mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 04:16:44 +00:00
340 lines
7.7 KiB
340 lines
7.7 KiB
/*jslint node: true */
'use strict';
// var pkg = require('./package.json');
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times
// load all grunt tasks
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
includereplace: 'grunt-include-replace',
useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin'
// Configurable paths
var config = {
app: '.',
dist: 'dist'
var ip = grunt.option('ip');
// Project configuration.
// Project settings
config: config,
// Watch things
watch: {
bower: {
files: ['bower.json'],
tasks: ['wiredep']
js: {
files: ['js/verto-service.js'],
tasks: ['string-replace:dev']
styles: {
files: ['<%= config.app %>/css/{,*/}*.css'],
tasks: ['newer:copy:styles', 'postcss']
gruntfile: {
files: ['Gruntfile.js']
// Replace so we can have it properly passed from dev
'string-replace': {
dev: {
files: {
'.tmp/js/verto-service.js': '<%= config.app %>/js/verto-service.js'
options: {
replacements: [
pattern: 'window.location.hostname',
replacement: ip
wiredep: {
app: {
src: ['index.html'],
ignorePath: /\.\.\//
postcss: {
options: {
map: true,
processors: [
// Add vendor prefixed styles
browsers: ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'Firefox ESR', 'Opera 12.1']
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '.tmp/css/',
src: '{,*/}*.css',
dest: '.tmp/css/'
browserSync: {
options: {
notify: false,
background: true,
https: true,
open: false
livereload: {
options: {
files: [
'<%= config.app %>/{,*/}*.html',
'<%= config.app %>/images/{,*/}*',
'<%= config.app %>/js/**/*.js'
port: 9001,
server: {
baseDir: ['.tmp', '../js/src/', config.app],
routes: {
'/bower_components': './bower_components',
'/js/src': '../js/src'
dist: {
options: {
port: 9001,
background: false,
server: {
baseDir: ['dist']
jshint: {
options: {
jshintrc: '.jshintrc',
reporter: require('jshint-stylish'),
ignores: ['js/3rd-party/**/*.js'],
force: true // TODO: Remove this once we get files linted correctly!!!
all: {
src: [
clean: {
dist: {
files: [{
dot: true,
src: [
server: '.tmp'
// Renames files for browser caching purposes
filerev: {
dist: {
src: [
// Reads HTML for usemin blocks to enable smart builds that automatically
// concat, minify and revision files. Creates configurations in memory so
// additional tasks can operate on them
useminPrepare: {
options: {
dest: '<%= config.dist %>'
html: '<%= config.app %>/index.html'
// Performs rewrites based on rev and the useminPrepare configuration
usemin: {
options: {
assetsDirs: [
'<%= config.dist %>',
'<%= config.dist %>/images',
'<%= config.dist %>/styles'
html: ['<%= config.dist %>/{,*/}*.html'],
css: ['<%= config.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css']
// The following *-min tasks produce minified files in the dist folder
imagemin: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= config.app %>/images',
src: '{,*/}*.{gif,jpeg,jpg,png}',
dest: '<%= config.dist %>/images'
svgmin: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= config.app %>/images',
src: '{,*/}*.svg',
dest: '<%= config.dist %>/images'
// htmlmin: {
// dist: {
// options: {
// collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
// collapseWhitespace: true,
// conservativeCollapse: true,
// removeAttributeQuotes: true,
// removeCommentsFromCDATA: true,
// removeEmptyAttributes: true,
// removeOptionalTags: true,
// // true would impact styles with attribute selectors
// removeRedundantAttributes: false,
// useShortDoctype: true
// },
// files: [{
// expand: true,
// cwd: '<%= config.dist %>',
// src: '{,*/}*.html',
// dest: '<%= config.dist %>'
// },
// {
// expand: true,
// cwd: '<%= config.dist %>/partials',
// src: '{,*/}*.html',
// dest: '<%= config.dist %>/partials'
// }]
// }
// },
// ng-annotate tries to make the code safe for minification automatically
// by using the Angular long form for dependency injection.
ngAnnotate: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '.tmp/concat/scripts',
src: '*.js',
dest: '.tmp/concat/scripts'
// Copies remaining files to places other tasks can use
copy: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
dot: true,
cwd: '',
dest: 'dist',
src: [
}, {
expand: true,
cwd: '.tmp/images',
dest: 'dist/images',
src: ['generated/*']
}, {
expand: true,
cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist',
src: 'fonts/*',
dest: 'dist'
}, {
expand: true,
cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap-material-design/dist',
src: 'fonts/*',
dest: 'dist'
styles: {
expand: true,
cwd: '/css',
dest: '.tmp/css/',
src: '{,*/}*.css'
// Run some tasks in parallel to speed up the build process
concurrent: {
server: [
dist: [
grunt.registerTask('serve', function (target) {
var tasks = ['clean:server',
if (ip) {
tasks = tasks.concat(['string-replace:dev',
} else {
tasks = tasks.concat(['browserSync:livereload',
grunt.registerTask('build', [
// 'htmlmin'