Home-AssistantConfig/Misc Stuff.md

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Executable File


  • alias: 'Get Random Time' trigger: platform: time after: '21:00:00' action:
    • service: input_slider.select_value data_template: entity_id: input_slider.hour value: '{{ (range(22, 23) | random) }}'
    • service: input_slider.select_value data_template: entity_id: input_slider.random_minute value: '{{ (range(30, 45) | random) }}'

Then simply use that in your light turn off automation:

  • alias: 'Turn lights off' trigger: platform: template value_template: '{{ now.hour == (states.input_slider.random_hour.state | int) and now.minute == (states.input_slider.random_minute.state | int) }}' action:

    • service: light.turn_off data: entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
  • automation: alias: Random GLeft initial_state: False hide_entity: False trigger: platform: time seconds: '/5' action: service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id:

    • light.gright data: effect: random transition: 1 brightness: 255
  • platform: template sensors: front_door_clean: value_template: '{% if is_state("binary_sensor.front_door", "on") %}Open{% else %}Closed{% endif %}' friendly_name: 'Front Door' entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door

Template Binary Sensors

platform: template sensors: flood_sensor: value_template: >- {% if states.sensor.everspring_st812_flood_detector_flood_2_5.state == '255' %} 'on' {% elif states.sensor.everspring_st812_flood_detector_flood_2_5.state == '0' %} 'off' {% else %} n/a {% endif %}

Using Slider_Booleans to store data and restore it after.


input_slider: porch_brightness: name: Front Porch Brightness initial: 25 min: 0 max: 255 step: 1

script: record_front_porch: alias: Record front porch status to slider sequence: - service: input_slider.select_value data_template: entity_id: input_slider.porch_brightness value: '{% if states.light.front_porch_light_level_32_0.state == "off" %}0{% else %}{{states.light.front_porch_light_level_32_0.attributes.brightness}}{% endif %}'

return_front_porch: alias: Return front porch to recorded value sequence: - service: light.turn_on entity_id: light.front_porch_light_level_32_0 data_template: brightness: '{{states.input_slider.porch_brightness.state | int}}' - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.front_porch_motion_light_active

return_front_porch_delayed: alias: Wait 5 min and then return front porch to recorded value sequence: - delay: minutes: 5 - service: script.return_front_porch

automation: - alias: Motion ON front porch trigger: # if motion is ON - this is triggered via IFTTT and Arlo - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.motion_front_porch to: 'on' from: 'off' action: # some notifications - service: notify.scott_notifier data: message: "Motion front porch" title: "Front Porch" data: priority: 0 - service: notify.kodi data: message: "Motion front porch" title: "Front Porch" # only at night - condition: state entity_id: sun.sun state: 'below_horizon' #remember the state of front porch - service: script.record_front_porch # turn the light on - service: light.turn_on entity_id: light.front_porch_light_level_32_0 data: brightness: 255 # script with a delay that'll reset light in 5 min - service: script.return_front_porch_delayed

Easy Garbage Automation

  • alias: brown garbage trigger: platform: time hours: 20 minutes: 00 seconds: 0 condition: condition: time

At least one of the following is required.

    - mon
    - thu
  service: notify.thorsten
    message: 'Put the brown garbage out!'
  • alias: blue garbage trigger: platform: time hours: 20 minutes: 00 seconds: 0 condition: condition: time

At least one of the following is required.

    - tue
  service: notify.thorsten
    message: 'Put the blue garbage out!'

{%- if now().month in [01, 11, 12] -%} Yes {%- else -%} NO {%- endif %}

binary_sensor: platform: command_line name: Daughter Laptop command: ping -W 1 -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo success || echo fail sensor_class: connectivity payload_on: "success" payload_off: "fail"