Home-Assistant Config by @ccostan

Home Assistant configuration files (YAMLs)

This is my Home Assistant Configuration created with the All In One installer expanded to 16GB. I update it pretty regularly. Home Assistant runs on my Raspberry Pi 3 with Aeon Labs Z Wave Stick (GEN 5). I've also added a 433Mhz Transmitter and receiver

Software on the Pi : Home Assistant , Dasher, SSL via SSLS - 5 Bucks A Year!

Devices I have :


  • Guest mode to disable certain interior automations. Trigger via Alexa & IFTTT.
  • IFTTT Notifications for Offline Devices, BadLogins, HA Startups, new HA versions and External IP changes for DSN.
  • Monitor the reflection rates of Garadget and notify when they being to drop too low when closed (indicating a shift in the controller)
  • Notifications when the garage door is left open at night or when we leave the house.
  • (IFTTT) Logging entries in Logbooks for Rachio, Doorbell
  • Auto Heal ZWave at 2:30am
  • Using Etekcity Outlets to control accent lighting above kitchen cabinets and room cutouts.
  • Turn on Hallway light for no more than 20 minutes when Pantry door is opened.
  • Turn on TV Time Lights (dim and color) at Sunset (if home and TV is on)
  • Turn on Upstairs light if Nest detects people and it's nighttime.
  • Turn off lights when Nest detects we are away. (Upstairs and Downstairs)
  • Turn on some lights abd switches when we get home
  • Turn on some outdoor Lights at Sunset or if it gets darkish in the house, Turn off 4 hours before sunrise. Turn off interior lights when we go to sleep.
  • Turn on lights during school days for a morning routine for the kids and wife. Has No School overide boolean in GUI.
  • Rainy days trigger extra light inside the house.
  • Detects when lights are turned on and adjusts them to correct brightness based on time of day.
  • Leverage Alexa, IFTTT and Elekcity outlet to control Printer On/Off via Voice. Turns off automatically after 20 minutes.
  • (IFTTT) Blink ALL lights at 9:30 to remind me to take medicine. (also Alexa Alert)
  • (IFTTT) Blink Office lights 15 minutes before ANY meeting on my calendar (using IFTTT)
  • (IFTTT) Stop watering grass via Rachio if winds are greater than 20 MPH.
  • (IFTTT) Blink ALL lights if Winds get to 70MPH - Hurricance warning.
  • Sets up the front lights in the house with preset colors depending on the month.
  • On motion from Doorbell (IFTTT) Turn front lights to Bright White lights for 10 minutes and then back to original colors.
  • When someone rings the Doorbell (IFTTT), the backyard and Bathroom lights Flash - Since we might not hear the doorbell.

Time Based Automation TimeLine

Check to see if we are away.

SUNRISE minus 3.5 hours
     Turn off ALL SWITCHES
     Turn off ALL LIGHTS
05:00 AM ** Light Brightness helper 50 Brightness ** 
06:00 AM (Mon - Fri) : Turn on Dining Room lights, Kitchen Accents
06:51 AM Turn on Dinette lights, Turn off Dining Room Lights and Kitchen Accents
07:51 AM Turn on Kitchen Lights
08:00 AM ** Light Brightness helper FULL 255 Brightness ** 
08:31 AM Turn off ALL interior lights.

     Turn on Den Outlet, Living Room Outlet, Dining Room Outlet, Outdoor Bathroom light, TV lights
     Activate Monthly Front Lighting Scene
     Check if Garage Door is open (Every 60 minutes)
     ** Kitchen Light/Accent Helper Activated **

08:00 PM ** Late Night Helper is active **
08:00 PM ** Light Brightness helper 35 Brightness ** 
08:00 PM TV time Scene triggered if the TV is on. 
02:00 AM ** Late Night Help Deactivated **
02:31 AM Heal ZWave Network

Screenshot of Home View Screenshot of Garage Door View Screenshot of Lights Screenshot of Info

#Todo List


resource for my RF switches. (MQTT) bit.ly/2gBiOqz


#Lab notes:

- alias: 'Get Random Time'
     platform: time
     after: '21:00:00'
     - service: input_slider.select_value
         entity_id: input_slider.hour
         value: '{{ (range(22, 23) | random) }}'
     - service: input_slider.select_value
         entity_id: input_slider.random_minute
         value: '{{ (range(30, 45) | random) }}'

Then simply use that in your light turn off automation:

 - alias: 'Turn lights off'
     platform: template
     value_template: '{{ now.hour == (states.input_slider.random_hour.state | int) and now.minute == (states.input_slider.random_minute.state | int) }}'
     - service: light.turn_off
         entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
 - platform: template
        value_template: '{% if is_state("binary_sensor.front_door", "on") %}Open{% else %}Closed{% endif %}'
        friendly_name: 'Front Door'
        entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door  
  # Template Binary Sensors
platform: template
    value_template: >-
      {% if states.sensor.everspring_st812_flood_detector_flood_2_5.state == '255' %}
      {% elif states.sensor.everspring_st812_flood_detector_flood_2_5.state == '0' %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
{%- if now().month in [01, 11, 12] -%} Yes {%- else -%} NO {%- endif %}

  platform: command_line
  name: Daughter Laptop
  command: ping -W 1 -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo success || echo fail
  sensor_class: connectivity
  payload_on: "success"
  payload_off: "fail"

  #Wake on Lan stuff to try 
- platform: wake_on_lan
  mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  name: "Synology WOL"
  host: ""

- platform: wake_on_lan
  mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  name: "iMac WOL"
  host: ""
🏠 Home Assistant configuration & Documentation for my Smart House. Write-ups, videos, part lists, and links throughout. Be sure to it. Updated FREQUENTLY!
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