mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 23:32:46 +00:00
When someone set any wss server and do login VC doesn't record the settings on localStorage, so when we reload the browser, it will try to connect on "wss://" + window.location.hostname + ":8082" and if this wss server is offline for any reason, user will be stuck on splash screen by auto-login step plus reconnect modal blocking any action. - Added button "Change Server" on modal reconnection alert; - Stop jsonRpcClient retry timeout and delete verto instance to create a new one when user login with new wss server; - Record wss server and hostname on localStorage.
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* Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH
* Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is jquery.jsonrpclient.js modified for Verto HTML5/Javascript Telephony Signaling and Control Protocol Stack for FreeSWITCH
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Textalk AB http://textalk.se/
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* jquery.jsonrpclient.js - JSON RPC client code
* This plugin requires jquery.json.js to be available, or at least the methods $.toJSON and
* $.parseJSON.
* The plan is to make use of websockets if they are available, but work just as well with only
* http if not.
* Usage example:
* var foo = new $.JsonRpcClient({ ajaxUrl: '/backend/jsonrpc' });
* foo.call(
* 'bar', [ 'A parameter', 'B parameter' ],
* function(result) { alert('Foo bar answered: ' + result.my_answer); },
* function(error) { console.log('There was an error', error); }
* );
* More examples are available in README.md
(function($) {
* @fn new
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param options An object stating the backends:
* ajaxUrl A url (relative or absolute) to a http(s) backend.
* socketUrl A url (relative of absolute) to a ws(s) backend.
* onmessage A socket message handler for other messages (non-responses).
* getSocket A function returning a WebSocket or null.
* It must take an onmessage_cb and bind it to the onmessage event
* (or chain it before/after some other onmessage handler).
* Or, it could return null if no socket is available.
* The returned instance must have readyState <= 1, and if less than 1,
* react to onopen binding.
$.JsonRpcClient = function(options) {
var self = this;
this.options = $.extend({
ajaxUrl : null,
socketUrl : null, ///< The ws-url for default getSocket.
onmessage : null, ///< Other onmessage-handler.
login : null, /// auth login
passwd : null, /// auth passwd
sessid : null,
loginParams : null,
userVariables : null,
getSocket : function(onmessage_cb) { return self._getSocket(onmessage_cb); }
}, options);
self.ws_cnt = 0;
// Declare an instance version of the onmessage callback to wrap 'this'.
this.wsOnMessage = function(event) { self._wsOnMessage(event); };
/// Holding the WebSocket on default getsocket.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._ws_socket = null;
/// Object <id>: { success_cb: cb, error_cb: cb }
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._ws_callbacks = {};
/// The next JSON-RPC request id.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._current_id = 1;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.speedTest = function (bytes, cb) {
var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
this.speedCB = cb;
this.speedBytes = bytes;
socket.send("#SPU " + bytes);
var loops = bytes / 1024;
var rem = bytes % 1024;
var i;
var data = new Array(1024).join(".");
for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
socket.send("#SPB " + data);
if (rem) {
socket.send("#SPB " + data);
* @fn call
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param method The method to run on JSON-RPC server.
* @param params The params; an array or object.
* @param success_cb A callback for successful request.
* @param error_cb A callback for error.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.call = function(method, params, success_cb, error_cb) {
// Construct the JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
if (!params) {
params = {};
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
var request = {
jsonrpc : '2.0',
method : method,
params : params,
id : this._current_id++ // Increase the id counter to match request/response
if (!success_cb) {
success_cb = function(e){console.log("Success: ", e);};
if (!error_cb) {
error_cb = function(e){console.log("Error: ", e);};
// Try making a WebSocket call.
var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
this._wsCall(socket, request, success_cb, error_cb);
// No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work.
if (this.options.ajaxUrl === null) {
throw "$.JsonRpcClient.call used with no websocket and no http endpoint.";
type : 'POST',
url : this.options.ajaxUrl,
data : $.toJSON(request),
dataType : 'json',
cache : false,
success : function(data) {
if ('error' in data) error_cb(data.error, this);
success_cb(data.result, this);
// JSON-RPC Server could return non-200 on error
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
try {
var response = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
if ('console' in window) console.log(response);
error_cb(response.error, this);
} catch (err) {
// Perhaps the responseText wasn't really a jsonrpc-error.
error_cb({ error: jqXHR.responseText }, this);
* Notify sends a command to the server that won't need a response. In http, there is probably
* an empty response - that will be dropped, but in ws there should be no response at all.
