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synced 2025-03-08 19:11:20 +00:00
mod_prefix is an in-memory data store optimized for fast lookups according to the longest prefix match (LPM) rule. Tables of key-value string pairs in JSON format can be loaded at startup via configuration and at runtime via the API. The implementation uses a bitwise trie (aka binary prefix tree), so arbitrary string keys are supported.
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The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
The PRIMARY AUTHORS are (and/or have been):
Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> - Primary developer of all core components
and many of the included modules. Much of freeswitch is based on his work.
Michael Jerris <mike@jerris.com> - Windows porter and responsible for the
windows\msvc build system.
And here is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS --
people who have submitted patches, reported bugs, and generally made Freeswitch
that much better:
Brian K. West - For countless hours of work on BSD and Mac support, finding countless bugs,
and moral support. Xcode project files.
Joshua Colp - For his help making mod_exosip possible (which we are now getting rid of but oh well),
and for just being a swell guy!
Michal "cypromis" Bielicki (michal.bielicki AT voiceworks.pl) - Solaris porting, and autotools enhancements, debian, rpm and solaris packaging.
James Martelletti <james@nerdc0re.com> - All around cool guy (mod_syslog)
Johny Kadarisman <jkr888@gmail.com>
Yossi Neiman of Cartis Solutions, Inc. <freeswitch AT cartissolutions.com> - implementation of mod_cdr (perldd, mysql, csv)
Stefan Knoblich - Sofia TLS, various patches and support. Thanks.
Justin Unger - <justinunger at gmail dot com> Lots of help with patches and SIP testing. Thanks!
Paul D. Tinsley - Various patches and support. <pdt at jackhammer.org>
Ken Rice - <krice AT freeswitch.org> - xmlcdr, sofia improvements, load testing, 1 liners here and there.
Travis Cross <tc@traviscross.com> - git migration, Debian packaging, ZRTP integration, mod_prefix, and many other improvements
Neal Horman <neal at wanlink dot com> - conference improvements, switch_ivr menu additions and other tweaks.
Johny Kadarisman <jkr888 at gmail.com> - mod_python fixups.
Michael Murdock <mike at mmurdock dot org> - testing, documentation, bug finding and usability enhancements.
Matt Klein <mklein@nmedia.net>
Jonas Gauffin <jonas at gauffin dot org> - mod_cdr_odbc, mod_spidermonkey_socket, Bugfixes and additions in mod_spidermonkey_odbc and mod_spidermonkey, .net event socket library.
Damjan Jovanovic <moctodliamgtavojtodnajmad backwards> - mod_java
Juan Jose Comellas <juanjo@comellas.org> - Patch to switch_utils for arg parsing.
Dale Thatcher <freeswitch at dalethatcher dot com> - Additions to mod_conference.
Simon Perreault & Marc Blanchet from Viagenie.ca - IPv6 Support.
Peter Olsson <peter@olssononline.se> - mod_v8, and other various patches.
A big THANK YOU goes to:
Justin Cassidy - Build related cleanups and automatic build setup.
Bret McDanel - Javascript Documentation, constant feedback and input, many other things I am sure I am forgetting.