StefanYohansson 10646ab9e3 [verto-communicator] - Added change server feature
When someone set any wss server and do login
VC doesn't record the settings on localStorage,
so when we reload the browser, it will try to connect on
"wss://" + window.location.hostname + ":8082" and if
this wss server is offline for any reason, user will
be stuck on splash screen by auto-login step plus reconnect
modal blocking any action.

- Added button "Change Server" on modal reconnection alert;
- Stop jsonRpcClient retry timeout and delete verto instance
to create a new one when user login with new wss server;
- Record wss server and hostname on localStorage.
2016-12-27 11:25:35 -03:00

722 lines
25 KiB

* Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH
* Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II <>
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is jquery.jsonrpclient.js modified for Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Textalk AB
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Anthony Minessale II <>
* jquery.jsonrpclient.js - JSON RPC client code
* This plugin requires jquery.json.js to be available, or at least the methods $.toJSON and
* $.parseJSON.
* The plan is to make use of websockets if they are available, but work just as well with only
* http if not.
* Usage example:
* var foo = new $.JsonRpcClient({ ajaxUrl: '/backend/jsonrpc' });
* 'bar', [ 'A parameter', 'B parameter' ],
* function(result) { alert('Foo bar answered: ' + result.my_answer); },
* function(error) { console.log('There was an error', error); }
* );
* More examples are available in
(function($) {
* @fn new
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param options An object stating the backends:
* ajaxUrl A url (relative or absolute) to a http(s) backend.
* socketUrl A url (relative of absolute) to a ws(s) backend.
* onmessage A socket message handler for other messages (non-responses).
* getSocket A function returning a WebSocket or null.
* It must take an onmessage_cb and bind it to the onmessage event
* (or chain it before/after some other onmessage handler).
* Or, it could return null if no socket is available.
* The returned instance must have readyState <= 1, and if less than 1,
* react to onopen binding.
$.JsonRpcClient = function(options) {
var self = this;
this.options = $.extend({
ajaxUrl : null,
socketUrl : null, ///< The ws-url for default getSocket.
onmessage : null, ///< Other onmessage-handler.
login : null, /// auth login
passwd : null, /// auth passwd
sessid : null,
loginParams : null,
userVariables : null,
getSocket : function(onmessage_cb) { return self._getSocket(onmessage_cb); }
}, options);
self.ws_cnt = 0;
// Declare an instance version of the onmessage callback to wrap 'this'.
this.wsOnMessage = function(event) { self._wsOnMessage(event); };
/// Holding the WebSocket on default getsocket.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._ws_socket = null;
/// Object <id>: { success_cb: cb, error_cb: cb }
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._ws_callbacks = {};
/// The next JSON-RPC request id.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._current_id = 1;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.speedTest = function (bytes, cb) {
var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
this.speedCB = cb;
this.speedBytes = bytes;
socket.send("#SPU " + bytes);
var loops = bytes / 1024;
var rem = bytes % 1024;
var i;
var data = new Array(1024).join(".");
for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
socket.send("#SPB " + data);
if (rem) {
socket.send("#SPB " + data);
* @fn call
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param method The method to run on JSON-RPC server.
* @param params The params; an array or object.
* @param success_cb A callback for successful request.
* @param error_cb A callback for error.
$ = function(method, params, success_cb, error_cb) {
// Construct the JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
if (!params) {
params = {};
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
var request = {
jsonrpc : '2.0',
method : method,
params : params,
id : this._current_id++ // Increase the id counter to match request/response
if (!success_cb) {
success_cb = function(e){console.log("Success: ", e);};
if (!error_cb) {
error_cb = function(e){console.log("Error: ", e);};
// Try making a WebSocket call.
var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
this._wsCall(socket, request, success_cb, error_cb);
// No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work.
if (this.options.ajaxUrl === null) {
throw "$ used with no websocket and no http endpoint.";
type : 'POST',
url : this.options.ajaxUrl,
data : $.toJSON(request),
dataType : 'json',
cache : false,
success : function(data) {
if ('error' in data) error_cb(data.error, this);
success_cb(data.result, this);
// JSON-RPC Server could return non-200 on error
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
try {
var response = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if ('console' in window) console.log(response);
error_cb(response.error, this);
} catch (err) {
// Perhaps the responseText wasn't really a jsonrpc-error.
error_cb({ error: jqXHR.responseText }, this);
* Notify sends a command to the server that won't need a response. In http, there is probably
* an empty response - that will be dropped, but in ws there should be no response at all.
* This is very similar to call, but has no id and no handling of callbacks.
* @fn notify
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param method The method to run on JSON-RPC server.
* @param params The params; an array or object.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.notify = function(method, params) {
// Construct the JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
var request = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: method,
params: params
// Try making a WebSocket call.
var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
this._wsCall(socket, request);
// No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work.
if (this.options.ajaxUrl === null) {
throw "$.JsonRpcClient.notify used with no websocket and no http endpoint.";
type : 'POST',
url : this.options.ajaxUrl,
data : $.toJSON(request),
dataType : 'json',
cache : false
* Make a batch-call by using a callback.