* This is very similar to call, but has no id and no handling of callbacks.
* @fn notify
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param method The method to run on JSON-RPC server.
* @param params The params; an array or object.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.notify = function(method, params) {
// Construct the JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
var request = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: method,
params: params
// Try making a WebSocket call.
var socket = this.options.getSocket(this.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
this._wsCall(socket, request);
// No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work.
if (this.options.ajaxUrl === null) {
throw "$.JsonRpcClient.notify used with no websocket and no http endpoint.";
type : 'POST',
url : this.options.ajaxUrl,
data : $.toJSON(request),
dataType : 'json',
cache : false
* Make a batch-call by using a callback.
* The callback will get an object "batch" as only argument. On batch, you can call the methods
* "call" and "notify" just as if it was a normal $.JsonRpcClient object, and all calls will be
* sent as a batch call then the callback is done.
* @fn batch
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
* @param callback The main function which will get a batch handler to run call and notify on.
* @param all_done_cb A callback function to call after all results have been handled.
* @param error_cb A callback function to call if there is an error from the server.
* Note, that batch calls should always get an overall success, and the
* only error
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.batch = function(callback, all_done_cb, error_cb) {
var batch = new $.JsonRpcClient._batchObject(this, all_done_cb, error_cb);
* The default getSocket handler.
* @param onmessage_cb The callback to be bound to onmessage events on the socket.
* @fn _getSocket
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.socketReady = function() {
if (this._ws_socket === null || this._ws_socket.readyState > 1) {
return false;
return true;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.closeSocket = function() {
var self = this;
if (self.socketReady()) {
self._ws_socket.onclose = function (w) {console.log("Closing Socket");};
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.loginData = function(params) {
var self = this;
self.options.login = params.login;
self.options.passwd = params.passwd;
self.options.loginParams = params.loginParams;
self.options.userVariables = params.userVariables;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.connectSocket = function(onmessage_cb) {
var self = this;
if (self.to) {
if (!self.socketReady()) {
self.authing = false;
if (self._ws_socket) {
delete self._ws_socket;
// No socket, or dying socket, let's get a new one.
self._ws_socket = new WebSocket(self.options.socketUrl);
if (self._ws_socket) {
// Set up onmessage handler.
self._ws_socket.onmessage = onmessage_cb;
self._ws_socket.onclose = function (w) {
if (!self.ws_sleep) {
self.ws_sleep = 1000;
if (self.options.onWSClose) {
console.error("Websocket Lost " + self.ws_cnt + " sleep: " + self.ws_sleep + "msec");
self.to = setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Attempting Reconnection....");
}, self.ws_sleep);
if (self.ws_sleep < 3000 && (self.ws_cnt % 10) === 0) {
self.ws_sleep += 1000;
// Set up sending of message for when the socket is open.
self._ws_socket.onopen = function() {
if (self.to) {
self.ws_sleep = 1000;
self.ws_cnt = 0;
if (self.options.onWSConnect) {
var req;
// Send the requests.
while ((req = $.JsonRpcClient.q.pop())) {
return self._ws_socket ? true : false;
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype.stopRetrying = function() {
if (self.to)
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._getSocket = function(onmessage_cb) {
// If there is no ws url set, we don't have a socket.
// Likewise, if there is no window.WebSocket.
if (this.options.socketUrl === null || !("WebSocket" in window)) return null;
return this._ws_socket;
* Queue to save messages delivered when websocket is not ready
$.JsonRpcClient.q = [];
* Internal handler to dispatch a JRON-RPC request through a websocket.
