;
JSLocalRootChunk *topChunk;
JSLocalRootChunk firstChunk;
} JSLocalRootStack;
#define JSLRS_NULL_MARK ((uint32) -1)
typedef struct JSTempValueRooter JSTempValueRooter;
* If count is -1, then u.value contains the single value to root. Otherwise
* u.array points to a stack-allocated vector of jsvals. Note that the vector
* may have length 0 or 1 for full generality, so we need -1 to discriminate
* the union.
* If you need to protect a result value that flows out of a C function across
* several layers of other functions, use the js_LeaveLocalRootScopeWithResult
* internal API (see further below) instead.
struct JSTempValueRooter {
JSTempValueRooter *down;
jsint count;
union {
jsval value;
jsval *array;
} u;
#define JS_PUSH_TEMP_ROOT_COMMON(cx,tvr) \
JS_ASSERT((cx)->tempValueRooters != (tvr)); \
(tvr)->down = (cx)->tempValueRooters; \
(cx)->tempValueRooters = (tvr); \
#define JS_PUSH_SINGLE_TEMP_ROOT(cx,val,tvr) \
(tvr)->count = -1; \
(tvr)->u.value = (val); \
#define JS_PUSH_TEMP_ROOT(cx,cnt,arr,tvr) \
(tvr)->count = (cnt); \
(tvr)->u.array = (arr); \
#define JS_POP_TEMP_ROOT(cx,tvr) \
JS_ASSERT((cx)->tempValueRooters == (tvr)); \
(cx)->tempValueRooters = (tvr)->down; \
#define JS_TEMP_ROOT_EVAL(cx,cnt,val,expr) \
JSTempValueRooter tvr; \
JS_PUSH_TEMP_ROOT(cx, cnt, val, &tvr); \
(expr); \
JS_POP_TEMP_ROOT(cx, &tvr); \
struct JSContext {
JSCList links;
/* Interpreter activation count. */
uintN interpLevel;
/* Limit pointer for checking stack consumption during recursion. */
jsuword stackLimit;
/* Runtime version control identifier and equality operators. */
uint16 version;
jsbytecode jsop_eq;
jsbytecode jsop_ne;
/* Data shared by threads in an address space. */
JSRuntime *runtime;
/* Stack arena pool and frame pointer register. */
JSArenaPool stackPool;
JSStackFrame *fp;
/* Temporary arena pool used while compiling and decompiling. */
JSArenaPool tempPool;
/* Top-level object and pointer to top stack frame's scope chain. */
JSObject *globalObject;
/* Most recently created things by type, members of the GC's root set. */
JSGCThing *newborn[GCX_NTYPES];
/* Atom root for the last-looked-up atom on this context. */
JSAtom *lastAtom;
/* Root for the result of the most recent js_InternalInvoke call. */
jsval lastInternalResult;
/* Regular expression class statics (XXX not shared globally). */
JSRegExpStatics regExpStatics;
/* State for object and array toSource conversion. */
JSSharpObjectMap sharpObjectMap;
/* Argument formatter support for JS_{Convert,Push}Arguments{,VA}. */
JSArgumentFormatMap *argumentFormatMap;
/* Last message string and trace file for debugging. */
char *lastMessage;
#ifdef DEBUG
void *tracefp;
/* Per-context optional user callbacks. */
JSBranchCallback branchCallback;
JSErrorReporter errorReporter;
/* Client opaque pointer */
void *data;
/* GC and thread-safe state. */
JSStackFrame *dormantFrameChain; /* dormant stack frame to scan */
jsword thread;
jsrefcount requestDepth;
JSScope *scopeToShare; /* weak reference, see jslock.c */
JSScope *lockedSealedScope; /* weak ref, for low-cost sealed
scope locking */
* Secondary return value from native method called on the left-hand side
* of an assignment operator. The native should store the object in which
* to set a property in *rval, and return the property's id expressed as a
* jsval by calling JS_SetCallReturnValue2(cx, idval).
jsval rval2;
JSPackedBool rval2set;
* Bit-set formed from binary exponentials of the XML_* tiny-ids defined
* for boolean settings in jsxml.c, plus an XSF_CACHE_VALID bit. Together
* these act as a cache of the boolean XML.ignore* and XML.prettyPrinting
* property values associated with this context's global object.
uint8 xmlSettingFlags;
* True if creating an exception object, to prevent runaway recursion.
* NB: creatingException packs with rval2set, #if JS_HAS_LVALUE_RETURN;
* with xmlSettingFlags, #if JS_HAS_XML_SUPPORT; and with throwing below.
JSPackedBool creatingException;
* Exception state -- the exception member is a GC root by definition.
* NB: throwing packs with creatingException and rval2set, above.
JSPackedBool throwing; /* is there a pending exception? */
jsval exception; /* most-recently-thrown exception */
/* Per-context options. */
uint32 options; /* see jsapi.h for JSOPTION_* */
/* Locale specific callbacks for string conversion. */
JSLocaleCallbacks *localeCallbacks;
* cx->resolvingTable is non-null and non-empty if we are initializing
* standard classes lazily, or if we are otherwise recursing indirectly
* from js_LookupProperty through a JSClass.resolve hook. It is used to
* limit runaway recursion (see jsapi.c and jsobj.c).
JSDHashTable *resolvingTable;
/* PDL of stack headers describing stack slots not rooted by argv, etc. */
JSStackHeader *stackHeaders;
/* Optional stack of heap-allocated scoped local GC roots. */
JSLocalRootStack *localRootStack;
/* Stack of thread-stack-allocated temporary GC roots. */
JSTempValueRooter *tempValueRooters;
* Slightly more readable macros for testing per-context option settings (also
* to hide bitset implementation detail).