* The callback will get an object "batch" as only argument. On batch, you can call the methods
* "call" and "notify" just as if it was a normal $.JsonRpcClient object, and all calls will be
* sent as a batch call then the callback is done.
* @fn batch
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param callback The main function which will get a batch handler to run call and notify on.
* @param all_done_cb A callback function to call after all results have been handled.
* @param error_cb A callback function to call if there is an error from the server.
* Note, that batch calls should always get an overall success, and the
* only error
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.batch = function(callback, all_done_cb, error_cb) {
var batch = new $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject(this, all_done_cb, error_cb);
* The default getSocket handler.
* @param onmessage_cb The callback to be bound to onmessage events on the socket.
* @fn _getSocket
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.socketReady = function() {
if (this._ws_socket === null || this._ws_socket.readyState > 1) {
return false;
return true;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.closeSocket = function() {
var self = this;
if (self.socketReady()) {
self._ws_socket.onclose = function (w) {console.log("Closing Socket");};
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.loginData = function(params) {
var self = this;
self.options.login = params.login;
self.options.passwd = params.passwd;
self.options.loginParams = params.loginParams;
self.options.userVariables = params.userVariables;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.connectSocket = function(onmessage_cb) {
var self = this;
if ( {
if (!self.socketReady()) {
self.authing = false;
if (self._ws_socket) {
delete self._ws_socket;
// No socket, or dying socket, let's get a new one.
self._ws_socket = new WebSocket(self.options.socketUrl);
if (self._ws_socket) {
// Set up onmessage handler.
self._ws_socket.onmessage = onmessage_cb;
self._ws_socket.onclose = function (w) {
if (!self.ws_sleep) {
self.ws_sleep = 1000;
if (self.options.onWSClose) {
console.error("Websocket Lost " + self.ws_cnt + " sleep: " + self.ws_sleep + "msec"); = setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Attempting Reconnection....");
}, self.ws_sleep);
if (self.ws_sleep < 3000 && (self.ws_cnt % 10) === 0) {
self.ws_sleep += 1000;
// Set up sending of message for when the socket is open.
self._ws_socket.onopen = function() {
if ( {
self.ws_sleep = 1000;
self.ws_cnt = 0;
if (self.options.onWSConnect) {
var req;
// Send the requests.
while ((req = $.JsonRpcClient.q.pop())) {
return self._ws_socket ? true : false;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.stopRetrying = function() {
if (
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._getSocket = function(onmessage_cb) {
// If there is no ws url set, we don't have a socket.
// Likewise, if there is no window.WebSocket.
if (this.options.socketUrl === null || !("WebSocket" in window)) return null;
return this._ws_socket;
* Queue to save messages delivered when websocket is not ready
$.JsonRpcClient.q = [];
* Internal handler to dispatch a JRON-RPC request through a websocket.
* @fn _wsCall
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._wsCall = function(socket, request, success_cb, error_cb) {
var request_json = $.toJSON(request);
if (socket.readyState < 1) {
// The websocket is not open yet; we have to set sending of the message in onopen.
self = this; // In closure below, this is set to the WebSocket. Use self instead.
} else {
// We have a socket and it should be ready to send on.
// Setup callbacks. If there is an id, this is a call and not a notify.
if ('id' in request && typeof success_cb !== 'undefined') {
this._ws_callbacks[] = { request: request_json, request_obj: request, success_cb: success_cb, error_cb: error_cb };
* Internal handler for the websocket messages. It determines if the message is a JSON-RPC
* response, and if so, tries to couple it with a given callback. Otherwise, it falls back to
* given external onmessage-handler, if any.
* @param event The websocket onmessage-event.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._wsOnMessage = function(event) {
// Check if this could be a JSON RPC message.
var response;
// Special sub proto
if ([0] == "#" &&[1] == "S" &&[2] == "P") {
if ([3] == "U") {
this.up_dur = parseInt(;
} else if (this.speedCB &&[3] == "D") {
this.down_dur = parseInt(;
var up_kps = (((this.speedBytes * 8) / (this.up_dur / 1000)) / 1024).toFixed(0);
var down_kps = (((this.speedBytes * 8) / (this.down_dur / 1000)) / 1024).toFixed(0);"Speed Test: Up: " + up_kps + " Down: " + down_kps);
this.speedCB(event, { upDur: this.up_dur, downDur: this.down_dur, upKPS: up_kps, downKPS: down_kps });
this.speedCB = null;
try {
response = $.parseJSON(;
/// @todo Make using the jsonrcp 2.0 check optional, to use this on JSON-RPC 1 backends.
if (typeof response === 'object' &&
'jsonrpc' in response &&
response.jsonrpc === '2.0') {
/// @todo Handle bad response (without id).
// If this is an object with result, it is a response.
if ('result' in response && this._ws_callbacks[]) {
// Get the success callback.
var success_cb = this._ws_callbacks[].success_cb;
// set the sessid if present
if ('sessid' in response.result && !this.options.sessid || (this.options.sessid != response.result.sessid)) {
this.options.sessid = response.result.sessid;
if (this.options.sessid) {
console.log("setting session UUID to: " + this.options.sessid);
// Delete the callback from the storage.
delete this._ws_callbacks[];
// Run callback with result as parameter.
success_cb(response.result, this);
} else if ('error' in response && this._ws_callbacks[]) {
// If this is an object with error, it is an error response.
