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synced 2025-03-11 12:08:55 +00:00
Verto Communicator is a web interface built on top of Verto and AngularJS. Brought to you by Evolux Sistemas and FreeSWITCH team. :) FS-7795 - implements fullscreen menu and doubleclick function. FS-7795 - added chat icon on fullscreen video FS-7796 - fix missing tooltips in call icons FS-7796 - fix tooltip position FS-7798 - implements change login information in modal view FS-7828 - fix esc key bug when leave fullscren mode. Using css instead of javascript in fullscreen for elements manipulation. FS-7826 - fix chat sender id with name instead of extension FS-7831 - remove demo from title FS-7841 - fix compatibility verification FS-7842 - 'settings' data persistent FS-7859 - moved popup down FS-7827 - added screen share functionality FS-7857 - default name for source media FS-7879 - prompt before logout [incall] FS-7873 - querystring for autocall FS-7875 - persist login and password password FS-7877 - phone feature: hold, transfer, incoming, answer, decline, call direction in history FS-7878 - small devices FS-7881 - added modal dialog for contributors
121 lines
4.7 KiB
121 lines
4.7 KiB
<div id="incall-pane" class="sidebar-nav" ng-controller="ChatController">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist" ng-init="activePane = 'members'">
<li role="presentation" ng-class="{'active': activePane == 'members'}">
<a ng-click="activePane = 'members'" href="">
<li role="presentation" ng-class="{'active': activePane == 'chat'}">
<a ng-click="activePane = 'chat'" href="">
<div class="chat-members" ng-show="activePane == 'members'">
<div ng-show="!members.length">
<p class="text-center text-muted">There are no members to show.</p>
<div ng-repeat="member in members" class="chat-member-item">
<span class="chat-members-avatar">
<img />
<h4 class="chat-members-name">{{ member.name }}</h4>
<div class="pull-right action-buttons chat-members-action" ng-show="verto.data.confRole == 'moderator'">
<div class="btn-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
<i class="mdi-navigation-more-vert" style="margin-right: 0px;"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu slidedown pull-right">
<a href="" ng-click="confKick(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-av-not-interested"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="confMuteMic(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-av-mic-off"></span>
Mute/Unmute Mic
<a href="" ng-click="confMuteVideo(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-av-videocam-off"></span>
Mute/Unmute Video
<a href="" ng-click="confPresenter(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-action-picture-in-picture"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="confVideoFloor(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-action-aspect-ratio"></span>
Video Floor
<a href="" ng-click="confBanner(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-av-subtitles"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="confVolumeDown(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-av-volume-down"></span>
Vol –
<a href="" ng-click="confVolumeUp(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-av-volume-up"></span>
Vol +
<a href="" ng-click="confTransfer(member.id)">
<span class="mdi-fw mdi-communication-call-made"></span>
<span class="chat-members-status pull-right">
<i class="in-use" ng-class="{'mdi-av-mic': !member.status.audio.muted, 'mdi-av-mic-off': member.status.audio.muted, 'mic_talking': member.status.audio.talking}"></i>
<i ng-class="{'mdi-av-videocam': !member.status.video.muted, 'mdi-av-videocam-off': member.status.video.muted, 'in-use': (member.status.video && !member.status.video.muted), 'disabled': !member.status.video}"></i>
<div class="chat-history" ng-show="activePane == 'chat'">
<div class="chat-messages">
<div class="chat-message" ng-show="!messages.length">
<p class="text-center text-muted">There are no messages to show.</p>
<div class="chat-message" ng-repeat="message in messages" title="Sent at {{ message.created_at|date }}.">
<div class="chat-message-metadata">{{ message.from }}:</div>
<p class="chat-message-body">{{ message.body }}</p>
<div id="chat-message-bottom"></div>
<div class="chat-message-input">
<form ng-submit="send()" >
<div class="chat-message-input-group">
<textarea ng-model="message" ng-keyup="($event.keyCode == 13 && $event.shiftKey !== true) && send()" required="required" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Type your message here..."></textarea>
<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm" type="submit">
<span class="mdi-navigation-arrow-forward chat-message-input-group-icon-button"></span>