* JSOPTION_XML must be handled specially in order to propagate from compile-
* to run-time (from cx->options to script->version/cx->version). To do that,
* we copy JSOPTION_XML from cx->options into cx->version as JSVERSION_HAS_XML
* whenever options are set, and preserve this XML flag across version number
* changes done via the JS_SetVersion API.
* But when executing a script or scripted function, the interpreter changes
* cx->version, including the XML flag, to script->version. Thus JSOPTION_XML
* is a compile-time option that causes a run-time version change during each
* activation of the compiled script. That version change has the effect of
* changing JS_HAS_XML_OPTION, so that any compiling done via eval enables XML
* support. If an XML-enabled script or function calls a non-XML function,
* the flag bit will be cleared during the callee's activation.
* Note that JS_SetVersion API calls never pass JSVERSION_HAS_XML or'd into
* that API's version parameter.
* Note also that script->version must contain this XML option flag in order
* for XDR'ed scripts to serialize and deserialize with that option preserved
* for detection at run-time. We can't copy other compile-time options into
* script->version because that would break backward compatibility (certain
* other options, e.g. JSOPTION_VAROBJFIX, are analogous to JSOPTION_XML).
#define JS_HAS_OPTION(cx,option) (((cx)->options & (option)) != 0)
#define JSVERSION_MASK 0x0FFF /* see JSVersion in jspubtd.h */
#define JSVERSION_HAS_XML 0x1000 /* flag induced by XML option */
#define JSVERSION_NUMBER(cx) ((cx)->version & JSVERSION_MASK)
#define JS_HAS_XML_OPTION(cx) ((cx)->version & JSVERSION_HAS_XML || \
* Wrappers for the JSVERSION_IS_* macros from jspubtd.h taking JSContext *cx
* and masking off the XML flag and any other high order bits.
* Common subroutine of JS_SetVersion and js_SetVersion, to update per-context
* data that depends on version.
extern void
js_OnVersionChange(JSContext *cx);
* Unlike the JS_SetVersion API, this function stores JSVERSION_HAS_XML and
* any future non-version-number flags induced by compiler options.
extern void
js_SetVersion(JSContext *cx, JSVersion version);
* Create and destroy functions for JSContext, which is manually allocated
* and exclusively owned.
extern JSContext *
js_NewContext(JSRuntime *rt, size_t stackChunkSize);
extern void
js_DestroyContext(JSContext *cx, JSGCMode gcmode);
* Return true if cx points to a context in rt->contextList, else return false.
* NB: the caller (see jslock.c:ClaimScope) must hold rt->gcLock.
extern JSBool
js_ValidContextPointer(JSRuntime *rt, JSContext *cx);
* If unlocked, acquire and release rt->gcLock around *iterp update; otherwise
* the caller must be holding rt->gcLock.
extern JSContext *
js_ContextIterator(JSRuntime *rt, JSBool unlocked, JSContext **iterp);
* JSClass.resolve and watchpoint recursion damping machinery.
extern JSBool
js_StartResolving(JSContext *cx, JSResolvingKey *key, uint32 flag,
JSResolvingEntry **entryp);
extern void
js_StopResolving(JSContext *cx, JSResolvingKey *key, uint32 flag,
JSResolvingEntry *entry, uint32 generation);
* Local root set management.
extern JSBool
js_EnterLocalRootScope(JSContext *cx);
extern void
js_LeaveLocalRootScope(JSContext *cx);
extern void
js_ForgetLocalRoot(JSContext *cx, jsval v);
extern int
js_PushLocalRoot(JSContext *cx, JSLocalRootStack *lrs, jsval v);
extern void
js_MarkLocalRoots(JSContext *cx, JSLocalRootStack *lrs);
* Report an exception, which is currently realized as a printf-style format
* string and its arguments.
typedef enum JSErrNum {
#define MSG_DEF(name, number, count, exception, format) \
name = number,
#include "js.msg"
#undef MSG_DEF
} JSErrNum;
extern const JSErrorFormatString *
js_GetErrorMessage(void *userRef, const char *locale, const uintN errorNumber);
#ifdef va_start
extern JSBool
js_ReportErrorVA(JSContext *cx, uintN flags, const char *format, va_list ap);
extern JSBool
js_ReportErrorNumberVA(JSContext *cx, uintN flags, JSErrorCallback callback,
void *userRef, const uintN errorNumber,
JSBool charArgs, va_list ap);
extern JSBool
js_ExpandErrorArguments(JSContext *cx, JSErrorCallback callback,
void *userRef, const uintN errorNumber,
char **message, JSErrorReport *reportp,
JSBool *warningp, JSBool charArgs, va_list ap);
extern void
js_ReportOutOfMemory(JSContext *cx);
* Report an exception using a previously composed JSErrorReport.
* XXXbe remove from "friend" API
extern JS_FRIEND_API(void)
js_ReportErrorAgain(JSContext *cx, const char *message, JSErrorReport *report);
extern void
js_ReportIsNotDefined(JSContext *cx, const char *name);
extern JSErrorFormatString js_ErrorFormatString[JSErr_Limit];
* See JS_SetThreadStackLimit in jsapi.c, where we check that the stack grows
* in the expected direction. On Unix-y systems, JS_STACK_GROWTH_DIRECTION is
* computed on the build host by jscpucfg.c and written into jsautocfg.h. The
* macro is hardcoded in jscpucfg.h on Windows and Mac systems (for historical
* reasons pre-dating autoconf usage).
# define JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(cx, lval) ((jsuword)&(lval) < (cx)->stackLimit)
# define JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(cx, lval) ((jsuword)&(lval) > (cx)->stackLimit)
#endif /* jscntxt_h___ */