// Get the error callback.
var error_cb = this._ws_callbacks[].error_cb;
var orig_req = this._ws_callbacks[].request;
// if this is an auth request, send the credentials and resend the failed request
if (!self.authing && response.error.code == -32000 && self.options.login && self.options.passwd) {
self.authing = true;"login", { login: self.options.login, passwd: self.options.passwd, loginParams: self.options.loginParams,
userVariables: self.options.userVariables},
this._ws_callbacks[].request_obj.method == "login" ?
function(e) {
self.authing = false;
console.log("logged in");
delete self._ws_callbacks[];
if (self.options.onWSLogin) {
self.options.onWSLogin(true, self);
function(e) {
self.authing = false;
console.log("logged in, resending request id: " +;
var socket = self.options.getSocket(self.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
if (self.options.onWSLogin) {
self.options.onWSLogin(true, self);
function(e) {
console.log("error logging in, request id:",;
delete self._ws_callbacks[];
error_cb(response.error, this);
if (self.options.onWSLogin) {
self.options.onWSLogin(false, self);
// Delete the callback from the storage.
delete this._ws_callbacks[];
// Run callback with the error object as parameter.
error_cb(response.error, this);
} catch (err) {
// Probably an error while parsing a non json-string as json. All real JSON-RPC cases are
// handled above, and the fallback method is called below.
console.log("ERROR: "+ err);
// This is not a JSON-RPC response. Call the fallback message handler, if given.
if (typeof this.options.onmessage === 'function') {
event.eventData = response;
if (!event.eventData) {
event.eventData = {};
var reply = this.options.onmessage(event);
if (reply && typeof reply === "object" && {
var msg = {
jsonrpc: "2.0",
result: reply
var socket = self.options.getSocket(self.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
* Batch object with methods
* Handling object for batch calls.
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject = function(jsonrpcclient, all_done_cb, error_cb) {
// Array of objects to hold the call and notify requests. Each objects will have the request
// object, and unless it is a notify, success_cb and error_cb.
this._requests = [];
this.jsonrpcclient = jsonrpcclient;
this.all_done_cb = all_done_cb;
this.error_cb = typeof error_cb === 'function' ? error_cb : function() {};
* @sa $
$ = function(method, params, success_cb, error_cb) {
if (!params) {
params = {};
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
if (!success_cb) {
success_cb = function(e){console.log("Success: ", e);};
if (!error_cb) {
error_cb = function(e){console.log("Error: ", e);};
request : {
jsonrpc : '2.0',
method : method,
params : params,
id : this.jsonrpcclient._current_id++ // Use the client's id series.
success_cb : success_cb,
error_cb : error_cb
* @sa $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.notify
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype.notify = function(method, params) {
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
request : {
jsonrpc : '2.0',
method : method,
params : params
* Executes the batched up calls.
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype._execute = function() {
var self = this;
if (this._requests.length === 0) return; // All done :P
// Collect all request data and sort handlers by request id.
var batch_request = [];
var handlers = {};
var i = 0;
var call;
var success_cb;
var error_cb;
// If we have a WebSocket, just send the requests individually like normal calls.
var socket = self.jsonrpcclient.options.getSocket(self.jsonrpcclient.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < this._requests.length; i++) {
call = this._requests[i];
success_cb = ('success_cb' in call) ? call.success_cb : undefined;
error_cb = ('error_cb' in call) ? call.error_cb : undefined;
self.jsonrpcclient._wsCall(socket, call.request, success_cb, error_cb);
if (typeof all_done_cb === 'function') all_done_cb(result);
for (i = 0; i < this._requests.length; i++) {
call = this._requests[i];
// If the request has an id, it should handle returns (otherwise it's a notify).
if ('id' in call.request) {
handlers[] = {
success_cb : call.success_cb,
error_cb : call.error_cb
success_cb = function(data) { self._batchCb(data, handlers, self.all_done_cb); };
// No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work.
if (self.jsonrpcclient.options.ajaxUrl === null) {
throw "$.JsonRpcClient.batch used with no websocket and no http endpoint.";
// Send request
url : self.jsonrpcclient.options.ajaxUrl,
data : $.toJSON(batch_request),
dataType : 'json',
cache : false,
type : 'POST',
// Batch-requests should always return 200
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
self.error_cb(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
success : success_cb
* Internal helper to match the result array from a batch call to their respective callbacks.
* @fn _batchCb
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype._batchCb = function(result, handlers, all_done_cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var response = result[i];
// Handle error
if ('error' in response) {
if ( === null || !( in handlers)) {
// An error on a notify? Just log it to the console.
if ('console' in window) console.log(response);
} else {
handlers[].error_cb(response.error, this);
} else {
// Here we should always have a correct id and no error.
if (!( in handlers) && 'console' in window) {
} else {
handlers[].success_cb(response.result, this);
if (typeof all_done_cb === 'function') all_done_cb(result);