* @fn _wsCall
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._wsCall = function(socket, request, success_cb, error_cb) {
var request_json = $.toJSON(request);
if (socket.readyState < 1) {
// The websocket is not open yet; we have to set sending of the message in onopen.
self = this; // In closure below, this is set to the WebSocket. Use self instead.
} else {
// We have a socket and it should be ready to send on.
// Setup callbacks. If there is an id, this is a call and not a notify.
if ('id' in request && typeof success_cb !== 'undefined') {
this._ws_callbacks[request.id] = { request: request_json, request_obj: request, success_cb: success_cb, error_cb: error_cb };
* Internal handler for the websocket messages. It determines if the message is a JSON-RPC
* response, and if so, tries to couple it with a given callback. Otherwise, it falls back to
* given external onmessage-handler, if any.
* @param event The websocket onmessage-event.
$.JsonRpcClient.prototype._wsOnMessage = function(event) {
// Check if this could be a JSON RPC message.
var response;
// Special sub proto
if (event.data[0] == "#" && event.data[1] == "S" && event.data[2] == "P") {
if (event.data[3] == "U") {
this.up_dur = parseInt(event.data.substring(4));
} else if (this.speedCB && event.data[3] == "D") {
this.down_dur = parseInt(event.data.substring(4));
var up_kps = (((this.speedBytes * 8) / (this.up_dur / 1000)) / 1024).toFixed(0);
var down_kps = (((this.speedBytes * 8) / (this.down_dur / 1000)) / 1024).toFixed(0);
console.info("Speed Test: Up: " + up_kps + " Down: " + down_kps);
this.speedCB(event, { upDur: this.up_dur, downDur: this.down_dur, upKPS: up_kps, downKPS: down_kps });
this.speedCB = null;
try {
response = $.parseJSON(event.data);
/// @todo Make using the jsonrcp 2.0 check optional, to use this on JSON-RPC 1 backends.
if (typeof response === 'object' &&
'jsonrpc' in response &&
response.jsonrpc === '2.0') {
/// @todo Handle bad response (without id).
// If this is an object with result, it is a response.
if ('result' in response && this._ws_callbacks[response.id]) {
// Get the success callback.
var success_cb = this._ws_callbacks[response.id].success_cb;
// set the sessid if present
if ('sessid' in response.result && !this.options.sessid || (this.options.sessid != response.result.sessid)) {
this.options.sessid = response.result.sessid;
if (this.options.sessid) {
console.log("setting session UUID to: " + this.options.sessid);
// Delete the callback from the storage.
delete this._ws_callbacks[response.id];
// Run callback with result as parameter.
success_cb(response.result, this);
} else if ('error' in response && this._ws_callbacks[response.id]) {
// If this is an object with error, it is an error response.
// Get the error callback.
var error_cb = this._ws_callbacks[response.id].error_cb;
var orig_req = this._ws_callbacks[response.id].request;
// if this is an auth request, send the credentials and resend the failed request
if (!self.authing && response.error.code == -32000 && self.options.login && self.options.passwd) {
self.authing = true;
this.call("login", { login: self.options.login, passwd: self.options.passwd, loginParams: self.options.loginParams,
userVariables: self.options.userVariables},
this._ws_callbacks[response.id].request_obj.method == "login" ?
function(e) {
self.authing = false;
console.log("logged in");
delete self._ws_callbacks[response.id];
if (self.options.onWSLogin) {
self.options.onWSLogin(true, self);
function(e) {
self.authing = false;
console.log("logged in, resending request id: " + response.id);
var socket = self.options.getSocket(self.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
if (self.options.onWSLogin) {
self.options.onWSLogin(true, self);
function(e) {
console.log("error logging in, request id:", response.id);
delete self._ws_callbacks[response.id];
error_cb(response.error, this);
if (self.options.onWSLogin) {
self.options.onWSLogin(false, self);
// Delete the callback from the storage.
delete this._ws_callbacks[response.id];
// Run callback with the error object as parameter.
error_cb(response.error, this);
} catch (err) {
// Probably an error while parsing a non json-string as json. All real JSON-RPC cases are
// handled above, and the fallback method is called below.
console.log("ERROR: "+ err);
// This is not a JSON-RPC response. Call the fallback message handler, if given.
if (typeof this.options.onmessage === 'function') {
event.eventData = response;
if (!event.eventData) {
event.eventData = {};
var reply = this.options.onmessage(event);
if (reply && typeof reply === "object" && event.eventData.id) {
var msg = {
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: event.eventData.id,
result: reply
var socket = self.options.getSocket(self.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
* Batch object with methods
* Handling object for batch calls.
