Updated for video

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Stone 2021-12-08 15:53:53 -05:00
parent 254bdd1954
commit ae430cba26
1 changed files with 74 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ automation:
entity_id: sensor.washer_status
state: complete
#- service: script.washer_running
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: house/washer/status
@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ automation:
entity_id: sensor.washer_status
state: running
#- service: script.washer_complete
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: house/washer/status
@ -89,11 +87,15 @@ automation:
from: running
to: complete
- service: script.status_annc
who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
call_interuption: 1
speech_message: It appears the washing machine has completed its cycle.
# - service: script.status_annc
# data:
# who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
# call_interuption: 1
# speech_message: It appears the washing machine has completed its cycle.
- service: script.speech_engine
who: '{{ states(''sensor.room_audio'') }}'
message: 'Just a quick heads up, It appears the washing machine has completed its cycle'
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.washer_finished_notification_audible
@ -106,7 +108,6 @@ automation:
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
#- service: script.washer_idle
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: house/washer/status
@ -236,7 +237,8 @@ script:
- delay:
minutes: 45
- service: script.washer_audible
#- service: script.washer_audible
- service: script.simplified_washer_audible
# dryer_finished_notification_audible:
# sequence:
@ -253,16 +255,76 @@ script:
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.family_status
state: Home
entity_id: group.family
state: 'home'
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.washer_status
state: complete
- service: script.status_annc
who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
who: '{{ states(''sensor.room_audio'') }}'
call_interuption: 1
call_washer_needs_emptying: 1
- condition: state
entity_id: group.family
state: 'home'
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.washer_status
state: complete
- service: script.speech_engine
who: '{{ states(''sensor.room_audio'') }}'
message: >
{{ [
'Pardon me, ',
'Excuse me, ',
'I do not mean to interrupt, but,',
'I hate to interrupt, but,',
'I beg your pardon, ',
'I do not mean to intrude, but, ',
'I am sorry to interrupt, but. ',
'Just a quick heads up, '
] | random }}
The washing machine completed its cycle
{% set seconds = now().timestamp() - as_timestamp(states.sensor.washer_status.last_changed) %}
{% if (seconds / ( 60 * 60 )) | int == 1 %}
over an hour ago.
{{ [
'Do not forget to rotate the clothes.',
'Was someone going to rotate the laundry?',
'Once you rotate the laundry I will stop reminding you to do it. So if you want me to stop. Its up to you.'
] | random }}
{% elif (seconds / ( 60 * 60 )) | int > 1 and (seconds / ( 60 * 60 )) | int < 6 %}
over {{ (seconds // ( 60 * 60 )) | int }} hours ago.
{{ [
'Much longer and you are going to need to wash them again.',
'Someone needs to rotate the laundry.',
'Do not forget about the clothes in the washing machine.',
'Surely you did not mean to forget about the clothes. Mistakes happen. But you can still fix it.',
'Do you like your clothes smelling like mildew? Becasue that is what is happening right now.'
] | random }}
{% elif (seconds / ( 60 * 60 )) | int > 6 %}
over {{ (seconds // ( 60 * 60 )) | int }} hours ago.
{{ [
'That is a crazy amount of time.',
'Did you decide you want those clothes to suffer?',
'You might as well just rewash those clothes.',
'I can smell the mildew. Virtually that is.',
'Surely you did not mean to forget about the clothes.'
] | random }}
{% else %}
{{ (seconds // 60) | int }} minutes ago.
{{ [
'Do not forget to rotate the clothes.',
'Someone forgot to move the clothes to the dryer. I am not going to name names, but there is a camera in there. Do I need to publically shame someone?',
'You might want to move them to the dryer.'
] | random }}
{% endif %}