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject = function(jsonrpcclient, all_done_cb, error_cb) {
// Array of objects to hold the call and notify requests. Each objects will have the request
// object, and unless it is a notify, success_cb and error_cb.
this._requests = [];
this.jsonrpcclient = jsonrpcclient;
this.all_done_cb = all_done_cb;
this.error_cb = typeof error_cb === 'function' ? error_cb : function() {};
* @sa $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.call
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype.call = function(method, params, success_cb, error_cb) {
if (!params) {
params = {};
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
if (!success_cb) {
success_cb = function(e){console.log("Success: ", e);};
if (!error_cb) {
error_cb = function(e){console.log("Error: ", e);};
request : {
jsonrpc : '2.0',
method : method,
params : params,
id : this.jsonrpcclient._current_id++ // Use the client's id series.
success_cb : success_cb,
error_cb : error_cb
* @sa $.JsonRpcClient.prototype.notify
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype.notify = function(method, params) {
if (this.options.sessid) {
params.sessid = this.options.sessid;
request : {
jsonrpc : '2.0',
method : method,
params : params
* Executes the batched up calls.
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype._execute = function() {
var self = this;
if (this._requests.length === 0) return; // All done :P
// Collect all request data and sort handlers by request id.
var batch_request = [];
var handlers = {};
var i = 0;
var call;
var success_cb;
var error_cb;
// If we have a WebSocket, just send the requests individually like normal calls.
var socket = self.jsonrpcclient.options.getSocket(self.jsonrpcclient.wsOnMessage);
if (socket !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < this._requests.length; i++) {
call = this._requests[i];
success_cb = ('success_cb' in call) ? call.success_cb : undefined;
error_cb = ('error_cb' in call) ? call.error_cb : undefined;
self.jsonrpcclient._wsCall(socket, call.request, success_cb, error_cb);
if (typeof all_done_cb === 'function') all_done_cb(result);
for (i = 0; i < this._requests.length; i++) {
call = this._requests[i];
// If the request has an id, it should handle returns (otherwise it's a notify).
if ('id' in call.request) {
handlers[call.request.id] = {
success_cb : call.success_cb,
error_cb : call.error_cb
success_cb = function(data) { self._batchCb(data, handlers, self.all_done_cb); };
// No WebSocket, and no HTTP backend? This won't work.
if (self.jsonrpcclient.options.ajaxUrl === null) {
throw "$.JsonRpcClient.batch used with no websocket and no http endpoint.";
// Send request
url : self.jsonrpcclient.options.ajaxUrl,
data : $.toJSON(batch_request),
dataType : 'json',
cache : false,
type : 'POST',
// Batch-requests should always return 200
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
self.error_cb(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
success : success_cb
* Internal helper to match the result array from a batch call to their respective callbacks.
* @fn _batchCb
* @memberof $.JsonRpcClient
$.JsonRpcClient._batchObject.prototype._batchCb = function(result, handlers, all_done_cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var response = result[i];
// Handle error
if ('error' in response) {
if (response.id === null || !(response.id in handlers)) {
// An error on a notify? Just log it to the console.
if ('console' in window) console.log(response);
} else {
handlers[response.id].error_cb(response.error, this);
} else {
// Here we should always have a correct id and no error.
if (!(response.id in handlers) && 'console' in window) {
} else {
handlers[response.id].success_cb(response.result, this);
if (typeof all_done_cb === 'function') all_done_cb(result);